It is known to all government employees in Kerala that there are manifold types of leaves like earned leave, half pay leave, leave on loss of pay, maternity leave, paternity leave,commuted leave, casual leave and other special leaves. But there are certain constraints while sanctioning / availing of select leaves. Also some are not inclusive of probation period. Hence we should be aware of its limits and merits and a good knowledge of it will enable us for the proper use of it.
Half Pay Leave
Half pay leave is 20 days per year. It is credited to account 20 per year for each completed year of service. Leaves including maternity leave will be considered for half pay leave. But this can be availed of only after completion of a year of service. Half pay leave will not be considered for probation.
Leave Not Due(Half Pay Leave Granted in Advance)
This type of leave is available only for permanent employees. This leave is sanctioned only when no other leave is at his credit and the Sanctioning officer is satisfied that there is sensible prospect of the employee returning to duty on the expiry of the leave and earning an equal amount of Half Pay Leave(HPL) thereafter for adjusting the leave granted. During the entire service of an employee, the maximum amount of Leave Not Due(LND) is 360 days out of which 180 days may be granted without medical certificate and it should not exceed 90 days at a time.The remaining 180 days should be on Medical certificate.Commuted Leave
One full pay leave by joining two half pay leaves is commuted to form commuted leave. Likewise, any number of half pay leaves in the credit balance of leave account can be commuted. For commuted leave also, we can get full salary like earned leave. But minimum three years should be completed after entry into service to become eligible to commute leaves. It does not come into probation period.
Maternity Leave
Maternity leave is 180 days. Those who enter into service after delivery are also eligible to avail of this. The remaining days of 180 after delivery can be availed of, from the day after joining into service. If the 180 days are over, it can’t be taken. For this, a medical certificate showing the details of delivery or a copy of discharge summary should be submitted along with the application. There is no restriction so far, on the times of maternity that can be taken. As per the need, the maternity leave can be availed of even before delivery whereas 180 days should be inclusive of the date of delivery. This won’t affect the probation period. Apart from this, employees who had suffered miscarriage can have 45 days leave called miscarriage leave, on producing medical certificate.
Leave for Abortion and Miscarriage
Leave under rule 100 also be granted to female officers in cases of miscarriage, including abortion subject to the condition that the leave does not exceed six
weeks and application for the leave is supported by a certificate from the medical attendant.
Paternity Leave
During wife’s delivery time, husbands in govt service can have paternity leave. This is limited to 2 times in service. As per KSR, the number of days are 10. Even if the delivery happened before entry into service, it can be taken but not after 90 days of delivery. The copy of medical certificate or discharge summary should be produced. The discharge summary should state clearly the address of the govt servant and his wife. Even 3 months before the date of delivery, this leave can be used. Since this is inclusive of the probation period, it won’t affect probation declaration.
Casual Leave
Govt servants with no vacation period would get 20 days in a year and for teachers it is 15 days a year. Casual leave is not the right of a govt servant. Moreover this is considered as duty. Whatever may be the date of joining in a calendar year, one can have this. But it is at the discretion of higher authority. That is- for those who join in service in December also may avail of 20 days casual leave. At the same time, if it is not allowed, no complaints can be filed against it. The superior officer can even decline casual leave to his employees. The problems in the regular functioning of school due to allowance of such leaves should be informed in written format to the employees who applied for casual leave.
Leave on Loss of Pay
Leave on loss of pay on producing medical certificate will be considered for increment, seniority, pension, pay revision etc. It is 90 days at a time for the staff whose probation not yet declared and for others it is 120 days. The Head of the Institution has the right to sanction it whereas for more days of leave , the govt only has the right to sanction it. It should be confirmed that whether ‘leave on medical grounds’ is written in the service book . When leaves are sanctioned on medical grounds, copy of medical certificate and leave application should be kept in our custody also to rescue ourselves in situations when it is found missing from the service book after sometime or during pay revision. After entry into service, it is safe to keep the copy of documents we receive and send/ give to our office in a separate file.
