Update: Higher Secondary Plus One Improvement Result 2018 published.
Higher Secondary Improvement Examination for the First year came to a close on 4th of October 2018. The exam actually scheduled in the month of August was postponed due to the devastating floods and held after two months. The valuation of answer sheets was done in two spells.
The Higher Secondary students studying in the Second year presently were given a chance to improve any three subjects of their plus one course. If they score higher marks than that of the March examination, it would be considered with their plus two marks.
Plus One Improvement Exam Results-2018
Update: Higher Secondary Plus One Improvement Result published.
The date of results declaration of the First year Improvement examination completed in the month of October 4th 2018, has not yet been published by the Department of Higher Secondary Education(DHSE). Whereas the social media has published fake news on the results declaration date and hence there were confusions galore among the students and parents. All must take utmost care while publishing such official info and should avoid publishing news or messages without any accuracy or confirmation.
Provided the valuation and other related works are completed in the month of October, the results of the first year improvement exam can be expected to be published in November. The results date, results link etc will be updated here when there is official intimation.
Revaluation/Photocopy/Scrutiny of Results
The students can apply for Revaluation,Photocopy & Scrutiny for all subjects. The fee for Revaluation, Scrutiny and Photocopy are Rs. 500/-, Rs.100/- and Rs.300/- per subject respectively. Last date for submitting application: 15-11-2018
HSE Plus One Improvement Result-2018(Link will be active after the official declaration of exam result)
Higher Secondary Plus One Improvement Exam Result 2018-Individual Result |
Higher Secondary Plus One Improvement Exam Result 2018-Schoolwise Result |
School Codes
Software Tools
Result Analyser Software-Acdatapro |
Help file for Result Analyser Software-Acdatapro |
Revaluation of Answer Script
Plus One Improvement-Revaluation of Answer Script. Date extended.Circular dtd 12.11.2018 |
Plus One Improvement-Revaluation of Answer Script. Notofication dtd 01.11.2018 |
Plus One Improvement-Revaluation of Answer Script. Circular dtd 01.11.2018 |
Application Form for Revaluation | Photocopy | Scrutiny |
apo result october 30inu varillaaaaaaleee
ReplyDeleteexpected to be published in November.. appo verrillayirrikkum
Deletenov 1
DeleteWhen will publish plus one imp result 2018
ReplyDeleteon November..
DeleteActualy when will publish plus one imp result 2018
ReplyDeleteFirst year improment exam result
Deletepublish cheythuu
DeleteIt getting too late...
ReplyDeletenop... today .. @2 p.m
DeleteResult nov 1st ne varumennu parwyunnu seri aano
ReplyDeletesheriyaannnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .. eppo verum.. wait & watch
DeleteDate onne clear aakki tharumoooo
ReplyDeleteh-( :((
ReplyDeleteI can help you..
DeleteNeha ajih 🤔🤔ariyo
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteNovember which week
ReplyDeletenov 1st at 2 p.m
DeleteResult Nov 1 ?
ReplyDeleteWhich date the result publish 😑
ReplyDeleteNov 1st
DeleteOh k appaaa varrathu good
ReplyDeleteResult enna varune???
ReplyDeleteNov 1st
DeleteNov 1st
DeleteResult à´Žà´¨്à´¨് വരും?
ReplyDeleteNov 1st
DeleteNov 1 result varumm?.nigal reply dayavayi tharanam.plase reply
ReplyDeletewe all are waiting for our results..
ReplyDeleteNov 1st
DeleteNov 1st
DeleteResult ennu ariyum?? ?
ReplyDeleteWhen will you publish 2018 first year improvement results
ReplyDeleteOn which day
ReplyDeletePlease reply that when is the actual day of results if the day is not fixed then plz inform the nov1 is a fake date
ReplyDeletePlease do it for all the students and parents all are waiting for it so inform us fast
leading media websites vare parayunnu nov 1st anenn... so ath fake avan vazhi illa
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ReplyDeletePlease update the date and time officially 😰
ReplyDeletePlease update the date and time officially 😰
ReplyDeleteThe Directorate of Higher secondary education(DHSE) will publish the Higher Secondary Plus One Improvement Result 2018 on 1st November 2018
ReplyDeletetme plz
DeleteEvery improvement exam was tough.
