All matters relating to Provident Fund accounts of Aided employees such as enrollment, maintenance of accounts, issuing of credit cards, submission and processing of loan and closure applications etc are to be done only through GAINPF system with effect from 01.04.2016.
We warmly welcome you to our GAIN PF (Government Aided Institutions Provident Fund help and support forum. Here you can ask & find solutions to all your GAIN PF problems. No matter how big or small. You are also allowed to help the community here if you are sure enough with your proposed solution.
We warmly welcome you to our GAIN PF (Government Aided Institutions Provident Fund help and support forum. Here you can ask & find solutions to all your GAIN PF problems. No matter how big or small. You are also allowed to help the community here if you are sure enough with your proposed solution.
What details we have to send to DHSE PF SECTION (through e-mail) to get Password for GAINPF Trial site ?
ReplyDelete1)How can we delete/edit Approved OB Loan Entry Details?
ReplyDelete2)How can we include the closed P.F.amount of Teachers in the financial year 2006-07(Month-May) who were trasferred from High schools?
3)A teacher availed A Temporary Advance/NRA on 15/08/2006.How can we make entry in the month of September 2006 in GAINPF?
4)Under the menu"View Bill Details",'Delete' option is not working after clicking edit button to edit bill.Why?
5)Under the menu"Verification of PF Schedule",when 'Submit' after selecting employees ,a message 'Submitted' can be seen,but only"0" in Reference Bill Details.Why?
ReplyDeletewe already gave the performa and i tried to enter with school code as user name and password.but failed.then how can i enter the site?
ReplyDelete@Madhu Mail your request to pfsectiondhse@gmail.com with school code & Address
ReplyDeletehow can i get the demo site of gainpf
ReplyDelete@Dais James Sir Use this Link
ReplyDeleteplease give detailed steps to enter ob loan entry.
How can Reset PASSWORD.
ReplyDeleteGainpf Site only open in Mozilla Firefox now..........
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete@Anil Kumar In SPARK or GAINPF?
ReplyDeleteI am a bytransfer/promotion candidate.I was working as H.S.A ENGLISH. Iam now promoted as Hsst English.I was a regular subscriber of KASEPF.I wish to get order for Pf transfer from KASEPF TO KAHSEPF .can you help?
ReplyDeleteI am a newly approved HSSt Jr. How can I open PF account?
ReplyDeleteGovt. or Aided ?
DeleteGovt. or Aided ?
DeleteThe login for the admin user in connection with the gain pf was blocked due to error in the password.How can I solve this problem.
ReplyDeleteplease contact RDD office for New Password
ReplyDeleteUse Mozilla browser for Gainpf Login....
Is any difficulty to login gainpf? (when login shows invalid user id or p/w)
Deleteur difficulty in Personal login or DDO Login
Personal Login
user ID : PEN Number
Password : DOB
DDO login details available form RDD office
Use Mozilla browser for Gainpf Login....
For the Month of August(8) I have four bills
ReplyDelete02/08/2007 - 6/2007 - Salary Bill for 7th Month
23/08/2007 - 7/2007 - Pay Revision Arrear
23/08/2007 - 8/2007 - Advance Salary for 8th Month (Onam)
23/08/2007 - 9/2007 - Salary Increment
I entered PF Shedule for 6/2007 (the first one) without any diffiulty.
When I am entering 7/2007 or 8/2007, I am getting an error
"Schedule cannot be added!!!Previous month schedule not approved yet"
The PF credited month is selected as 9th (September) since the encashment date is 23/08/2007
Got stuct here. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Three users elle sir
Delete1.Data entry
Obviosly, Data Entry User.
DeleteSir, any updates?
DeleteSir data entry user One month Pf schedule enter ചെയ്തു കഴിഞ്ഞാൽ ....അതിൻ്റെ verification and approval ചെയ്തു കഴിഞ്ഞാലല്ലേ next schedule enter ചെയ്യാൻ പറ്റൂ....അത് ചെയ്തിരുന്നോ...
DeleteMy N.R.A application sanctioned on 2/06/2016 What is
ReplyDeletethe next step for encashment Lali
sir ഇനി Sparkil Claim Entry നടത്തി e-Submit ചെയ്താൽ മതിയല്ലോ
Select nature of claim and fill other details, click INSERT and SUBMIT
Select the submitted claim, Click APPROVE button.
Select the approved claim and click "MAKE BILL" button, then take PRINT out of the bill.
What will be Nature of Claim?
