Exam Manager-Free Software for Higher Secondary Terminal/Model Exam Management

HseManager is a software created for the smooth conduct of the exam and to co-ordinate the activities at the school level while conducting higher secondary public examination annually. Exam Manager software is another contribution for the higher secondary schools by Dr.Sajan Matthew who developed HSE Manager. It is a tool which enabled to handle the activities at the school level while the terminal exam for the first and the second year are conducted jointly. All reports for the conduct of term exam would be made available with certain mouse clicks. Windows/MS Access are needed to activate the software. How to download Exam Manager software and activate it, is explained here.
Exam Manager by Sajan Mathew

How to download Exam Manger

Download the exam manager software from the link given here. It is a Zip file. Extract it and save the exam Manager folder in 'D 'drive. Open the folder to open exammanager_FE while the software opens enter 'admin' as username and password and click 'Enter' button. 

Basic Settings in Exam Manager

Then the opening window wood display three sections- Inputs, Others, Outputs. First click the red colour button 'Basic Settings' in 'Other section'. 

How to give 'Basic Settings' is given below. 

1.Class Details

Click the first button 'Class details'. Enter the details of plus one and plus two Class details of your school in the window that opens. Then enter 1st/2nd year class strength, combination, subjects etc. and close it. 

2.Room Settings 

Click the button, 'Room settings'. The exam hall can be set here. Give the number of desks in each room here. 

3. Basic Settings

Then click the button, 'Basic settings', enter School code in the red letter School code field and press 'Enter' then give place ,check exam start date and total candidates etc. Option for including 4 students per desk is also available.

Second Language Edit : 

Click this button to set second language of students. Editing can be done if needed.

Time Table : 

Click this button to set time table. Editing can be done if needed. 


All reports for the exam are available here. Select date, forenoon or afternoon to view the exam subjects on the date and number of students. From here print out can be taken for attendance, seating arrangement, seating layout, room wise question paper, absentee statement, supervision work arrangement etc 

Staff details: 

Teachers who have been assigned supervision for invigilation duty can be entered here. 

Invigilation duty : 

Duty chart, day wise duty are available in this menu.
Exam Manager 32 bit for Higher secondary Model Exam 2025 by Dr.Sajan Mathew
Exam Manager 64 bit for Higher secondary Model Exam 2025 by Dr.Sajan Mathew
Exam Manager Help File(PDF)

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  1. How to edit the time tablet settings.Can we adjust the no.of students on a bench.?

    1. You can edit time table. But only 3 students per bench.

  2. will it work for 64 bit version ?

  3. Pls make available the 64 bit version. The current 32bit is not supported on 64 bit processor

  4. Sir we have to allot duty to all teachers.Bot in invigilators duty arrangement total number of invigilators is equal to maximum number of rooms.Please correct it

    1. Please use the patch file. It will publish at 3pm today (23/08/19)

  5. sir,the number supts shows 0 in the time table ,and can't take seating arrangement from sep 3.before dates it is ok. what to do?

  6. sir, How can enter No of students in second languages like malayalam,Hindi, Tamil,etc...

  7. thanks sajan sir for your sincere effort....installed the software.....shortage of class rooms creates some problems....instead of three per bench four has to be adjusted in some days...

  8. Sir,
    seating arrangement for days from 3/9/19 cannot be generated. A message "You entered an expression that has no value" appears.

    1. Please set your date format as British (dd/mm/yyyy)

  9. സര്‍ ഇത്തരമൊന്ന് HSതലത്തിലേക്ക് തയ്യാറാക്കാമൊ ?

  10. sir
    The current 32bit is not supported on 64 bit processor. Please make a 64 bit version also.

  11. Sir,

    we tried using this software for 2nd term exam of december 2019.. but the main heading still apppears as 1st term exam august 2019, can you tell any suggestion for that ?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. ഡിജിറ്റൽ ICT REGISTER തയ്യാറാക്കുവാൻ ഒരു സോഫ്റ്റ്‌വെയർ ഉണ്ടാക്കാമോ ???

  14. when we are setting, second language of second year commerce is added with first year details

  15. 2nd term December examination only need to study 2nd portion

  16. സര്‍ ഇത്തരമൊന്ന് UP തലത്തിലേക്ക് തയാറാക്കാമോ?

  17. സര്‍ ഇത്തരമൊന്ന് UP തലത്തിലേക്ക് തയാറാക്കാമോ?

  18. sir.. show the error "-2147221164 class not registered"

  19. first two days ie 11/02 and12/02 invigilators count is not showing..error is reported..please correct it sir

  20. Sir
    school code 5073..
    while generating seating plan for day 1 for model exam the result seems to be wrong .. can you plz check it??

  21. model exam manager cannot open its showing error in windows 10

  22. I am unable to edit Student Details (second language)

  23. Click on 'II year' radio button, then select SL.

    If you do not have full installation of MS Access, it may show "can't open Trim function" etc...

    In that case we can't do any thing...

  24. Sir If D drive is not there in our system, how to install and make it without error?

  25. Sir, Exam manager for plus two model exam march 2022 published or not

  26. there is no D Drive in my computer, how can I solve this problem

  27. 2024 sslc manager തയ്യാറാക്കാമൊ

    Read more at: https://www.hsslive.in/2019/08/exam-manager-for-hss.html
    Copyright © Hsslive.in

  28. The current 32bit is not supported on 64 bit processor. Please make a 64 bit version also.


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