ReplyDeleteResult time??
ReplyDeleteResult time : After 2:00 pm
DeleteResult time chilappo 5:00 na indaava...bcs most of the results have been declared at that time
ReplyDeleteTime plz
ReplyDeleteTime of arrival of result on 1st November
ReplyDeleteResult time after 2pm ?
ReplyDeleteNo yaar its on 5:00
ReplyDeleteResult time is after 2pm
ReplyDeleteAre u sure that its on 2:00 pm
ReplyDeleteAppo nammal schoolil illapol aryum resultsss
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOne minute too
ReplyDeleteResult vanno
DeleteKittyode arkkelum
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIs there a revaluation for improvement marks?
ReplyDeleteSir, Can I apply revaluation to the paper which I have improved now.. .?
ReplyDeleteMaths njan improve cheithu but pratheekshicha mark illa. Appo enikku revaluation kodukkavo...? Undenkil engane ennu paranju tharamo?
Thank you
is reavluation possible for improvement exams of 11???
Deleteis revaluation possible
DeleteResult will announced later.how many does does it take to announce my result.
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one who is getting like this
Same problem à´Žà´¨ിà´•്à´•ും ഉണ്à´Ÿ്
DeleteAlhamdhulillah..... 😊 Angane enikkum kitti full A+ .
ReplyDeleteenth chaaranado ?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteà´¸ാർ à´žാൻ à´«ിà´¸ിà´•്à´¸് ഇമ്à´ª്à´°ോà´µെà´®െà´¨്à´±് പരീà´•്à´· à´Žà´´ുà´¤ി.à´žാൻ നന്à´¨ാà´¯ി à´Žà´´ുà´¤ി പക്à´·െ à´Žà´¨ിà´•്à´•് à´®ാർക്à´•് à´•ുറഞ്à´žു.ഇതിà´¨ു revaluation à´šെà´¯്à´¯ാൻ പറ്à´±ുà´®ോ.
ReplyDeleteVerum oru mark yanth result
ReplyDeleteYanth velivation an
improvement resultine revaluation undo
ReplyDeleteSir , can i apply revaluation the for improvement results
ReplyDeleteIs there revaluation for improvement exam
Deletecan we know the revalued marks that we got in public exam
ReplyDeleteAthe drace mark improvement result nte koode add cheyyyyo
ReplyDeleteAthe drace mark improvement result nte koode add cheyyyyo
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIf there is any chance of revaluvation bcz i wrote the physics and chemistry exam in good manner but there is no any silly change in my result comparing with +1public exam result....
