NEST 2023-How to Apply
Applications can be submitted through online portal, www.nestexam.in from 27th of February 2023 to May 17th.
NEST 2023-Eligibility
Those who qualify the 12th exam with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Maths are eligible to apply. Candidates appearing in 2023 are also eligible. The general candidates should have obtained the score of 60% of marks where as the reserved category students should have scored 55% of marks. Their date of birth should be on or before 1st August 2003. The SC/ST candidates would get 5 years of age relaxation.
NEST 2023-Syllabus
NEST exam will follow NCERT/CBSE Science syllabus. The question paper will consist of 4 (four) sections of objective (MCQ) type
questions. Each section is of 50 marks each and will contain subject specific questions
from Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics. It is in the interest of the candidate to
attempt all sections. The merit list for both the institutes is prepared using the best 3 scores out of the four sections and the section with the worst score is omitted. Thus attempting all sections will increase their chances of a better total score.
NEST 2023-Entrance Exam
The entrance exam will be conducted in 120 towns and cities all over India on June 24, 2023 from 9 a.m to 12.30 p.m, the first session and from 2.30 p.m. to 6 p.m, the second session. The admit card for the exam can be downloaded from 12th of June 2023. The results of the exam are expected to be published on 10th of July 2023.
NEST 2023-Fee Structure
The fee structure is Rs 1,200 for the General and OBC male candidates and Rs.600 for SC and ST candidates where as it is Rs.600 for all female and Divyangjan candidates.
NEST 2023-Scholarship
The candidates who get through this exam would get an annual scholarship of Rs.60,000 in addition to a grant of Rs.20,000/ annum for Summer internship.
Important Dates
Registration/Online application opens :27th of February 2023.
Online application closes : 17th of May 2023.
Download of admit card starts : 12th of June 2023.
Date of examination : 24th of June 2023.
Announcement of results on NEST website : 10th of July 2023.
For more details, visit the website.
Useful Links
NEST 2023 |
National Entrance Screening Test(NEST) 2023-Information Brochure & Syllabus |
National Entrance Screening Test(NEST) 2023-Online Portal |