Reimbursement of Study tour expenses of SC Students

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The expenses towards study tour organized by the institutions will be incurred by the government for the schedule category students studying in Higher Secondary/Degree/Professional Degree courses. It comes under one of the welfare schemes implemented by the Schedule Caste Development Department. The students participated in the study tour should submit an application after the tour for the amount of expenses to be sanctioned. Only the students availing of e-grant benefits are eligible to apply for this.

What should be done by the students to avail of this benefit?
To become the beneficiaries of this scheme, the study tour participants of SC category should fill up the application form as given below and submit it to the head of the institution. After the completion of the trip only, the students will be able to apply to get this benefit. There won’t be any payment in advance. The scheme method is that the amount would be credited to the bank account of the students who submit application. For this, the applicants should give his/her e-grant account number in the application form. To download the application form, click the link below.

What should the Institution do?
While the institutions organize study tours as part of the course of study, the students belonging to the schedule caste category should be informed of the study tour benefits they are entitled to and it can be availed of only after the trip on submission of application form. After the trip, filled up application forms (given below) should be received from the SC category participants who are e-grant beneficiaries as well.

The places visited, amount spent etc should be separately attested by the head of the institution. The itinerary of the tour conducted must be attached here. All such applications received from the students should be submitted to the District Schedule Caste Development Office. Amount will be credited to the bank account of the students after scrutiny. The maximum amount for a SC category student participating in the study tour organized by his / her institution is Rs.4000/- which will be credited to the account. Application form and details are given below.
Reimbursement of Study tour expenses of SC Students-Guidelines & Application form dtd 23.09.2019
Reimbursement of Study tour expenses of SC Students-Application form
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School Study Tour-Guidelines

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