Download Class 10 to 12 Previous year Question Papers & Answer Key
General Education Kerala has made every possible effort to make the examination process as easy and transparent as possible.
In keeping with the same spirit, here are the links to some of the past year question papers of Class 10 to 12(SSLC, Plus One, Plus Two) Board & Term exams that might help students who are preparing for their future examinations.
These are all of the links that will provide you with important information about how DHSE and General education conducts their examination process, what kind of study material is available and where it can be obtained from etc.
Students who are studying for an upcoming exam will often use past papers from previous years to help them anticipate the type of questions they will be asked and also find out what material they need to cover before taking the exam..
To download the previous question paper from here you can do any of the following:
The previous question paper for the class 10 to 12(SSLC, Plus One, Plus Two) Exam is available here. You can download the question paper from the following link:
Please Upload Physics 2007and2008 Previous Year Question Papers 🙏