The finance matters of Samagra Shiksha Kerala(SSK) is done and distributed through this software application from this year.
It is operated in three ways – Agency Administrator, Agency Data Approver and Agency Data Operator.
The head of the institution is the Agency Administrator as well as Agency Data Approver of the works done by ADO in PFMS. ADO is the user id and does the daily works. It is usually the clerk or accountant of an institution.
For fund operations like finance distribution related matters, along with Data Approver and Data Operator creation, vendors also be formed.
A help file – video on how to log in, creating Data Operator and Data Approver, Vendor formation, expenditure making, Bulk customization and print payment advance generation etc.is given here. Click the link below to download it.
Public Finance Management System (PFMS)-Video & PDF Tutorial
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Public Finance Management System (PFMS)-Help file(PDF) |
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