The answer sheets distributed to the Higher Secondary students writing their board exam are taking a novel shape, as the answer papers would be distributed to the students for the Higher Secondary exam further in the form of booklet only. Double valuation answer sheets of subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics would continue as it is now as a un ruled barcoded sheet.
The newly prepared answer booklet would have 8 pages. Name of exam, Name of subject, Date of exam,Code no of question paper, Register Number etc should be entered on the first page. Instructions for the students would be on the second page. The students can use the rest of the pages – page 3 to 8 for writing their answers.
Also, there would be 25 lines on each page. Unlike previous years, it is ruled booklet. Besides, margins are also separated. The additional sheets that students get after completing the booklet, also has been done with certain changes. It is of ruled 4 paged set of paper. This new shape of answer sheet is the specialty of this year’s examination.

The instructions regarding the use of calculator, logarithm tables in exam hall have already been given in the Higher secondary exam notification by the Directorate of Higher Secondary Education.
nalla pAripadi
ReplyDeleteSir what about maths answer sheet??Wheather it is ruled or unruled?
DeleteIthreyum paper nashtavairrikum 1sheet maximum poyal 1Rs akum orukutti maximum yezhuthiyal 2papper bakii yethra papperinte cash pokum ithinulla fund sarkarine evadane paizzake onnum vellayilley dhooridhum vanne Keralathila pavapetta jengalke nashtagal vanoo poyitunde yennal Kure perde nashtagal sarkar yetteduthirunoo yennal ineeyum keralathiley jengalde nashtagal theernitilaa dhooridhathilude yennal avarde nashtagal theertukoduthila yennal ithreyum papperinte money veruthe pokunathine kozhpailley yethra Kodi papper inte rupa pokunathe ithe moshamaya decision Anney ithe yethrayum vekam neerthalakkuka e kanikunathe kodum krurathayaney
DeleteBut ruled answer sheet for maths is not a great idea.Will. It be unrulrd
ReplyDeleteSir please don't implement this idea this year. We have been writing in unruled paper since last two years. We can't use ruled sheets. What about commerce subjects. Are they also ruled?? Please reply.
ReplyDeleteAh,come on nigga. Ruled or not ruled-whats the difference? Isnt ruled papers better??
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Delete...than a ruled one.so on
Deleteno dude, Unruled paper is better, because it can illustrate a bar graph or a line chart easily. each single point on that digram we can easily grasp with first sight. so Unruled one is better..
Deletei hope ee varsam vijaya sadhamanam will decline totally
ReplyDeleteI love this decision!!
ReplyDeleteSir don't implement this idea.
ReplyDeleteIf a student needs more than 8
Pages what will do??
And also ruled papers is not suitable for HSS exams
a very good decision . It will be more reliable , tidy and arranged so that we can feel safe to write exam without fearing the paper mismatch and missing.. Glad to know this as a class 11 student . But it would be better if there were more pages in a single booklet like that of cbse
DeleteHey we can ask for additional sheets apart from the booklet!
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ReplyDeleteGood decision
ReplyDeletePlease don't support this decision
Deletecopy adi nadakkoola
Deleteits a good idea????
ini enganelum copy adich pass aavam enn karuthiyavar okke poi padicho tta . illel pani paalum makkaleee
ReplyDeleteIt's not suitable....
ReplyDeleteELLAVARUM FAILED thankzz
ReplyDeleteNjanghal studensinum oru avasaram kittum appol njanghal nalla super pani tharum.
ReplyDeletemmak exam book nokki ezhthunna paripaadi kond varaatto
DeleteMaths exam enganeya ruled pagesil ezhuthua.. 4th grade muthal unruled bookil aanu maths ezhuthiyittullath.. pettann oru maatam nalla budhimuttaanu.. please atleast mathsnu unruled booklet prepare cheyyuu
ReplyDeleteAherikkhum vaaich nookh
Deletepls make ruled sheets
ReplyDeleteEe rule adutha year muthal thudangan pattuo
ReplyDeleteIlla lle
Agane aneghill sugamayyiuu
DeleteSir don't implement this rule suddenly because using ruled paper is difficult for us because we are writing in unruled paper for year
ReplyDeleteS.if you had the plan to use ruled papers then why did you conduct terminal exams in unruled papers
10th class vare ruled paperil ezhuthikkondirunna njnglapolathe pillerkk pettenn +1il vannappol unruled paperil ezhuthendi vannu... enthayalum athra paadonnum illa ruled paperil ezhuthunnath... atleast cherivonnum illathe ezhuthanenkilum pattum...
