Higher Secondary Plus Two Zoology Class Notes(All Chapter)

Zoology is an essential subject during the second year of higher secondary education, known as Plus Two. It delves deep into the fascinating world of animals and their intricacies. The study notes for each chapter are meticulously crafted to provide students with comprehensive guidance, helping them grasp the fundamental concepts of animal biology with ease. These notes serve as invaluable tools in achieving academic success in this captivating field.

zoology notes

These comprehensive notes delve into a wide range of fascinating topics, such as animal classification, their intricate physiological functions, and their behavior. Accompanying the study material are thought-provoking questions that serve as invaluable self-assessment tools. Students can use these questions to measure their understanding and solidify important principles in their minds.

As students delve into the chapters, they embark on an enlightening journey through the mesmerizing world of the animal kingdom. From invertebrates to vertebrates, they acquire a deep comprehension of the diverse phyla that inhabit our planet. Furthermore, they explore the captivating evolutionary processes that have played a vital role in shaping the abundant biodiversity we cherish today.

The study notes for Plus Two Zoology don't just focus on theoretical knowledge, but also stress the significance of practical applications. This comprehensive approach helps students develop a well-rounded understanding of Zoology. With structured resources and a focus on mastery, these study notes provide invaluable support in unraveling the complexities of the animal world.

Higher secondary second year(Plus two) Zoology study notes for each chapter and questions are given here.

Higher Secondary Plus Two(Class 12) Study Materials

Board DHSE Kerala
Text Book NCERT/SCERT Text Book
Class Plus Two(Class 12)
Subject Zoology
Chapter wise Study Notes
Category Kerala Higher Secondary Plus Two Zoology
Students can avail of the link below to download study notes and questions for their exam preparation.
Plus Two Zoology Study Notes by Navas Cheemadan
Chapter 1 & 2: Human Reproduction & Reproductive Health
Chapter 3: Principles of Inheritance
Chapter 4: Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Chapter 5: Evolution
Chapter 6: Human Health & Disease(Study Note)
Chapter 6: Human Health & Disease(Presentation)
Chapter 7: Microbes in Human Welfare
Chapter 8: Biodiversity and Conservation
XII Zoology All in One Notes PDF
Plus Two Zoology Study Notes by Minhad M Muhiyudheen
Chapter 3: Human Reproduction(Detailed Notes)
Chapter 3: Human Reproduction (Short Note)
Chapter 4: Reproductive Health(Detailed Notes)
Chapter 4: Reproductive Health (Short Note)
Chapter 5: Principles of Inheritance(Detailed Notes)
Chapter 5: Principles of Inheritance (Short Note)
Chapter 6: Molecular Basis of Inheritance(Detailed Notes)
Chapter 6: Molecular Basis of Inheritance (Short Note)
Chapter 7: Evolution(Detailed Notes)
Chapter 7: Evolution (Short Note)
Chapter 8: Human Health & Disease
Chapter 10: Microbes in Human Welfare(Detailed Notes)
Chapter 10: Microbes in Human Welfare(Short Notes)
Chapter 11: Biodiversity(Detailed Notes)
Chapter 11: Biodiversity(Short Notes)
Plus Two Zoology Question Bank
Plus Two Zoology Previous year Question Bank(upto 2023) Compiled by Navas Cheemadan
Plus Two Zoology Question Bank by VHSE Career Guidance Cell
Plus Two Zoology Quick Notes
Plus Two(XII) Zoology- Quick Notes(Kaithang) by Pathanamthitta District Panchayath
Plus Two Zoology Video Class
Chapter 3: Human Reproduction(Video Class by Renjith Rajan)
Plus Two Zoology Malayalam Hand Book Prepared by Yadhu Krishna Nambiar
Higher Secondary Second Year(XII) Malayalam Hand Book for Students(Prepared by Yadhu Krishna Nambiar)
Plus Two Zoology Study Notes by Surendran.K
Plus Two Zoology Class Notes & Model Questions(All Chapters)
Additions in Plus Two Zoology Syllabus(Presentation File)
Plus Two Zoology Examination Tips(Video) by Surendran K
Plus Two Zoology Revision Notes by Hathim
Useful Materials
Plus Two Zoology Abbreviations by Navas Cheemadan
Plus Two Zoology Scientist & Contributions by Navas Cheemadan
Related Downloads
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Plus Two Botany Class Notes

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  1. please update study materials for plus one commerce students

  2. @abin tomy Study materials will be updated on receipt.

  3. Surendran Sir, Thank you for your excellent service. I appreciate your effort and dedication behind this.

  4. Please update the zoology class notes(all chapters)for XI

  5. Please provide zoology class notes (all chapters ) for plusone

  6. Sir, Kindly upload zoology XI class notes for all chapters..... Thank you.....

  7. Replies
    1. Please put the study notes for lesson biodiversity and conservation of zoology

  8. thank u sir for your note...............


  10. Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for.

  11. We are very thankful to you sir. It's an amazing work. Keep going..

  12. please add zoology previous question papers (chapter wise)

  13. Thank you �� Very much Sir...

  14. For the power point presentation for zoology a password is been asked could anyone tell the password

  15. For the power point presentation for zoology a password is been asked could anyone tell the password

  16. thanks for ur notes & it is very helpful..........

  17. please give revision notes for plus two zoology

  18. sir kindly publish zoology previous years question bank of class 11

  19. This is an educational revolution. Thanks for the hardworking brains behind this website. thank you HSSLIVE. Thank you all.

  20. please publish previous qustion of zoology.

  21. Can you please make plus two biology previous years question Bank please......

  22. could you please add the previous year questions on chapter wise

  23. Very useful site...Thanks a lot to all the teachers and the people who work for this.Really helpful to the highersecondary students.I am deeply obliged and grateful to you for your effort!

  24. what is this the zoology class note is very disordered.Are you a teacher , This is your culture. I am a your student but this note was very bad .........

    1. Donno why responding like this.So pathetic..If that was your Teacher the right way for you is To appreciate it or just dont knock him...You should really keep ur moth shut...This is not a good student reply to his or her teacher...

  25. Thank u sir..this is very helpful..and no need of any other guide

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  28. Please upload Botany and Zoology Chapterwise question bank (Previous Years’ question) for Plus two

  29. sir am mr nair from anchal . at present today i cut my hair myself... and now it looks damn bad is their anyway exam dates to postponded

  30. Thank u sir for those good notes

  31. lot of students use this site and its very usefull but is there any people in comments bez i can only see bots

  32. plzz provide answer key for previous year question paper

  33. Minhad sir i am a student from zaitoon


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