ReplyDelete📌 *Hsslive Broadcast No: 193*
ReplyDelete*à´’à´¨്à´¨ാം വർഷ ഇമ്à´ª്à´°ൂà´µ്à´®െà´¨്à´±് പരീà´•്à´·ാ à´«à´²ം à´ªുനർമൂà´²്യനിർണ്ണയം നടത്à´¤ാൻ à´¸ാà´§ിà´•്à´•ുà´®ോ?*
ഇമ്à´ª്à´°ൂà´µ്à´®െà´¨്à´±് പരീà´•്à´·à´¯ുà´Ÿെ ഉത്തരക്à´•à´Ÿà´²ാà´¸ുà´•à´³ുà´Ÿെ à´ªുനർമൂà´²്യനിർണ്ണയം,à´¸ൂà´•്à´·്à´® പരിà´¶ോധന,à´«ോà´Ÿ്à´Ÿോà´•ോà´ª്à´ªി à´Žà´¨്à´¨ിവയ്à´•്à´•ുà´³്à´³ à´…à´ªേà´•്ഷകൾ à´«ീസടച്à´š് പരീà´•്à´·à´¯െà´´ുà´¤ിà´¯ à´¸്à´•ൂà´³ിൽ സമർപ്à´ªിà´•്à´•ാം. അവസാà´¨ à´¤ിയതി 08-11-2018. à´«ീà´¸്: à´ªുനർമൂà´²്യനിർണ്ണയം-500 ,à´¸ൂà´•്à´·്à´® പരിà´¶ോധന-100,à´«ോà´Ÿ്à´Ÿോà´•ോà´ª്à´ªി-300
à´…à´ª്à´²ിà´•്à´•േഷൻ à´«ോം à´¡ൗൺലോà´¡് à´šെà´¯്à´¯ാം: http://bit.ly/plusone-imp-result-2018
*ഇൻറർനെà´±്à´±ിൽ ഇമ്à´ª്à´°ൂà´µ്à´®െà´¨്à´±് പരീà´•്à´·à´¯ുà´Ÿെ à´«à´²ം പരിà´¶ോà´§ിà´š്à´šà´ª്à´ªോൾ à´Žà´´ുà´¤ിà´¯ പരീà´•്à´·à´•à´³ുà´Ÿെ à´¸്à´•ോർ à´•ാà´£ുà´¨്à´¨ിà´²്à´². പകരം RAL-Result Announced Later à´Žà´¨്à´¨് à´•ാà´£ുà´¨്à´¨ു. à´Žà´¨്à´¤് à´šെà´¯്യണം?*
പരീà´•്à´·à´¯െà´´ുà´¤ിà´¯ à´¸്à´•ൂà´³ിà´²െ à´ª്à´°ിൻസിà´ª്à´ªാà´³ിà´¨െ സമീà´ªിà´•്à´•ുà´•.
Sir I have got 90 marks for English including grace marks in plus one and full marks for all other subjects.I improved English to 95 without grace marks.Can I add my previous grace marks of English to it
ReplyDeletePlz reply sir it's urgent
Pls reply...:(( h-(
ReplyDeleteEllavardeym result vannu...but ente naminte nere onnm kaanikkunnilla...i wrote three papers but my row is blank....helo pls...reply pls...
enikkum ee same proplem und
DeleteNjan chodicha question onn reply cheyyoooo...plss...waiting sadly...
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIs there any possibility to add my grace marks with improvement marks
ReplyDeletePlzz reply
ReplyDeleteAre you sure?
DeletePlease conduct all exams in a good and disciplined manner.so many malpractices are taking place in every exams.Many students are just copying the answers of others .One may get the answer script of other who may be sitting 2 or 3 benches in front .The tachers are just looking it at watching it just like they are watching movies.So set three sets of qps for each subject in which the order of questions are not same.
ReplyDeletesir my improvement exam result has not published into the site. i am trying to get the result for the last 2 days. when i enterd the register number it is showing that the 'result anounced later'. so when will my result will be published
ReplyDeleteSchoolile principaline sameepikkuka .Hssliveil ingane paranjittundu
DeleteEnta result edhuvare kittiyilla . Result announced
ReplyDeleteLater enna kanikkunnee.edhu eppola ready aakum
Revaluations mark engane ariyan pattuka
ReplyDeleteSir,imp revaluation cheyyann pattummmo.plz reply
ReplyDeletePlease frs see this... 👇
ReplyDeleteHsslive Broadcast No: 193
?) à´’à´¨്à´¨ാം വർഷ ഇമ്à´ª്à´°ൂà´µ്à´®െà´¨്à´±് പരീà´•്à´·ാ à´«à´²ം à´ªുനർമൂà´²്യനിർണ്ണയം നടത്à´¤ാൻ à´¸ാà´§ിà´•്à´•ുà´®ോ?
