A guest/daily wages teacher is a teacher who is not permanently employed by the school, but is invited to work there for a short term. Usually, this happens when the regular teacher of a certain subject or class is absent for some reason and needs to be replaced. Some schools also invite guest teachers to work with various classes in order to specialize in one subject and teach students in that field.
The process of applying for a guest teacher role at the government/aided school is not as easy as it looks. There are certain criteria that need to be fulfilled and you need to know the right steps to take and how to approach for this.
Guest teachers play an important role in enhancing and enriching the curriculum at government/aided schools. They teach lessons, provide extra academic help to students, and mentor new teachers.
Guest teachers keep getting more benefits as they become more experienced in the industry - they will be given more responsibilities, and have opportunities for career advancement.
The General Education department issued guidelines for the Appointment of Guest Teachers in Govt and Aided High School & Higher Secondary Schools, Payment of remuneration to teachers appointed on daily wages in the Govt/Aided schools etc:-.
Guest/Daily Wages Remuneration Table
The remuneration for guest/daily wages is given below
With Effect from |
HSST(Jr) |
Order |
01-02-2021 |
1455 |
1205 |
1100 |
955 |
01-07-2019 |
1425 |
1180 |
1075 |
935 |
01-07-2018 |
1395 |
1155 |
1050 |
915 |
01-04-2017 |
1365 |
1130 |
1025 |
895 |
01-04-2016 |
1300 |
1075 |
975 |
850 |
Govt Order, Circular & Forms
Click the below link to download the useful proforma, forms, Govt order, Guidelines for the appointment of guest teachers, remuneration, Salary processing etc:-
Guest Teacher-Useful Forms(Prepared by Shiju S M, HSST Malayalam, Govt Girls HSS, Attingal |
Guest Teacher-Proforma for Interview |
Guest Teacher-Weightage for Candidates |
Guest Teacher-Interview Scoresheet |
Guest Teacher-Interview Scoresheet(Consolidated) |
Guest Teacher-Ranklist |
Guest Salary-Govt Order 2024-25 |
Guest/Daily wages teachers Termination in Higher Secondary Schools-clarification Circular dtd 19-02-2025 |
Guest/Daily wages teachers Appointment in Aided Higher Secondary Schools-Preparation of Ranklist-clarification Circular dtd 24-01-2025 |
Guest/Daily wages teachers Appointment in Higher Secondary Schools-Additional Instructions 2024-25. Circular dtd 26-07-2024 |
Guest/Daily wages teachers Appointment in Higher Secondary Schools-Additional Instructions 2024-25. Circular dtd 22-07-2024 |
Guest/Daily wages teachers Appointment(Govt) 2024-25. Govt order GO(RT) No. 3404/2024/GenEdn dtd 30-05-2024 |
Guest/Daily wages teachers Appointment(Aided) 2024-25. Govt order GO(RT) No. 3405/2024/GenEdn dtd 30-05-2024 |
Guest Salary-Previous Circular & Order |
Daily Wages Appointment-Age Limit Clarification. Circular dtd 22-11-2024 |
HSS Guest/Daily wages teachers till 29th Feb 2024. Circular dtd 29-01-2024 |
Guest Teachers Appointment-Age Limit-Clarification circular dtd 20-10-2023 |
Guest Appointment in Suspension Period-Circular dtd 18-10-2023 |
Guest Salary in Covid Period-GO(MS) No 6235/2023 Gen.Edn dtd 16-10-2023 |
Guest Teachers SPARK ID approval by RDD.G.O.(RT)No.5503/2023/Gen.Edn Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 26/09/2023 |
Appointment of Guest/Daily wages Teachers in Aided Schools 2023-24. Guidelines published.G.O.(RT)No.3066/2021/Gen.Edn Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 29/05/2023 |
Temp Employees in Spark Approval by HOD(DHSE) Circular No-46-2023. Circular. Dated 20-05-2023 |
Guest/Daily wages appointment-2022-23 academic year-Model exam duty. Circular dated 25-02-2023 |
Guest/Daily wages appointment-2022-23 academic year-date extended. Circular dated 31-01-2023 |
Guest/Daily wages employees-Granding wages in the covid affected period. GO(P)No 124/2022/Fin. Dated 11-10-2022 |
Guest/Daily wages Teachers-Termination. RTI Reply dtd 08-07-2022 |
Guest/Daily wages Teachers-Appointment in Govt and Aided Higher Secondary schools 2022-23. Circular No. ACDC5/245085/2022/HSE dtd 25-06-2022 |
Guest/Daily wages Teachers-Appointment in Govt and Aided schools 2022-23(Revised order)-GO(P) No.88/2022/Gen.Edn dtd 27-05-2022 and GO(P) No.89/2022/Gen.Edn dtd 27-05-2022 |
Guest/Daily wages appointment-List from employment exchange. Circular. Dated 25-05-2022 |
