Norms for selection for state teachers award in 5 categories have been modified.
- Primary -LP,
- Primary- UP,
- Secondary,
- Higher secondary
- Vocational Higher Secondary
Multiple rounds of presentation and verification followed by interview were also specialities of the selection process.
Teachers with minimum 15 years of teaching experience only can be nominated to- PTA executive committee, SMC, Staff Council, School Parliament etc. The protected teachers under deputation are not eligible for this.
Teachers with teaching excellence, organisational ability, social participation will be considered for nomination.
Nomination for Primary section should be submitted to the Education officer of the sub district concerned, to DEO for Secondary section, to RDD concerned, for Higher Secondary section and to AD office for VHSE.
After completing necessary verification of the nominations received by the committees formed for this, a shortlist of 10 teachers from each category will be prepared and evaluation will be done by district wise committees followed by an interview for the preparation of final list. Two teachers from each category and one from Higher Secondary and VHSE will be nominated to the state level.
Click the link below for State Teachers' award Notification, Nomination form, Annexure I, Annexure II, Annexure III, Annexure IV, Annexure V and evaluation format.
Downloads |
Kerala State Teachers' Award-Notification 2023-24 |
Kerala State Teachers' Award-Application Form, Nomination Form & Annexure |