Creation of Higher Secondary Teacher,Principal and Lab assistant post in Govt Higher Secondary schools in the academic year 2015-16. G.O(Ms)No.153/2018 G.Edn dtd 17.10.2018
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Post Creation in Higher Secondary Teacher,Principal and Lab assistant in Govt HSS(2015-16) G.O(Ms)No.153-2018-G.Edn dtd 17.10.2018 |
Creation of Higher Secondary Teacher,Principal and Lab assistant post in Aided Higher Secondary batches/schools in the academic year 2014-15, 2015-16. G.O(Ms)No.106-2017-G.Edn dtd 21.08.2017
Higher Secondary Education-Academic year, 2014-15-Creation of Teacher and Lab Assistant posts in Govt Higher Secondary Schools-sanctioned-G.O(Ms)No.61-2017-G.Edn dtd 24.06.2017
The post details are in annexure 1 and 2. The govt has the right to revise the present criteria for post creation depending upon the physical amenities in school, no of students, period based workload of teachers. It is not applicable to existing posts.
As per said criteria 12 schools/ batches with insufficient number of students are exempted. The director of Higher Secondary education should confirm whether the newly sanctioned schools/ batches have sufficient number of students. Click the below link for downloading the Post creation order G.O(Ms)No.61-2017-G.Edn dtd 24.06.2017.
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Higher Secondary Education-Academic year,2014-15-creation of teacher-lab assistant in Govt HSS-sanctioned-orders issued G.O(Ms)No.61-2017-G.Edn dtd 24.06.2017 |
Minimum strength of 50 students-Relaxation in existing Govt Order
Govt published the GO regarding Granting of permission to 63 Higher Secondary batches , sanctioned vide GO(ms) No. 247/14/G.Edn dated 24.11.2014 and did not have minimum strength of 50 students during the academic year 2016-17 to admit students during the academic year 2017-18 in relation of existing orders and subject to conditions. Download Go(Ms)No.76/2017 Gen Edn dtd 10.07.2017
Post creation order GO.GO(Ms)No.158-16/Gen.Edn dtd 20.09.2016 for the additional batches sanctioned in 12 Government Higher secondary schools
Post creation order GO.GO(Ms)No.158-16/Gen.Edn dtd 20.09.2016 for the additional batches sanctioned in 12 government higher secondary schools where not started during the academic year 2011-12 due to lack of students.
Government sanctioned 182 additional batches in government higher secondary schools during the academic year 2011-12.Government issued orders creating the posts of Higher Secondary School Teachers and Lab Assistants in Government Higher Secondary Schools. Click the below link for post creation order.
Anomalies in the Aided HSS Post Creation
As per Government Order G.O(Ms) No.211/13/Gen. Edn dated 15.07.2013, teaching posts and lab assistant posts were created and teaching posts were upgraded for academic years 2011-2012 & 2012-2013 in 345 Aided Higher Secondary Schools of the State wherein additional higher secondary batches were sanctioned in the academic year 2011-2012. Anomalies in the post creation order of Aided - Additional batches for 2011-2012 & 2012-2013 academic years now rectified. Government have examined the matter in detail with reference to relevant rules and orders and are pleased to create Teaching posts and abolish excess posts in 74 Aided Higher Secondary Schools. The details of the Aided Higher Secondary Schools wherein posts created/upgraded/abolished are given as annexure to the Government Order G.O(Ms) No.121/2014/G.Edn dtd 03.07.2014. Click the below link for GO and Annexure.
Creation of Teaching Post in Additional Batches of Aided HSS
Kerala Govt released G.O (MS) No. 211/2013/Gen Edn dtd 15.07.13 on upgradation and creation of new posts in 368 Aided Higher Secondary Schools.
Click the below link for List of Schools & Subject wise post sanctioned as per GO Ms No.211/2013/Gen Edn dtd 15.07.13, Guidelines for the appointment of teachers in Aided Higher Secondary Schools,Duties & Responsibilities of the Govt Nominee in the selection of Aided HSS Teacher, Enhancing the Age limit of teachers in Aided Schools etc:-
Appointment of Teachers in Aided HSS-Nomination of Govt.representative in selection committee
Nomination of Govt.representative in selection committee-modified order GO(MS) No. 35/2016/ G.Edn dtd 3.2.2016 published. Govt. have revised the method of appointment of Higher Secondary School Teachers in the Aided Sector. The appointing authorities of all Aided Higher Secondary Schools are strictly directed to follow the directions issued , while making appointments and furnishing the proposals for approval.
Higher Secondary Special Rules and Amendments
when will plus one revaluation result publish? before improvement examination??