War Room to Conduct Pending SSLC/Higher Secondary Exams

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The SSLC/Higher Secondary board examination of March 2020 was postponed due to the pandemic Covid 19. In this prevalent condition, it has been planned to resume the conduct of the exam for SSLC, HSE and VHSE. 

As per the schedule now, the remaining exams would start from 26th of May 2020. as there is a possibility of lot of confusions and increasing need of clarifications for the teachers, students and parents as well, the Department of General Education has taken a novel step by opening war rooms which in turn also would ensure the smooth conduct of the exam. It would start functioning at the state and district level too from 23rd of May 2020 from 8 a.m to 8 p.m. 


The teachers, students and parents can contact the war rooms for their clarifications. Moreover, the government as well as the Department of Health insists the students on following certain guidelines issued by them strictly as a precautionary measure. 

It advises the students to be seated only in their places in the exam hall. All examinees are directed to wear masks compulsorily. Greetings like hand shaking, hugging should be avoided to ensure safety. As sanitizers will be provided for use before entering exam hall, all students are asked to enter through main entrance of the institution only. 

Apart from this, the sharing of accessories for writing exam is not permitted. Each student is encouraged to carry water bottle in the exam hall under this circumstance. The special joyous get-togethers in the last day of the exam are strictly prohibited. 

Contact Details of War Rooms

War rooms will function at the Directorate of General Education and in each district from May 23 to coordinate examination activities and dispel the doubts of students, teachers and parents.
Phone: 0471-2580506, SSLC: 8301098511, HSE: 9447863373, VHSE: 9447236606, Email: examwarroom@gmail.com, Whatsapp: 8547869946
Phone: 0471-2472732, 9446504874
Phone: 0474-2792957, 8547420015, SSLC: 9447037200, HSE: 9447657581, VHSE: 7012267159, 9645172780
Phone: 94474 07062, 90746 25992, 94976 92881, 0469 2600181
SSLC: 0477 2252908,9746759462, HSE: 0478 2522200,94475 96619, VHSE: 0479 2455901, 7012512146
Phone: 0481 2583095, 9496613329, 9497340116, 9495348080
Phone: 0487 2360810, 8547420015, SSLC: 9496238104, 9446031953, HSE: 9447437201, VHSE: 9747236046
SSLC: 9446531820, 9495307876, HSE: 9446094196, 9447640350, VHSE: 9847924240, 9447240523
Phone: 04972705149, 8281142146, 9846684141, 9400268811

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  1. ഇങ്ങള് എൻഡ് കളിയാടോ കളിക്കുന്നെ പരീക്ഷ ഒരു യൂദ്ധ കാലഅടിസ്ഥാനത്തിൽ നടത്തണ്ട ഒരു സാധനം ആണോ വിവരം ഇല്ലേ നിങ്ങക്ക്

  2. Pls don't change the exam date

  3. Kindly understand our mental situation.

  4. ijjadhi risk edth exam nadathunnath kuttikale kolakk kodukkunnathinu equal alle..............

  5. sir please upload economics answer key march 2020
