Article 19 of the constitution is composed of two sections; the first part states seven freedoms, while the second one outlines certain restrictions regarding those freedoms.
The Kerala Civil Service (C.C.A.) Rules 1960 provides a framework for the classification, control and appeal of civil servants in the Indian state of Kerala. These regulations are in place to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and efficiently when dealing with civil service matters. Civil servants must adhere to the established conduct rules which limit their activities and constitutional rights. These policies ensure that they behave in an ethical manner while performing their duties.
The Kerala government established a set of rules in 1960 to promote transparency and efficiency in the management of the state's civil service. This was done with the goal of creating an effective system for governing.
The Kerala Civil Service (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules 1960 provide a comprehensive regulatory structure for the administration of civil servants in the state. It offers an effective and efficient way to manage civil service operations within the prescribed framework.
These rules provide a clear-cut structure for the appointing, promoting, transferring & disciplining of civil servants, in addition to setting out the several grades and positions of personnel within said service.
In short, the Kerala Civil Service (C.C.A.) Rules 1960 are a major part of the government's civil service framework. They offer a transparent, organized system for taking care of civil servants, allowing them to properly fulfill their duty and be supported throughout the process.