Kerala PSC Exam Software – A Free Tool for School Offices
A group of dedicated educators has developed a free software designed to simplify administrative tasks in school offices during Kerala PSC exams. This user-friendly tool was created by T.M.S Noufal (Govt HSS, Thirurangadi, Malappuram), Afsal K (Govt HSS, Sivapuram, Kozhikode), and Mujeeb Rahiman C (Govt HSS, Marayamangalam, Palakkad).

Features of Kerala PSC Exam Software
This free software for Kerala PSC exams includes the following features:
- Automatic Seating Arrangement Reports – Quickly generate seating plans.
- Acquittance Form Generation – Easily create acquittance sheets.
- Notice Board Preparation – Automatically format notices.
- Room Labels and Desk Labels – Generate printable labels.
- Attendance Sheets – Maintain accurate attendance records.
- Voucher Preparation – Simplify financial documentation.
- Other Essential Forms – Generate various exam-related documents.
Why Use This Free Kerala PSC Exam Software?
- Time-Saving: Automates key tasks, reducing manual work.
- User-Friendly: Simple and easy-to-use interface.
- Accuracy: Minimizes errors in reports and forms.
- Completely Free: No cost, making it accessible to all schools.
Download and Share Your Feedback
We encourage school offices to download and use this free Kerala PSC exam software. Your feedback and suggestions will help improve this tool.
If you have any recommendations, please share them with us to support the continuous development of this valuable resource.
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PSC exam Manger Updated to Version 12.0
ReplyDeleteCongratulations noufal sir for your great contribution
ReplyDeleteവളരെ നന്à´¦ി....
ReplyDelete2016 à´®ുതല് à´žാà´¨് PSC Exam Manager (Noufal Sir) ഉപയോà´—ിà´š്à´šു വരുà´¨്à´¨ ആളാà´£്. വളരെ ഉപകാà´°à´ª്രദമാà´¯ à´’à´°ു à´Žà´•്സല് à´ª്à´°ോà´—്à´°ാം ആണ് :) . അവസാനത്à´¤െ à´…à´ª്à´Ÿേà´±്à´±് à´šെà´¯്à´¤ ഫയല് à´¡ൌà´£്à´²ോà´¡് à´šെà´¯്à´¤് ഉപയോà´—ിà´š്à´šà´ª്à´ªോà´³് à´ª്à´°ോà´—്à´°ാം à´ª്à´°ിà´¨്à´±് à´ª്à´°ിà´µ്à´¯ൂ à´Žà´Ÿുà´•്à´•ുà´¨്à´¨ സമയത്à´¤് Not Responding" à´Žà´¨്à´¨് à´•ാà´£ിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്à´¨ു à´¤ുà´Ÿà´°്à´¨്à´¨് à´Žà´•്സല് à´¤ാà´¨േ à´“à´«് ആവുà´¨്à´¨ു.:-O à´ª്à´°ോà´—്à´°ാà´®ിà´¨്à´±െ à´•ോà´¡് à´’à´°ിà´•്à´•à´²് à´•ൂà´Ÿി പരിà´¶ോà´§ിà´š്à´š് ആവശ്à´¯ാà´®ാà´¯ à´®ാà´±്റങ്ങള് വരുà´¤്à´¤ി നല്à´•ുà´®ോ?...
ReplyDeletenicely explained. Dr NTRUHS Results 2019
ReplyDeletespelling of responsibility is incorrect in declaration of invigilator
ReplyDeleteMost of the time I don’t make comments on websites, but I'd like to say that this article really forced me to do so. Really nice post!PSC Result 2019
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