Earned Leave
In the first year of joining of service, it is availed as one for 22 working days. From the second year, it is taken as one for 11 working days. After the completion of three years of service, one for 22 in the first year will be considered as one for 11 and it will be credited to leave account with retrospective effect. To avail end leave, there is no such condition that one should complete particular period of time after entry into service. When there is a need, it can be used. One can surrender a maximum of 30 end leave once in a financial year for encashment.
Also at the time of retirement, one can surrender 300 end leaves together. For this,10 month salary in the pay scale at the retirement time would be given. Maternity leave, medically certified or un certified leaves on loss of pay, paternity leave and other such leaves will not be considered for end leave. If end leave is taken by an employee at the time of probation, it may extend the probation declaration date also as probation period is not inclusive of end leave . Advice memo, appointment order, PSC site appointment chart print out etc are essential documents to be kept for ever.
Special Casual Leave for Chickenpox
The Kerala government has reintroduced the provision of Special Casual Leave for Chickenpox through GO(P) No. 10/2024/FIN dated 16-02-2024. The details of the government order are provided below
Downloads |
Special Casual Leave for Chickenpox. GO(P) No. 10/2024/FIN dtd 16-02-2024 |
Special Leave & Duty Leave
Apart from the above said leaves, blood donors would get 2 days per one donation to the maximum of 4 special casual leave in a calendar year. As many leaves as special disability leave upto required period for any accidents to staff during duty time and 14 days leave for ARV given to anti-rabies injection needy (if it is IDRV, leave allowed only for the day of injection) etc. are allowed to Kerala Govt Servants.
Excellent and very useful
ReplyDeleteDuring my first year of service, i was the principal in charge of a school and hence prevented from enjoying that year's vacation. Will earned leave accrue during that period? If so, can i surrender it?
ReplyDeleteNo earned leave is admissible to an employee in vacation department in respect of first year of service
DeleteWhether it is compulsory to produce medical certificate from a doctor in government service to avail medical leave or can it be from a private doctor.
ReplyDeletehi sir... i am a government doctor.. before declaring probation i took maternity leave and lwa in continuation of maternity leave for a period 2months with medical certificate and extended leave with medical certificate for another 2months since baby was low birth weight and i joined after that and took lwa for 89 days,,,
ReplyDeleteand i rejoined.. i have recieved a letter from AG for goverment sanction of first 4 months which was in continuation of maternity and also for next 89 days,,,,
in my knowledge after maternity leave we can take lwa without mc for 2 months and with mc for 2 months''
and after joining a person can avail lwa for 90 days ,,,, is it/???
am i wrong ?
please reply
ReplyDeleteI think the objection is vide sub rule (ii) of Rule 88 of KSR, Part I (Except in the case of an officer in permanent employ, the duration of leave without allowances shall not exceed 3 months on any one occasion.)
Can you explain KSR 12 A & C
ReplyDeleteThe new circular dated 05/11/2018 is for taking more than 180 days or less. Please reply
ReplyDeleteIn continuation of maternity leave which leave can be availed ?
ReplyDeleteIn continuation of maternity leave which leave can be availed?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWhich government Order permits Paternity Leave period to be counted for probation?
ReplyDeleteകേരളത്തിലെ പ്രീ-പ്രൈമറി സ്കൂൾ ജീവനക്കാർക്കുള്ള അവധികൾ എന്തെല്ലാമാണ് സർ .ഇവർക്ക് കാൻസർ ചികിൽസയ്ക്കായി പ്രത്യേക അവധികൾ ഉണ്ടോ.ഉണ്ടെങ്കിൽ ഈ കാലയളവിൽ ശമ്പളത്തിന് അർഹതയുണ്ടോ. ഒരു ഗവ.പ്രൈമറി സ്കൂളിലെ പ്രീ-പ്രൈമറി സ്കൂൾ ജീവനക്കാരുടെ അവധികൾ ആരാണ് അനുവദിക്കേണ്ടത് .
ReplyDeleteis available special casual leave for treatment chiken pox ?
ReplyDeleteഒരു വർഷത്തെ കരാർ ജീവനക്കാരനു എത്ര കാഷ്വൽ ലീവ് വരെ നലകാം? 12 ആണോ? അത് സംബന്ധിച്ച് നിയമം ക്വോട്ട് ചെയ്യാമോ?
