HSS Exam Planner-Terminal Exam Manager Software by Ramesh V P

exam planner
For Higher secondary schools, it's a treat to read that there are some great programs you can use to simplify the office work. You'll be pleased to hear how effective these apps are and how much they're able to help you complete your tasks with ease. 

The iExams software can help you manage clerical tasks like Seating layouts, invigilation and other things related to exams. But they don't provide any help in running terminal examinations. The terminal exam usually requires a lot of data entry manual Seating arrangements, but this software eliminates the need for that. You can enter reports by selecting the batch you want to see and it provides detailed reports. 

Exam Planner for Terminal Exam Mangement

We are proud to launch Exam Planner by Sri.Ramesh Tirur, Govt HSS, Kattilangadi, Malappuram. This tool will make it much easier for you to plan and prepare for your terminal exams within Higher secondary schools. It is designed in a way that will help you complete all related works with just a few simple clicks.
Exam Planner(HSS) by Ramesh V P
Exam Planner -HSS Software for Terminal Exam Seating Arrangement(Excel Tool) by Ramesh V P(Last updated on 01-12-2024)
Exam Planner Video Help
Exam Planner-Junior(Class 1 to 10) Software by Ramesh V P
Exam Planner Junior(Class 1 to 10) Software for Terminal Exam Seating Arrangement(Excel Tool) by Ramesh V P
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