DeleteOnly 2 options available:
PF Temp Withdrawal
PF NR / Closure
How can I delete employees from "Menu Management-Office"
ReplyDeletei can't get u sir...please explain
ReplyDeleteFrom the site www.gainpfdhse.kerala.gov.in we understand that the our shool PF schedule entry completed upto the FY 2013-2014.Credit card is available for the 2008-2009FY.From the direction from PF section ,DHSE,TVM ,we are directed to complete data entry of PF schedule for the FY 2014-15&2015-16.While entering Pf schedule for the month March2014(Bill month April2014) for the FA 2014-15 ,we face problems relating to the loan refund details of two employees.
One employee has TA for the FY 2013-2014 and her TA details are entered and PF schedule from April 2013 to March 2014 are correct. Loan refund details of March 2014 is as follows:
Amount:4200 Paid Inst. 6/24
For the Bill Month April 2014actully the loan details would be Amount :4200 Paid Inst.7/24.Instead of that we can see the Amount :4200 Paid Inst.12/24.Can we edit this?How?
Other employee has also TA for the FY 2012-13. Loan refund details of March 2014 is as follows:
Amount:5250 Paid Inst. 22/24
For the Bill Month April 2014actully the loan details would be Amount :5250 Paid Inst.23/24.Instead of that we cannot see the refund details and Installment details.Why?
how to recover forgotten password?
ReplyDeleteMartham Hss,we Smhss Patharam also had t same difficulty regarding the installment number. Pl contact dhse because only NIC can correct it.
DeleteSir u can contact NIC through dhse only...
ReplyDeleteContact ur district master trainer of GAINPF
They will forward ur mail to
For login details pls mail to finagainpfdhse@gmail.com
Temporary advance, NRA ആയി convertചെയ്യുമ്പോള് ഉള്ള നടപടിക്രമങ്ങള് അറിയാമോ .അപേക്ഷിച്ച് മൂന്നുമാസത്തിന് ശേഷം ആണ് പസായത് പാസായ തുകയും തിരിച്ചടച്ച തുകയും തമ്മില് ൩ മാസത്തെ വ്യത്യാസം ഉണ്ട് Actual refund 96000/- Sanctioned amount 114000/-ഇതിന്റെഎന്ട്രി എങ്ങനെ നടത്തും
ReplyDeleteconvert Loan to NRA tool(in gainpf) is under maintanance sir
DeleteInformation from DHSE
ReplyDeleteWhile entering schedule...if u get forbidden msg....it's only because mismatch in number of employees in bill master and tick mark in schedule entry
Or mismatch in total PF amount in bill master and schedule entry
Please correct it before submitting schedule
In Gain PF how is it possible to give all menu to one employee for making data entry faster
ReplyDeleteUse Menu management....tick all necessary tabs
DeleteExplained in my help file with screen shot
Sir 11038 IKTHSS Cherukulamba, OB Loan entry already exists in site for 2006-07.
ReplyDeletesir a message shows like on 4/2006. "No previous entry in P F schedule . Removal not possible for the account no N/06024022" that is why we are not enter anything
ReplyDeleteDelete that pf schedule....re entry may solve the problem....otherwise contact ur district trainer...
DeletePlease check whether U selected the check boxes in the left side or right side. Left side selection is needed to save a PF schedule.
Deletethankyou sir
DeleteSelection in Left side check box needed to save data of particular employee in a PF schedule.
ReplyDeleteSelection in Right side check box needed to delete a PF schedule
Mismatch in number of employees in bill master and tick mark in check box of schedule entry
Or mismatch in total PF amount in bill master and schedule entry
makes most of the problems in entry
Please correct it before submitting schedule
GAINPF data site under maintenance work from today afternoon....so do ur data entry work after site updates...
ReplyDeleteTry to give site updates......
Gainpf site is Now OK...Do ur Data entry
ReplyDeleteSMHSS PATHARAM Sir,An employee had applied for TA in july 2009.Then he had a refund of his previous loan with Rs. 500 (installment 10/24).His loan was sanctioned only in september 2009 with an equal repayment amount of Rs 700 in 36 installments.Till sept2009 he was remitting Rs500 in the loan amount.Our clerk (HS Wing was doing PF on that days) made August 2009 as the 1/36 installment of the new loan and deducted Rs 1100 in october 2009(Rs 200each as arrear reund of 8/2009,9/2009 and Rs 700 for 10/2009) and made it as 3/36 of the new loan saying that this is the practice in HS section.From 11/2009 the refund is Rs 700. In gain pf software how this can be solved?
