In the Higher Secondary Board examination of March 2017-18, students will be answering question papers set in a new pattern with some modifications done, making it different from the previous year question papers. To make the students aware of the new pattern of the question paper and render practice for exam, the Directorate of Higher Secondary Education (DHSE) has already set the term exam and model exam question papers in the new design itself. Thus the students have got an opportunity to familiarize with the novel style with some choices and changes in the question paper.
Aiming at students getting trained with the new pattern of question paper in Higher Secondary Mathematics subject also, five sets of Maths question paper prepared by Sri.Remesh Chennessery (Director, Centre for Future Studies, Trivandrum) are published here. It is certain that it would support them much in their preparation for examination to deliver their best.
New Pattern of Higher Secondary Mathematics Question Paper
Let us get familiar with Higher Secondary Mathematics question paper in the new pattern.
Questions 1-7: You have to answer any 6 questions each carrying 3 marks.
Questions 8-17: Here 8 questions of 4 marks each should be answered.
Questions 18-24: All questions in this section carry equal marks of 6 and students are expected to answer any 5 from this section.
Thus, the total score will be 6x3+8x4+6x5=80
Model Maths Question Papers for Revision
Five sample questions(Plus one and Plus Two) are included with this link. The hints for solving the problems will be uploaded in the coming days.
Plus One Mathematics Exam Tips
Mathematics exam tips for Higher Secondary first year(Plus One) students by Sri.Remesh Chennessery ,Director, Centre for Future Studies, Trivandrum is published here.
Can't download set 2 to set 5!!
ReplyDeletewithin one week 5 qns will be uploaded.
ReplyDeleteYour effort is great.. Please provide answer keys for better evaluation
Deletepls provide answer key for set2-set5
DeleteSir can u provide revision set for maths
ReplyDeletesir set 3 4 5 download cheyyan pattunnillla..! :(
ReplyDeletewill reach u on soon.
DeleteThank you HSSLIVE. This is such a wonderful idea of publishing a model question paper of the new pattern in the last week of exam preparation. I hope you will publish such model question papers for other subjects also that will benefit us
ReplyDeletethank you somuch sir
ReplyDeleteSir will u help me will u plz provide any capsule for maths
ReplyDeletecapsule will help you to pass the exam. For getting good mark, study the chapters as you can. Scheme of marks (almost same - but may be varied a little for the new pattern), you can seen from the past comments.
Deleteanswer key please
ReplyDeletePls provide the answer key
ReplyDeleteyou should practice the questions. Ans. key of paper 1 will published on 7th. Balance will be published soon.
ReplyDeletepls publish before the maths exam on 13th....even handwritten answer keys are more than enough....pls upload the ans keys soon....sirr....
DeleteThanks in advance
Answer Key Please...
ReplyDeleteSir, why nowadays maths is so difficult? 😢 I'm very scared.
ReplyDeletePlease provide Quick Revision Notes for +2 Maths.
ReplyDeleteIt will helps mainly for average students like me.
Pls provide answer key before 13 .....pls
ReplyDeleteSir,answer key please...
ReplyDeleteHi dear student, you should write all the Test (1,2,3,4 and 5) yourself as you in the exam hall and the key shall be published completely on Sunday. ok!
Deleteplz do add ans key for rest sets it wil be a great help
ReplyDeleteSir answer key of remaining
ReplyDeleteSet 2 answer key ???
ReplyDeleteSir... I have a doubt... Can we use Casio fx991 calculator in exam maths
ReplyDeleteStudents are permitted to use Scientific Calculators with single line display.Avoid calculators with multiple line facility, programmable calculators (graphic calculators) & Personal Digital Assistants (PDA)
DeleteU can use Calculators below fx100. fx 991 is not permitted.
Deletehow many chapters are their.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePls check again
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteE +2 maths first set question paper is tough eagne anno nale xam ennum chodikaa
ReplyDeleteNo, basically exam will be very easy as usual. You should study textualexamples, exercises including theory. That is enough. Don't get disappointed. Be confident. Best of luck.
Deletesir ,
ReplyDeleteIn set 1 paper ques 12 b) points are (2,3) so the answer serikum y-3=0(x-2)
so y-3=0.. alle vara :-?
Yes u r correct.
Deleteand enik set 1 13 ques manasilayilla ... enagneya perfect square akiye?? so can any1 help me out plzz?
ReplyDeleteUsing quotient rule. Denominator square
Deletesir these questions are too tough.