Guest/Daily wages teachers-Vacation days. Clarification Circular. Dated 12-04-2022 |
Guest/Daily wages teachers-Exam duty(March). Clartification Circular. Dated 22-03-2022 |
Guest/Daily wages employees-Granding wages in the covid affected period. GO(P)No 31/2022/Fin. Dated 15-03-2022 |
Appointment of Guest/Daily wages Teachers. Remuneration Clarification. Circular No.ACDC-1,231720/2022/hse dtd 28-02-2022 |
Appointment of Guest/Daily wages Teachers in Govt/Aided Higher secondary schools-Transgender equality. Circular No.ACDC-5,226695/2022/hse dtd 28-01-2022 |
Appointment of Guest/Daily wages Teachers in Govt/Aided Higher secondary schools 2021-22. Circular No.ACDC-5,214217/2021/hse dtd 05-11-2021 |
Appointment of Guest/Daily wages Teachers in Govt/Aided Higher secondary schools 2021-22. DGE Circular Dated 29/10/2021 |
Appointment of Guest/Daily wages Teachers in Aided Schools 2021-22. Guidelines published.G.O.(Ms)No.4761/2021/Gen.Edn Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 22/10/2021 |
Appointment of Guest/Daily wages Teachers in Govt Schools 2021-22. Guidelines published.G.O.(Ms)No.4754/2021/Gen.Edn Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 22/10/2021 |
Special Casual leave-Daily wages appointment-G.O.(Ms)No.215/2021/Gen.Edn Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 04/10/2021 |
Guest/Daily wages teachers remuneration in covid pandemic.GO(Ms) No.1957/2021/Gen.Edn dtd 26.02.2021 |
Government revised the remuneration of daily wage personnel(Guest). GO(P)No.29/2021/Fin Dated 11.02.2021 |
Guest Salary in Higher Secondary Schools-Change in Head of Account. GO(P) No. 5038/2019/Gen.Edn Dated 22.11.2019 |
Aided HSS Daily Wages appointment-clarification.GO(p) No.3371/2019 Gen Edn dtd 22-08-2019 |
Government revised the remuneration of daily wage personnel(Guest). GO(P)No.81/2019/Fin Dated 09.07.2019 |
Special Casual leave and guest appointment.GO(MS) No. 71/2019/Gen.Edn dtd 25-06-2019 |
Daily wages-Guidelines. Circular dtd 18-05-2019 |
General Education Department - Higher Secondary Education - Guest teachers - Amendment - IED Reservation-order issued - G.O.(Rt) No. 17-G.Edn dtd 02-08-2018 |
Government revised the remuneration of daily wage personnel(Guest). GO(P)No.112/2018/Fin Dated 21.07.2018 |
Appointment of Guest teachers - Order of child rights Commission |
Remuneration/Salary to Daily Wages(Guest Teachers)- Salary Head Guidelines dtd 06.07.2018 |
Remuneration/Salary to Daily Wages(Guest Teachers)- Salary Head Guidelines |
Daily wages to Guest Teachers-Proceedings of the Principal(Word Format) |
Government revised the remuneration of daily wage personnel(Guest). GO(P)No.56/2017/Fin Dated 28.04.2017 |
Payment of Remuneration to the Higher Secondary Teachers appointed on daily wages(Guest) in the Higher secondary batches sanctioned in 2014-15 and 2015-16 academic year. Circular No. 1154660/T2/2017/Gen.Edn dtd 03.02.2017 |
Payment of Remuneration to the Higher Secondary Teachers appointed on daily wages(Guest) in the Higher secondary batches sanctioned in 2014-15 and 2015-16 academic year. GO(M.S) No. 185/2016 General Education dtd 31.10.2016 |
Payment of Remuneration to the Higher Secondary Teachers appointed on daily wages(Guest) in the Higher secondary batches sanctioned in 2014-15 and 2015-16 academic year. Circular by DHSE dtd 24.11.2016 |
Related Downloads |
Disbursement of salary and allowances of employees on daily wages(Guest) through SPARK.Govt Order GO(P) No. 109/2016 Fin. dtd 29.07.2016 |
Government revised the remuneration of Boat Master and Vocational Instructor (daily wages). GO(P)No.181/2016/Fin Dated 15.12.2016 |
Government revised the remuneration of daily wage personnel(Guest). GO(P)No.28/2016/Fin Dated 26.02.2016 |
Higher Secondary School Teachers(Daily Wages)- wages enhanced-Orders issued -G.O(Ms).No.37/2016/G.Edn dated,Thiruvananthapuram,05.02.2016 |
Payment of Remuneration to the Guest Teachers appointed on daily wages(Guest) in the Govt higher secondary batches sanctioned in 2014-15 academic year onwards - Sanctioned Orders issued -Circular Dt. 29/09/2015. |
Payment of Remuneration to the Guest Teachers appointed on daily wages(Guest) in the Govt higher secondary batches sanctioned in 2014-15 academic year onwards - Sanctioned Orders issued -Circular Dt. 29/09/2015. |
Payment of Remuneration to the Higher Secondary Teachers appointed on daily wages(Guest) in the higher secondary batches sanctioned in 2011-12 academic year onwards - Sanctioned Orders issued - G.O.(Rt)No.956/2015/G.Edn Dt. 11/03/2015. |