ReplyDeleteUse error amount Colum in pf schedule to enter correct refund amount in each month...
ReplyDeleteSir,The amount entered in error amt column will not go to the loan refund amount. So it will change the consolidated loan amount when next loan is taken.
DeleteIt's direction from dhse pf section.if any mistakes in automatically coming refund amount....it can be corrected through error amount....verify if u enter refund amount in error amount...it will seen in refund Colum in concerned credit card...pls check it...
DeleteThis gainpf site(gainpfdhse.gov.in) has no future .....it's only used for this data entry purpose...to get credit card up to March 2016
ഒരു ഷെഡ്യൂൾ അപ്രൂവ് ചെയ്യുമ്പോൾ error . നെക്സ്റ്റ് month bill aproved. എന്നു കാണിക്കുന്നു.
ReplyDeleteWe have one problem.
The data entry and verification was done for 10/2007. But we can't approve that pf schedule, When we try for that the site doesn't show anything
It is a common problem. Due to maintenence at NIC. Try after noon today (6.8.2016)
DeleteI think Pf schedule approval problems solved in GAINPF
ReplyDeletePls try
Problem existing
ReplyDeleteAfter deleting a PF schedule that has approved, while trying to re-enter the schedule, the paid installment number is showing a difference of one. If the correct number is to be displayed is 5/36 it showing as 6/36. Then I deleted the previous month schedule also. Then it is showing a difference of two. ie. instead of 5/36 it is showing as 7/36. Please give a solution...
ie the real problem Gainpf data entry software....
DeleteSo try to avoid unnecessary deletion of a PF schedule
But now DHSE got power/Option to correct it....so pls contact ur district Master trainer to forward this case to DHSE....
other wise u can do it using error amount option(ie.give zero in No.of.inst and give refund amount in Error amount)
"don't forget to give correct installment number in remarks"
i prefer first option ....correct it through DHSE
iwant to cancel a tranfer made by me through employee transfer in gain pf is it possibe.since i transfered the employee even before he was set by the opening balance and verified by the parent school.his name is not showing in the pf schedule.so i want to cancel that transfer and try to make a fresh transfer
ReplyDeleteEmployee Transferred to my school.....use cheydu noku sir....thirich transfer possible ayal.....then ask for OB loan from DHSE based on joining date
Deletesir how can we edit ob balance in gainpf.kerala after principal verification
ReplyDeleteClosing balance of Financial year 2015-2016 is the opening balance(OB) of new GAINPF loan site www.gainpf.kerala.gov.in/ifms
ReplyDeleteAfter March 2016 existing loan(Outstanding loan) ഉണ്ടെങ്കിൽ അതും OB loan ആയി enter ചെയ്യണം
ഇപ്പോൾ enter ചെയ്യുന്ന Opening Balance ...Provisional Opening Balance ആണെന്നാണ് പറഞ്ഞത് ....so
i think After principal verification we can't edit OB....may be DHSE can edit
Changes in the Loan entry procedure in GAINPF
1.Apply Loan
2.Loan Bill
3.Loan Sanction
Loan bill
Loan bill
ie Approval last after loan sanction(പണ്ട് Approval-ലിനു ശേഷമായിരുന്നു Loan Sanction ചെയ്തിരുന്നത്)
Apply Loan ചെയ്ത ശേഷം
Loan bill തയ്യാറാക്കി
Loan bill Verify ചെയ്ത്
loan bill Approve ചെയ്യാൻ കിട്ടാത്തവർ
Loan bill Sanction ചെയ്ത ശേഷം Approval ചെയ്യാൻ നോക്കുക
How to clos ekerala parttime contingent employees provident fund upon retirement?
ReplyDeleteI m an aided school teacher.
There is a correction in my PF account number.Please provide necessary instructions.
NR Withdrawel during the month of APRIL 2016 is not seen in the ledger card, sir who can rectify this problem
ReplyDeletei worked as hsst from 2001 to 2005 in aided school. In 2005 got appointment through psc. how can i get my pf in aided service transferred to gpf? please give me solution.
lissy jose
hsst (statistics)
email : 1lissyjose@gmail.com
Final warning from DHSE PF section
ReplyDeleteGAINPF data entry site possibly not available after 15th Feb
So please complete data entry before 15th Feb
PF Closure is sanctioned by APFO manually.how can I take bill through spark.
ReplyDeletePF Closure is sanctioned by APFO manually.how can I take bill through spark.