ReplyDeletenalethe exam ithu pole tough aayirikkumo sir
exactly No. Exam will be very easy.You should study textual examples, exercises including theory. We can expect only 10% questions little tough, but theory based. Don't get disappointed. Be confident. Best of luck.
DeleteThank you soo much sir.
Deleteand we will need your blessings.
ReplyDeletei am so scared
will there be any 6mark questions without sub parts?
i mean...6markinte otta question aayitt chothikkumo?
The questions are so tough.. Will it be asked like this??
ReplyDeleteEnathe +2 maths exam bayakara tough aayirunu. Hsslive il ettitulla questions yum aayi oru samiyumiella. Ethinal valuetion liberal aakanam. Nerayee kuttikalude baviyude kariyamaa.
ReplyDeletemaths questions wss confusing...muzhuvan ezthi teerkan samayam kititumila..
ReplyDeletenice questions.but answers are lengthy.pls give answer key today...
ReplyDeleteQuestion are really tough.Pls make the valuation liberal. Pls
ReplyDeletesir thank you so much... sirinte vilayeriya upadeshangalkum sir thayyarakiya questions inum nandi. sirinte help illathe ee exam tough aayirikumayirunnu.
ReplyDeletethank you sooo much :)
Please Make Valuation Liberal.Very Hard And Confusing Problems,Lengthy Solutions.
ReplyDeleteToday maths exam was really tough..model questionshsslivil koduthad ellupamarnu so plsss make valuation liberal
ReplyDeletemaths exam was good :)
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't bad but lwngthy. :( If I had more time I'd have corrected, but it's ok. Hoping the correction to be liberal.
DeleteSir, for that solve the system question my final answer is wrong. My whole marks (4) would be cut?
ReplyDeleteNo, step wise mark will get.
DeleteSir, for that solve the system question my final answer is wrong. My whole marks (4) would be cut?
ReplyDeleteIf for a one mark question which does not have option to choose from, we write 2 answers of which one is right and the other is relatively wrong(written in bracket), whether the answer would be considered wrong??
ReplyDeleteTime consuming question paper...!!!😖😖 Hoping for the best...!
ReplyDeleteSir please share the answer of 9th question[graph]
ReplyDeletesin(inv x)
DeleteIs that the graph of sin(inv x)?as Sin inverse one and 90 degree does not coincide I wrote it as tan inverse x (neither tan inv nor sin inv coincide actually) then I wrote the domain and range of tan inverse fn. Will I get mark for the b) sub question then?
sir ithinte answer key tharo
ReplyDeleteAns key shall be published only after completing all ur HSE exam. Now u should concenrate ur remaining exams. ok
Deletesirnthis is very use full
ReplyDeleteplz publish chemistry questions and answer key
XI model ans key please...
ReplyDeletePlease publish plus one maths new model set all sets answer
ReplyDeleteSet 5 & answer keys of set 3-5 not yet published.......plz make it fast...
ReplyDeleteSir thank you so much.................
ReplyDeletesir phy qustions exm inumunp watsappil vannirunnu....phy re test venam
ReplyDeleteThank you sir for your proper advice at the right time....
ReplyDeleteSir,please check the solutions of the following questions:
ReplyDeleteSample Paper 1
Qn 1(b)(ii)
Qn 5(b)
Qn 21(b)
Qn 23(a)
Qn 23(b)
ok check and reply.
DeleteChecked and corrected. Soon will be uploaded.
ReplyDeletestandard form of a linear function is f(x)=ax+b. in the given ordered pair, take any two pairs and substitute, now we get two equations, solve to get a and b. Here I used when x=1,y=1 and when x=2 and y=3. ok?
ReplyDeletePlz provide vector notes
ReplyDeletePlease provide marks weight age of class11 mathematics
ReplyDelete+2 2ND SET ANSWER KEY DON'T HAVE SOLUTION FOR 17TH . kindly see to that.please.(for question in new pattern maths)
ReplyDeletehard question but ok
ReplyDeleteAwesome and interesting article. Great things you've always shared with us. Thanks. Just continue composing this kind of post. force
ReplyDeletey cant u add answers in question bank?..........................
ReplyDeletehow many chapters are their
ReplyDeleteSir 19 th question in mathamatics (improvement-plus one science)b part i did nt write a÷sinA=b÷sinb=c÷sinc.will my 1 mark will lose?. And the whole answer is correct
ReplyDeleteThank you sir ����������