DeleteThen how can we write maths examination in ruled.is that also easy?
Deleteofcourse it is .. we have been writing till class 10
DeleteAppo Maths?? I dont like to write maths exm in a ruled paper.Majority of people doesn't. Nammalude handwriting anusarich ulla gap vitt ezhuthanulla freedom aan ivide pokunnath. Mathravumalla chilarude handwriting kaanan appo bangiyum indaavilla. So language papers evaluate chyyunna teachers nu oru impression indaavilla..
M tube you are correct
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DeleteA better idea is they should make available both ruled and unruled paper.then the student can select either ruled or unruled as their desire.am i correct?
Delete@Aaa yes njngl 10th vare anganeya sheeliche... ente notebookum ruled aa...
Delete@Jipsa Fathima right...
Delete@Mtube unruledil ezhuthi sheelichavarkk chilappo handwriting kollillayrikkam... anyways ippo ruled paper mattumenn enikk thonnunnilla let's wait and see...
DeleteLoved it
ReplyDeleteIdhilum naladh.... Kollunnadha....
ReplyDeletemmalum trapped aanu bro
DeleteEthokke nthonnn paripadiyaa?
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ReplyDeleteWhich are double valuation subjects for commerce. Please reply sir or anybody who knows.
ReplyDeleteDouble valuation is only there for science stream(phy,che,mat) and techinal subjects...No double valuation for cmrc and hum
DeleteAbsolutely right decision It is suitable to the students and teachers who are in the exam hall. Ruled paper is very essential because all the international exams are in ruled paper . Since all cbse and icse exams are in ruled paper. Booklet Will save the time of student.As a student in 11th class commerce i m fully satisfied with this decision.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely right decision It is suitable to the students and teachers who are in the exam hall. Ruled paper is very essential because all the international exams are in ruled paper . Since all cbse and icse exams are in ruled paper. Booklet Will save the time of student.As a student in 11th class commerce i m fully satisfied with this decision.
ReplyDeleteIt's not writing maths exam in ruled paper.there are many diagrams in biology and derivation in physics .So writing maths and science exams in ruled paper is not practical.
ReplyDeletewhat if we are taking more than 8 sheets??
ReplyDeleteInvigilator will give you the next booklet.
Deletebooklet aakathirikkunnatha nallath because ithreyum kalam angane ezhuthi pettann orum matam budhimutta
Deleteprathyekish maths okke
anganayirunnenkil terminal exam aa pattern aakayirunnu.....atleast model examenkil aakenam
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ReplyDeleteEe 8 page enn parayunnath 8sheets(16 puram )aano? Additional sheet 4 page enn paranju ath 8puram aano??
ReplyDeletebetter idea is they should make available both ruled and unruled paper.then the student can select either ruled or unruled as their desire.am i correct
ReplyDeleteസർ,ഇത്à´°à´¯ും à´•ാà´²ം à´žà´™്ങൾ à´Žà´´ുà´¤ിà´¯ പരിà´•്ഷകൾ à´Žà´²്à´²ാം വരയിà´²്à´²ാà´¤്à´¤ ഉത്തരകടലാà´¸ിൽ à´ªെà´Ÿ്à´Ÿെà´¨്à´¨് à´’à´°ു à´®ാà´±്à´±ം à´…à´¤് à´šിലപ്à´ªോൾ à´žà´™്ങളുà´Ÿെ à´ാà´µി ഉപരിപഠനത്à´¤െ വരെ à´ാà´§ിà´š്à´šെà´•്à´•ാം.à´œീà´µിതത്à´¤ിà´¨്à´±െ à´Ÿേà´£ിà´™്à´™് à´ªോയറ്à´±ിൽ à´žà´™്ങൾ à´Žà´¤്à´¤ിà´¨ിൽക്à´•ുà´®്à´ªോൾ à´¨േർവഴി à´•ാà´£ിà´š്à´šിà´²േà´²ും à´µേà´£്à´Ÿിà´² à´…à´±്à´±്à´²ീà´¸്à´±്à´±് തടസ്സങ്ങൾ ഉണ്à´Ÿാà´•്à´•ാà´¤ിà´°ുà´¨ുà´•്à´•ൂà´Ÿെ.
