The revised manual describes in detail the irregularities in exam and actions to be taken for such irregularities.
What are the irregularities(Malpractice) in Higher secondary exam?
If a student registered for Higher Secondary exam does anything given here, it would be considered as an exam irregularity and would get punishment. It is clearly mentioned in page no 72 of the revised Higher secondary exam manual.
- Using unfair means such as copying or receiving help from outside is strictly prohibited in Higher Secondary exams.
- Misbehaving with officials on examination duty is not acceptable and can lead to severe consequences.
- Candidates are advised not to carry electronic devices such as cell phones, pagers, Bluetooth, pen drives, Smart watch, and tablets to the examination hall as there is no provision for safekeeping of such devices.
- Impersonation in the examination hall is strictly prohibited, and candidates are responsible for the safekeeping of their admission tickets.
- Indulging in discussions, showing gestures, or exchanging answer scripts with other candidates is considered a violation of the examination rules.
- Taking answer scripts or additional sheets outside the examination hall is not allowed.
- Occupying seats allotted to other candidates in the examination hall is considered a violation of the rules.
- Tampering with seating arrangements in the examination hall is not allowed.
- Writing the wrong register number in the answer script with the intention of committing malpractice is strictly prohibited.
- Leaving the examination hall before the stipulated time without permission from the invigilator is not allowed.
- Indulging in activities in the examination hall that can cause disturbances to other candidates is not acceptable.
- Any unmannerly behavior in the examination hall that goes against the sanctity of the examination process is strictly prohibited.
What is the punishment for exam irregularity?
These are the disciplinary actions that can be taken against a student when he or she does irregularities in the Higher Secondary Public exam. The revised exam manual page no 72 describes this.
Additionally, if a candidate is caught cheating in a specific subject, their first and second year exams for that subject may be cancelled. Any other punishment will be decided by the Secretary. The Chairman of the Board of Examination serves as the appellate authority for any appeals made in writing against the Secretary's decisions.
Disciplinary Action for the irregularities
As per the Higher Secondary exam manual, there is a possibility of reporting the irregularities of the student from the exam centre or valuation camp.
Irregularities found in the exam centre
It would generally be the invigilator or the monitoring squad who finds the exam irregularities in exam centre. The exam manual explains clearly the actions to be taken and the proforma to be completed while it is reported.
Irregularity found in valuation camp
Exam irregularity can also be found at the time of evaluation of answer scripts too. The exam manual explains clearly the actions to be taken and the proforma to be completed while it is reported.
Exam Rules & Proforma
The major sections explaining the exam irregularities in the revised exam manual in 2022, the proforma to be filled(Annexure 37, 38 and 39) while reporting the exam irregularity, can be downloaded from the link.
Higher Secondary Exam Rules: Punishments, Penalities, Proforma |