Degree at English and Foreign Languages University(EFLU)

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English and Foreign Languages University is unique in its kind as it is specially set up to conduct advanced research and training in the areas of teacher education, literature, linguistics and interdisciplinary studies. Research like study is offered at degree level. The blend of technology and education for new generation is offered in an innovative way in EFLU in its thrive to disseminate knowledge and information.

EFLU Programmes

EFLU offers degree, PG, Ph.D and teacher training programmes in its head quarter Hyderabad and regional campuses Shillong and Lucknow. A modular approach called cafeteria system is followed in M.A.English programme where the student can choose the electives of his choice. A minimum of 4 subjects can be studied like this. Though not this much facility is available, electives of one’s choice can be chosen in other PG programmes too.

As the university is in collaboration with other universities across the world, inter-institutions exchange of activities is also possible and one can continue the part of the programme abroad. EFLU provides campus placement for those who successfully complete the course.

Various under graduate courses available at eflu are B.A (Hons)in English, Journalism and Mass Communication, Arabic, French, German, Japanese,Russian and Spanish.

Eligibility Criteria

Pass in the intermediate/Plus two examination or its equivalent, with 50% marks for general and OBC candidate. 45% of marks is sufficient for SC / ST category candidates . English must be one of the subjects for all.

Application fee

Rs.500/- for General category and SC and ST category candidates need pay only Rs.250/-

Exam Pattern

Admission will be based on computer based objective type test of 2 hour duration. It will carry 70 marks. 30 marks will be given for interview. Questions from areas like General knowledge, Logical reasoning, Passage comprehension, English literature can be expected.

EFLU Sample Question Paper

Dates to Remember

Last date to apply is February 26th 2019. Admission test will be conducted in four sessions on March 30th and 31st 2019. Exam would be conducted in 23 cities including Trivandrum, Chennai, Bangalore, Mangalore. Candidates can have three choices of their preferences while apply. For more details, click the link,

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