How to fill up Higher Secondary Exam Answer Sheet ?

how to fill higher secondary answer sheet

How to fill up Higher secondary Answer Paper? What are the things to look for when writing an exam?

The public examination of the Plus one students of the academic year 2020-21 is to be held in the next month. It it important that the necessary details should be filled before start writing the exam in the facing sheet of the answer booklet for the Higher Secondary Public examination. Hence, the students should have a good knowledge of how to fill it. 
The students should write the Name of the exam, subject, date, Register number and code number of the question paper etc. in the facing sheet. It should be copied as it is, from the hall ticket. While writing the register number in words, it can be done either in English or Malayalam without any mistake. The subject name and code should be entered as given in the question paper. 

How to Fill Main Sheet

The main sheet is of 8 pages including the two printed pages- the facing sheet and instruction page. The rest of the 6 pages can be used for writing answers. Apart from the register number on the facing sheet, no details bearing the identity of the student should be entered anywhere in the answer sheet. The specimen copy of answer sheet is attached here to understand easily how to fill the details. See the copy and read the details below to find out the box and what should be entered there. 
higher secondary answer sheet

1. Name of the Examination: Write here - First Year Higher Secondary Examination September 2021
2. Subject: write the name of the subject of exam on that day from hall ticket or question paper. 
3. Date: Date of examination 
4. Paper: Need not fill it  
5. Total Additional Sheets used: Here total number of additional sheet used be written. (Each additional sheet contains 4 pages. Here don’t write the number of pages, but sheets) 
6. Score: Don’t write anything here. The total score after evaluation of the answer script is entered here by the teacher. 
7. Register number in figures: The register number as it is in the hall ticket should be copied here. It should be written either in English or Malayalam in the ‘Words column’. 
8. Code number of question paper: There is a code for each subject question paper. It can be seen on the question paper and the same code should be written here. 
9. Dated sign of the Invigilator: The teacher who is the invigilator in the exam hall should sign here. 


How to fill Additional Sheet: 

Once the pages in the main answer sheet are over, additional sheets will be issued. Each additional will have four pages. Each sheet (not pages) should be numbered sequentially as 1,2, 3,...etc. 
Higher secondary Answer Sheet

The students can get any number of additional sheets as per their requirement as there is no limit for it. The name or register number of the student should not be written on the additional sheet. The total no of additional sheets used should be written in the box provided for this purpose in the top right side of the facing sheet. The students should remember to check that the facing sheet and additional sheets are signed with date by the invigilator. 
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General Instructions: 

The marginal lines are there in the main sheet and the additional sheets. So the students need not draw margins again.
Question numbers and sub question numbers, as in the question paper should be written in the left side inside margin.
The students should ensure whether the main sheet and the additional sheets bear the monogram (special seal) and the dated signature of the invigilator.
The blank pages should be cross lined and the students must write ‘CANCELLED’ after their last answer in the last page, after completing their exam.
The main sheet and the additional sheet should be kept in the order and tagged properly. Even though, no additional sheets are used, the main sheet should be tagged well.
Don’t forget to write the total number of additional sheets used on the top right side box. If no sheets are used, ‘NIL’ should be written. 
Apart from the non programmable calculators, no other electronic gadgets should be used in the exam hall. Standard Clarks table only is allowed to be used for doing calculations in the exam. 
The specimen answer sheet is given here. View the sheet to understand the details to be filled on the facing sheet and additional sheets before the exam and thereby avoid mistakes.
How to fill up Higher Secondary Answer Sheet ? [PDF-Malayalam]
How to Identify Non Programmable Calculators

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