ReplyDeleteAccounts->Claim entry
ReplyDeleteAccounts-> Claim Approval
Accounts->Bill->make bill from Approved Claims
Then E-Submit bill
In claim entry Icant add any thing.it is not active
ReplyDeletewhile entering abcd statement there was mistake. How can we edit an opening balance and abcd statement which is already entered
ReplyDeleteSir please reset Verified OB and ABCD in verification menu...after that you can re enter correct OB or ABCD in Entry Menu..
DeleteReset of OB/ABCD possible only before applying a loan ...if loan applied please ask principal to reject that loan application
We got the credit card up to 3/2016. One doubt about the method of interest calculation.Is the interest is calculated on the amount credited at the end of the financial year or not?
ReplyDeletewhile preparing NRA Application ABCD from spark DATA shows some error. total withdrawals shows Zero. what should we do?
ReplyDeleteIs it possible to apply PF Closure through Gain pf?If possible give the steps
PF closure is prepared and submitted by manual to APFO
ReplyDeleteAPFO sanctioned.
isn't it possible to prepare Form No 59(c) from spark?
സർ, ഞങ്ങളുടെ School -ലെ ജീവനക്കാരുടെ gain pf - ൽ Sep - 2017 Oct-2017 കാലയളവിലെ Data enter ആകാതെ o ആണ് കാണിക്കുന്നത് ,എന്നാൽ അതിനു ശേഷം ഉള്ള മാസങ്ങളിൽ കൃത്യമായാണ് കാണുന്നത് ഇത് എവിടെയാണ് പരിഹരിച്ച് കിട്ടുന്നത്
ReplyDeleteസർ, ഞങ്ങളുടെ School -ലെ ജീവനക്കാരുടെ gain pf - ൽ Sep - 2017 Oct-2017 കാലയളവിലെ Data enter ആകാതെ o ആണ് കാണിക്കുന്നത് ,എന്നാൽ അതിനു ശേഷം ഉള്ള മാസങ്ങളിൽ കൃത്യമായാണ് കാണുന്നത് ഇത് എവിടെയാണ് പരിഹരിച്ച് കിട്ടുന്നത്
ReplyDeletesir,while applying TA the previous loan balance is shown zero and cannot fix installment of the proposed loan for refund.please solve the problem soon.our pen is515004
ReplyDeletesir, while applying TA , the previous loan balance is not shown and cannnot apply for renewal of the old loan .please solve the problem of our school staff .The previous loan was sanctioned on may 2017 and June 2017 and recovery has been recovered from their may and june . salary itself. HM NEUPS KERALASSERY PEN 515004 PARLI SUB DISTRICT PALKKAD DISTRICT. Please solve the problem urgently
ReplyDeleteThe PF Account number of two employees is found missing in Gain PF. We try to update the profile from spark data.But the same thing happens. Please help
Sir please explain the procedure for opening new pf admission (PF account number) for newly appointed employees in gain pf websites
ReplyDeletesir ,when i try to open it, it shows a message "forbiden". i can't enter the site ...why
ReplyDeletePls.briefly explain the procedure for converting KASEPF of transferred employee from HASA to HSST to KAHSS+2EPF
while trying to edit and verify OB loan in entry link a message shown as DDO Code not present..What to do? Please help
ReplyDeleteI am Joseph Jacob from an aided L.P School. I can not open my personal account. It shows that password is not correct. I didn't change the password.
What should I do to open my account
ReplyDeleteThe PF no. in spark and PF no. in Gainpf is different, how to rectify it.
Please publish the steps in transferring kasepf to kahss+2epf
ReplyDeletehow the changing of Kerala PartTime Cont EPF to full time employees GPF and merging the old subscription amount
Sir, I'm unable to open my gainpf account. I'm working as a professor in an aided college.....I tried to recover password using forgot password.....but the forgot password option is not working......can you please give a contact email where i can contact NIC for correcting this??
ReplyDeleteനിലവിൽ TA എടുത്ത ആൾക്ക് NRA എടുക്കാൻ NRA APPLICATION എന്ന OPTION ആണോ അതോ NRA CONVERSTION എന്ന OPTION ആണോ ഉപയോഗിക്കേണ്ടത്
ReplyDeleteഡിഡിഒ GAIN PF ഓണാക്കി add employee from SPARK ൽ PEN നമ്പർ അടിച്ച് കൊടുക്കുമ്പോൾ USER ALREADY EXIST എന്ന മെസ്സേജ് ആണ് വരുന്നത്.എന്തു ചെയ്യും ?