It has been recommended early by the Curriculum Sub Committee to install IT and Mathematics labs and to conduct practicals. The recommendations, approaching document prepared by the SCERT and an order recognized by the government have been published. It has been directed to allot two continuous periods each week for Maths practical. A minimum of 8 and 16 lab work should be conducted for Plus One and Plus Two students respectively each year. The practical exam would be of 2 hours duration with questions for 40 marks. Accordingly, the valuation system that prevails now may change.
The order states that there is no need to install labs for Mathematics separately. Instead IT labs can be used. To make arrangements in lab in all schools, Hi-tech School project, Plan fund, self fund, people fund etc can be used. At present, other Science subjects have practical exam and lab activity is part of valuation.
The entire free softwares required for this like, Geogebra, Python, Libre office, Samagra Portal would be available free of cost by the Kerala Infrastructure and Technology for Education (KITE).
Each lab consists of 2 or 3 Activities and some additional activities. Additional Activities are optional.
Step by step explanation is given in the manual for each Activity.
Separate markings are given for those steps which are to be written in the observation book.
Each student has to keep an observation book, which is to be examined and rectified by the teacher.
An online platform is also set ready for recording the findings and inferences of the student.
Mathematics Lab-General Instructions for First year students
For the first year, there are 16 labs from the class 11 text book, out of which 8 are to be done.Each lab consists of 2 or 3 Activities and some additional activities. Additional Activities are optional.
Step by step explanation is given in the manual for each Activity.
Separate markings are given for those steps which are to be written in the observation book.
Each student has to keep an observation book, which is to be examined and rectified by the teacher.
An online platform is also set ready for recording the findings and inferences of the student.
Mathematics score would be like this
Year | Theory Exam | CE | PE |
First Year(Plus One) | 60 | 20 | - |
Second Year(Plus Two) | 60 | 20 | 40 (Lab Activities: 32,Viva:4,Record Work:4) |
It has been aimed to transact all subjects with the help of educational technology. KITE would make arrangements for excellent softwares for this and to impart training to all teachers. Scheme for Mathematics lab, model activities etc would be updated here as and when it is made available.
Five years back a team suggested this project with 20 practical works.The SCERT faculty rejected.
ReplyDeletePlease take necessary action to provide teachers training for unaided school teachers. Because the students from govt, aided, and unaided have equal right to learn uniform methods. Than you
ReplyDeletewhat about +2 students who write class 11 maths exam for 80
ReplyDeletePracticalinte à´’à´°ു ആവശ്യവും ഇല്à´². ഇപ്à´ªൊ തന്à´¨െ 2 text ആണ് പഠിà´•്à´•ാൻ ഉള്ളത്. ഇത് overload ആരിà´•്à´•ും. à´®ാà´¤്രമല്à´² 60 à´®ാർക്à´•ിà´¨് à´Žà´¨്à´¤് à´šോà´¦്à´¯ം ഇടാൻ ആണ് ?
ReplyDeleteGeoGebra à´’à´°ു à´ªേà´ª്പർ à´•ൂà´Ÿി à´¸ിലബസ്à´¸ിൽ à´šേർത്à´¤ാൽ à´ªോà´°െ.à´µെà´±ുà´¤െ à´Žà´¨്à´¤ിà´¨ാ maths à´¨്à´±െ à´•ൂà´Ÿെ ഇത് à´•ൊà´£്à´Ÿുവന്നത്?.à´ˆ സബ്ജക്à´Ÿ് നശിà´ª്à´ªിà´•്à´•ാà´¨ാà´£ോ.ഇപ്à´ªോൾ തന്à´¨െ à´¸ിലബസ് à´®ോà´¶ം ആണ്.Valuation à´¨ും à´®ോà´¶ം.à´’à´¨്à´¨ും à´…à´±ിà´¯ാà´¤്à´¤ à´•ുà´±െ തലമുറയെ പടച്à´šു à´µിà´Ÿുà´¨്à´¨ു.
DeleteAs a student, its true
DeletePlease give the lab manual
ReplyDeletePlease give lab manual....
DeleteWhere is lab 18?....
ReplyDeleteYes, where is lab 18?
DeleteCheck Now
Deleteapplet evidenn kitum
ReplyDeleteath arikkum ariyilla
Deletelab 0 plus 2 where
ReplyDeleteHey, is this the same syllabus/portions for 2022 math lab exam? Please update it, if its not. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for introducing Maths Lab. It really helps to understand Mathematical concepts intuitively. This is indeed a big leap. Congratulations to the development team.
Where is the manual for remaining labs. Pls upload Lab 34 - Vectors, Lab 37 - Planes and all remaining lab manuals ASAP. Thank You.
ReplyDeletePlease upload applets also...