ReplyDeleteSathyam... Nale aan exam.. Chemistry aan.. Enthavo aavo?
Deletebetter idea is they should make available both ruled and unruled paper.then the student can select either ruled or unruled as their desire.am i correct?
ReplyDeleteUnruled paper are good for examination
ReplyDeleteSir it will Be more Expens for Paper. Pupil don't write in a single paper. If Papers are reduced. More papers will be Waste
ReplyDeleteSir already my handwriting is like doctor's handwriting and length of my letters are also comparatively. I could score full a+in plus one. But with decision I doubt that this year I could or not. Please don't implement. It's my kind request.
ReplyDeleteà´…à´±ിà´¯ാൻ à´ªാà´Ÿിà´²്à´²ാà´¤്à´¤ോà´£്à´Ÿ് à´šോà´¦ിà´•്à´•ുà´µാ ... à´žà´™്ങളെ à´•ൊà´²്à´²ാà´¤ിà´°ിà´•്à´•ാൻ പറ്à´±ുà´®ോ?? ഇല്à´² à´…à´²്à´²േ ...
ReplyDeleteഇത് വളരെയധിà´•ം à´•ുà´Ÿ്à´Ÿിà´•à´³െ à´ª്à´°à´¤ിà´•ൂലമാà´¯ി à´¬ാà´§ിà´•്à´•ും.à´ˆ à´¤ീà´°ുà´®ാà´¨ം à´¨േà´°à´¤്à´¤െ ഉണ്à´Ÿാà´¯ിà´°ുà´¨്à´¨െà´™്à´•ിൽ AT LEAST à´®ോഡൽ പരീà´•്à´· à´Žà´™്à´•ിà´²ും ഇത് പരീà´•്à´·ിà´š്à´šു à´¨ോà´•്à´•ാà´®ാà´¯ിà´°ുà´¨്à´¨ിà´²്à´²േ ? à´Žà´¨്à´¨ിà´Ÿ്à´Ÿ് à´…à´¤് à´µിജയിà´š്à´šെà´™്à´•ിൽ à´®ാà´¤്à´°ം FINAL à´¨ു നടത്à´¤ിà´¯ാൽ à´ªോà´°െ? ഇത് à´’à´°ുà´®ാà´¤ിà´°ി à´šെà´¯്à´¤് ആയി à´ªോà´¯ി..Feeling pity on this decision.
what a butiful desicion!!
ReplyDeleteinternational level exam okke kanditt, nammade ee exam vare booklettum, ruled paperum okke aakkunnu lee...
thala kanditt nthinaa verthee vaal aattunne...
Bro i studied international syllabus till 9th.appol unruled paperilla exam nadathikond irunath
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ReplyDeletegood decission sir
ReplyDeleteini copy adikkunna pillerkku athinu kazhiyilla avar poyi padikkaytte
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ReplyDeletePlease make paper unruled
ReplyDeleteIf I forget to write question paper code any probs
ReplyDeleteNo Problem.... Plus one - il njanum oru subjectinu question paper code ezhuthan marannu. But oru prashnavum undayilla
ReplyDeleteSir, will I loose my marks if I forget to write the subquestion number but I have wrote the main question number. Will it affect my marks.... Kindly reply
ReplyDeletesir will I lose my Mark's if I wrote the sub question number on the right side of the margin
ReplyDeletesir answer keyil question paperinte code ayutan marnal koyapam undo