Appointment of Guest Teachers-SET exception for the academic year 2015.Circular dtd 05.02.2015 |
Appointment of Guest Teachers and Vacation Period.Circular No. ACDC1/42129/2012/HSE dtd 16.06.2013 |
Guidelines for the Appointment of Guest Teachers in Higher Secondary Schools. Circular No. ACDC1/42129/2012/HSE dtd 15.06.2013 |
Guidelines for the Appointment of Guest Teachers in Higher Secondary Schools. Govt Order GO(P) No.154/07/G1.Edn dtd 14.08.2007 |
Guidelines for the Appointment of Guest Teachers in Higher Secondary Schools. Weightage give to the candidates for academic/extra curricular activities. Circular Adb5/7225/200/HSE dtdt 30.07.2004 |
Log Book & Proforma |
Log Book for Guest Teacher |
Guest Teacher-Interview Proforma |
Processing of Guest Salary in SPARK
As part of implementation of Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS), it has been directed to produce salary bills processed in SPARK as per the order GO(P) No. 109/2016/FIN dt 29/07/2016 of the Kerala Finance Department for the employees on - temporary , contract and daily wages basis. The SPARK facilities have been set up. It is believed that this post would be used for bill processing of such kind of employees. The different stages involved in bill processing are given below.
Daily Wages(Guest)-Head of Accounts
2202-02-110-94-00-02-05 (Aided HSS)
2202-02-109-86-00-02-05 (Govt HSS)
Click the below link for Daily wages(Guest) Salary Processing in SPARK help file.
ReplyDeletethere is any chance to increase the remuneration of the hsst (daily wages) as the number of working days decreased to five
HSS Guest Teachers wages enhanced. Government Order G.O(Ms)No.37/2016/G.Edn dated 5.2.16 published.check now
ReplyDeleteCan i know the maximum number of days (not periods) per week an hsst(botany) on daily wages be entitled to get remuneration? Is there any related order/circular on the issue? Please advise.
The guidelines for appointing guest(D.W) teachers seen. But what about the appointments made in newly sanctioned/upgraded schools during 2014-15. Is it applicable to them?
ReplyDeleteAny vacancy for hsst computer science..? Plz inform me. 9633328734. Thanking you in advance..
ReplyDeleteclear vacancy is avalable in ghss shiriya 14067 kasaragod dist, 9446675768
Deleteclear vacancy for post of Hsst in computer applicatin is available in ghss shiriya( school code - 14067) for year year 2016-2017
ReplyDeleteAs per today's newspaper we came to know the govt. approved aprx 2653 posts for the newly approved schools. How we came to know that my school / post has included in this list?
Is there provision to appoint guest in aided HSS for maternity leave
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAny vacancy for HSST computer science/Computer application..? I request you to kindly inform me. 9961929732. Thanking you in advance..by Nizar
ReplyDeleteI'm doing my MTech CSE final year, will complete on June 2016. Many notification for posting guest HSS Computer teachers are published in news paper. Can I appear for interview before my course completion ?
Can I apply for HSST senior post ?
is there any age limit for the appointment of guest hsst
ReplyDeleteCould you tell me the number of days of junior language teacher(guest ) can work in a week,before the starting of plus one class.
Any vacancy for HSST commerce.? I request you to kindly inform me. 9746464830. Thanking you in advance..by akabar
ReplyDeletesir,is any other order given by HSST dept. to give enhanced rate of Daily wages as per G.O(P) no.28/2019 to HSST Daily wages teachers
ReplyDeleteNo Govt. order other than GO(P)No.28/2016 dated 26.02.2016 has been issued so far enchancing daily wage rate.
Deletei need Appointment form for Guest teacher Higher Secondery, pls help
ReplyDeleteFestival Allowance claims of Temporary Employees are exempted from SPARK Bills. Circular No. 299373/SL3/2016/FIN dtd 05.09.2016. Download Circular
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the minimum duration(no.of days) required for appointing guest teacher in higher secondary schools
ReplyDeleteIs there any age limit for appointing Guest teachers in Aided HSS(first time) ?
ReplyDeleteis there any vacancy for statistics?
ReplyDeleteHow many working days per week does HSST Junior Language Teacher have?
ReplyDeleteHow many working days per week does HSST Junior Language Teacher (Guest) have?