Ans) ഇമ്à´ª്à´°ൂà´µ്à´®െà´¨്à´±് പരീà´•്à´·à´¯ുà´Ÿെ ഉത്തരക്à´•à´Ÿà´²ാà´¸ുà´•à´³ുà´Ÿെ à´ªുനർമൂà´²്യനിർണ്ണയം,à´¸ൂà´•്à´·്à´® പരിà´¶ോധന,à´«ോà´Ÿ്à´Ÿോà´•ോà´ª്à´ªി à´Žà´¨്à´¨ിവയ്à´•്à´•ുà´³്à´³ à´…à´ªേà´•്ഷകൾ à´«ീസടച്à´š് പരീà´•്à´·à´¯െà´´ുà´¤ിà´¯ à´¸്à´•ൂà´³ിൽ സമർപ്à´ªിà´•്à´•ാം. അവസാà´¨ à´¤ിയതി 08-11-2018. à´«ീà´¸്: à´ªുനർമൂà´²്യനിർണ്ണയം-500 ,à´¸ൂà´•്à´·്à´® പരിà´¶ോധന-100,à´«ോà´Ÿ്à´Ÿോà´•ോà´ª്à´ªി-300
à´…à´ª്à´²ിà´•്à´•േഷൻ à´«ോം à´¡ൗൺലോà´¡് à´šെà´¯്à´¯ാം: http://bit.ly/plusone-imp-result-2018
?) ഇൻറർനെà´±്à´±ിൽ ഇമ്à´ª്à´°ൂà´µ്à´®െà´¨്à´±് പരീà´•്à´·à´¯ുà´Ÿെ à´«à´²ം പരിà´¶ോà´§ിà´š്à´šà´ª്à´ªോൾ à´Žà´´ുà´¤ിà´¯ പരീà´•്à´·à´•à´³ുà´Ÿെ à´¸്à´•ോർ à´•ാà´£ുà´¨്à´¨ിà´²്à´². പകരം RAL-Result Announced Later à´Žà´¨്à´¨് à´•ാà´£ുà´¨്à´¨ു. à´Žà´¨്à´¤് à´šെà´¯്യണം?
Ans) പരീà´•്à´·à´¯െà´´ുà´¤ിà´¯ à´¸്à´•ൂà´³ിà´²െ à´ª്à´°ിൻസിà´ª്à´ªാà´³ിà´¨െ സമീà´ªിà´•്à´•ുà´•.
Eppola result kittika
DeleteWhy result is not published of certain students
ReplyDeleteReevaluation date ORU 2 days kuttamooo
ReplyDeletePlus one markiloode grace mark add cheyyumo
ReplyDeleteCan you please extend the date of revaluation?
ReplyDeleteplease add result announced later in our school 12002
ReplyDelete+1 improvement revaluation result date epla nu ariyo....😄
ReplyDeletewhen is revaluation result of +1 improvement exam 2018
ReplyDeleteWow, What a Excellent post. I really found this to much informatics. It is what i was searching for.I would like to suggest you that please keep sharing such type of info.Thanks psc result 2018
ReplyDeleteWhen will you publish plus one result of revaluation of improvement exam??
ReplyDeleteIthil chodhikunnu chodyangalkonnum utharam labhikunilla. Enthukondu?? I want to know that when will the revaluation results of improvement exam be published?? HSS live please reply. Its my humble request. You are the responsible person to answer the questions of students. please don't forget that. Ningalude oru replyku vendi kaathirikunnu aayiram manassukal undu.
ReplyDeleteWhen will the revaluation result of improvement published
ReplyDeleteplease reply when will the plus one improvement revaluation result publish....why are u making the result too late.
ReplyDeleteWhy are you not answering for the questions
ReplyDeleteImprovement revaluation
ReplyDeleteresults enn publish cheyyum?
improvement revaluation result ith vare publish cheydhittillallo? ennaan publish cheyyuka?
ReplyDeleteWhy there is no answer for the questions
ReplyDeleteWhen will the 2018 improovement revaluation result will publish
ReplyDeleteWhen will plusone improvement revaluation result publish?
ReplyDeleteWhen will plus one improvement revaluation result publish?plss reply