There have been flurry of complaints that name, mobile number, address etc of the students studying in Higher Secondary schools in Kerala are being collected under the head of some people who find education, the means to make money. During the closure of academic year and final exam and other such occasions, some agencies used to visit schools to collect the data of the students.
It is said that, under the guise of conducting seminars, model entrance exams in schools, such private agencies try to gather the personal details of the pupils. It has been also found that people, who are commercializing education, circulate the info of the students to private agencies.
Under these circumstances, the Director of Higher Secondary Education has published a circular in December 2013 to principals of all Higher Secondary schools in Kerala. As per the circular ACDC4/56317/13/HSE dated 05-12-2013, it has been strictly prohibited to pass over the details like name, address and other such personal info of the students to any one or any of the agencies. Above said details should not be disclosed even in Right to information applications. The Right to information Commission of our state has given specifications regarding this matter.
If any necessity arises to share such details, prior permission has to be sought from the RDD concerned. The head of the institutions, not conforming to this will have to face disciplinary action.
The circular published in December 2013 in connection with this can be downloaded from this link.