Higher Secondary Second Year(Plus Two) English Exam Tips

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Planning and preparation should go together. Like all other subjects, language paper also should be done in a systematic way to enhance one’s performance.

Apart from reading each chapter between lines in the text book, types of questions and score should be kept in mind. Grammar must be practiced at the application level. Format, organization of ideas, content area for each topic, style of presentation, language etc are of paramount importance in language exam.
The students should know that, core ideas in each chapter along with general notions have to be conveyed as required. Simply beating around the bush like answers ought to be avoided while answering questions in language. Matter and manner ( what and How ) must be the central key of each answer as they are the major elements inviting one’s attention for giving optimum score. Poems must be read well for appreciation level questions. Also, general reading in connection with text would lend a helping hand in language exam.
Focusing these points, Smt. Reena Mathai, HSST English, Govt Higher Secondary School, Pirappancodu, Trivandrum gives a video class to perform the best in English exam for the Second year Higher Secondary students. Click the link to watch the visual presentation.
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Related Downloads
Plus Two English Study Notes
Plus Two Model Answer Sheet

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  1. Video was really helpful .Thank you so much for remembering the minor points.

  2. when will plus one result publish

  3. Thank you miss for such a fantastic guidance

  4. yaa maam it's nice video very helpful...thanks for ur great effort for us..

  5. Very useful one thankyou ma'am

  6. +2 English was very easy. Gramer section was so simple. Thank you teacher

  7. Very simple paper just got the 3rd que wrong...rest was amazing!

  8. Plus two English exam was tough for me. No blurb , blog ,resume and seminar report . It was unexpected

  9. Mam does Agonising and Agonizing mean same?????
    plzzz reply.....

    1. Well it should nkt be same but the agonising is the correct answer

    2. But Agonizing matches with Excruciating....

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Thanks a load ma'am.:-) .really helpful

  13. Ma'am what's the answer of the first QN? Is it women or the commercial farmers of Kenya?

  14. Plus two English exam was tough for me. No blurb , blog ,resume and seminar report . It was unexpected

  15. English examil mark score cheyyan pattunna resume seminar report onnum chodhichilla.ellathinum full kittunna kuttikkupolum a plus chilappo englishinu pokum.so liberal aakkumenn pratheekshikkunnu.exam athra sukham thonniyilla

  16. Mam can u pls give us an idea about how much we have to write for each mark distribution

  17. Plz include the tips of grammar that is to be used for edit the error in the passage.what all grammar other than textbook grammar are required

  18. Reena mam plz include pdf for discourse format in hse course and grammar to be taken for editing the passage.We students were waiting for mams respnd

  19. Its good. But i like it. Iam be cool

  20. Please give the basic structure of the problems like, using your experience in your professional.
