The guidelines for the students who would like to make corrections and replace the Plus two certificate issued by the Directorate of Higher Secondary Education are given here so that the procedure may be rightly done to make the necessary changes.
Plus Two Certificate: Correction in Name
The students who require correction in their name in the certificate should submit the original certificate along with an attested copy of the SSLC mark list and application duly recommended by the principal of the institution where the student had appeared for the examination. Also, a letter carrying the details of the student should be forwarded by the principal for this.
Plus Two Certificate: Correction in Date of Birth
For correction in date of birth, apart from the application and documents as done for name correction, the principal should certify that the correction was done in the school admission register too.
Fee for Plus Two Certificate Correction
The fee for certificate correction is Rs 300/-
A Treasury chalan towards certificate correction fee in the head of accounts 0202-01-102-97 (03)-Other receipts be also attached along with the application and it should be sent to the Exam wing of the Higher Secondary Directorate.
How to Apply for Plus Two Certificate Correction ?
The guidelines for making correction in the Name of the student, Parents and Date of birth have been issued. The correction would be done based on the school records. The application form published by the Higher Secondary Examination department should be filled with correct details under the supervision and the recommendation of the principal of the institution where the student has studied and it should be submitted to the secretary of the Examination wing of the Higher Secondary department.
Address for Communication
The address is given below.Address | Joint Director(Exams) O/o Director of General Education, Higher Secondary Wing, Housing Board Building Santhi Nagar Trivandrum-1 |
The documents to be attached for correction are
a) Original Higher Secondary Certificate
b) Copy of SSLC/10th Certificate attested by Gazetted Officer
c) Original Chalan receipt of Treasury for Rs. 300
d) Self-addressed envelope(Cloth lined envelop size 38cmx28cm) with Speed post/Registered Post stamp(if the certificate is sent by post)
It should be remembered that the corrections would be done based on the school records only. Click the link below to download the application form and guidelines.
Downloads |
Application form for Higher Secondary Plus Two Certificate Correction |
how much time will it take to get the corrected plus two certificate ?