ReplyDelete8 (ii), Appendix VIII, Part 1, KSR.
DeleteContract employees referred to in rule 8, and re-employed pensioners
referred to in rule 63 of Part I of these rules may be granted casual leave
at the rate of one day for a month subject to a maximum of twelve days
in a year. The leave may be allowed to combine with Sundays and other
authorised holidays provided that the resulting period of absence from
duty shall not exceed seven days at a stretch
ക്രഡിറ്റിലുള്ള ഹാഫ് പേ ലീവ് തുടർച്ചയായി 120 ദിവസത്തിൽ കൂടുതൽ എടുക്കുന്നതിന് സർക്കാർ / ഡയറക്ടറുടെ അനുമതി ആവശ്യമുണ്ടോ
ReplyDeleteWhat is the difference between CL& BH?
ReplyDeleteഞാൻ ഒരു ഹയർസെക്കൻഡറി അധ്യാപികയാണ്.ഞാൻ September 17 മുതൽ March 14 വരെ maternity leave വും അതിനൊടൊപ്പം March 15 മുതൽ March 31 വരെ commuted leave എടുത്ത് April, may vacation അതിനോട് suffix ചെയ്ത് June 1 ന് തിരിച്ചു ജോലിയിൽ പ്രവേശിക്കാവുന്ന പ്രകാരമാണ് ലീവ് എടുത്തത്. അത് അനുസരിച്ച് സർവീസ് പുസ്തകത്തിലും രജിസ്റ്ററിലും രേഖപ്പെടുത്തി.ഈ വർഷം vacation, March 21 മുതൽ ആണല്ലോ. അപ്പോൾ എന്റെ അവധി പുനക്രമീകരിച്ചു commuted leave March 21 വരെയാക്കി vacation suffixചെയ്യാൻ കഴിയുമോ.
ReplyDeleteഹെൽത്ത് ഡിപ്പാർട്ട്മെൻ്റ് staffൻ്റെ LWA Order ഉണ്ടോ? GO (Rt) 2190 / 2003/H& FWD ; dt: 22/07/03. ഇതല്ലെകിൽ New one....
ReplyDeleteHSST (Aided),LWA granted from october 2018 to May 2023.. Due to granting leave was late, the foriegn job cancelled and continued to the job in the school.Not yet leave cancelled. Can I apply for a leave cancellation the period of the first portion from October 2018 to December 2020 and avail leave from January 2021 to till the end of the leave granted.
ReplyDeleteഒരു ഗസറ്റഡ് ഓഫീസർക്ക് തുടർച്ചയായി 137 ദിവസത്തെ EL + CML മുൻകൂറായി പാസ്റ്റാക്കാൻ അപ്പോയിന്റ് അതോറിറ്റി/ വകുപ്പ് തലവൻ/ഗവൺമെന്റ് ഇതിലാർക്കാണ് അധികാരം . KSR ൽ ഇത് ഏത് ഭാഗത്താണ് വരുന്നത്.
ReplyDeleteഒരു ഗസറ്റഡ് ഓഫീസർക്ക് തുടർച്ചയായി 137 ദിവസത്തെ EL + CML മുൻകൂറായി പാസ്റ്റാക്കാൻ അപ്പോയിന്റ് അതോറിറ്റി/ വകുപ്പ് തലവൻ/ഗവൺമെന്റ് ഇതിലാർക്കാണ് അധികാരം . KSR ൽ ഇത് ഏത് ഭാഗത്താണ് വരുന്നത്
ReplyDeleteഒരു ഗസറ്റഡ് ഓഫീസർക്ക് തുടർച്ചയായി 137 ദിവസത്തെ EL + CML മുൻകൂറായി പാസ്റ്റാക്കാൻ അപ്പോയിന്റ് അതോറിറ്റി/ വകുപ്പ് തലവൻ/ഗവൺമെന്റ് ഇതിലാർക്കാണ് അധികാരം . KSR ൽ ഇത് ഏത് ഭാഗത്താണ് വരുന്നത്