Govt Order & Circular Archive 1998-2020

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DateGovt Order & Circular Archive
30-12-205 year LWA-Guidelines circular no. 83/2020/fin dtd 30.12.2020
30-12-20School reopen on 1st January 2021. Govt orders and circulars
30-12-20School reopen on 1st January 2021. Teachers Attendance-DGE-Circular dtd 30-12-2020
24-12-20School re-open. Guidelines dtd 24-12-2020
23-12-20HM promotion-exemption from dept test after fifty years. GO(P) No.19/2020/Gen.Edn dtd 23-12-2020
22-12-20Authorizing HM/Principal of Aided Schools/Colleges to draw monthley salary bills without countersignature. Govt order GO(P) No. 163/2020/Fin dtd 22-12-2020
15-12-2050% attendance from December 17th - guidelines dtd 15-12-2020
10-12-20Working of Govt office-covid-19-Guidelines-GO(MS) No 964/2020/dmd dtd 10-12-2020
01-12-20PTA cannot be considered as falling within the defanition of Public Authority as defined under sec 2(h) of the RTI act and cannot be embraced within the ambit of the Right to Information act of 2005. Circular No. H1/10146/2020/DGE dtd 01.12.2020
23-11-20Medical Reimbursement-Private hospitals-claim amount-GO(MS) No. 122/2020/fin dtd 23-11-2020
19-11-20Govt Employees-Use of social media-guidelines dtd 19-11-2020
05-11-20GPAI Scheme -Renewal of the scheme for the year 2021. GO(P) No. 150/2019/ Fin Dated 05.11.2020
30-10-20Pension calculation-revised-rules-Govt order GO(P) No.145/2020 fin dtd 30-10-2020
25-10-20Spark Part salary processing_Circular No 61-20-Fin dtd 25-10-2020
23-10-20Pay and allowances deferred from the salary of April 2020 to August 2020-PF Merging G.O.(P) No. 140/2020/FIN dtd 25-10-2020
14-10-20Functioning of govt offices in full strength. Clarification  GO(rt) no. 814/2020/DMD dtd 14.10.2020
09-10-20List of officers selected as Government representatives/nominees in selection committees for the academic year 2020-21(Aided HSS).GO(Rt) No.2753/2020/Gen Edn dtd 09.10.2020
01-10-20Pension calculation-revised-rules-Govt order GO(P) No.130/2020 fin dtd 01-10-2020
22-09-20Post creation in Govt schools sanctioned in 2010. GO(Rt) No. 155/2020/Gen.Edn dtd 22-09-2020
22-09-20Lock down, Work arrangement and Presence in Government office & Schools (Govt order archive)
17-09-20Broken service-reckoned for grade-go-no. 2615/2020-gen-edn-dtd-17-09-2020
08-09-20Paperless Bill Submission -Modification to the certifate in the TR 51 format. Govt Order GO(P) No. 119/2020/Fin dtd 08-09-2020
03-09-20Special casual leave cannot be counted as duty for the purpose of probation. Circular No. C2/301/2019 Home dtd 03-09-2021
15-08-20Onam Bonus 2020. Govt Order GO(P) No. 107/2020/Fin dtd 15-08-2020
15-08-20Onam Advance. Govt Order GO(P) No. 108/2020/Fin dtd 15-08-2020
11-08-2010% Reservation in Higher Secondary Admission for Economically Weaker Sections in General Category(EWS) : Govt Order GO(Ms) No. 137/2020 Gen Edn dtd 11-08-2020
06-08-20Higher Secondary Plus one Single Window AAdmission 2020-Mariginal Seat Increase. Govt Order GO(MS) No.136/2020/Gen.Edn dtd 06.08.2020
05-08-20Online module for reconcilation of accounts from 01.10.2020 onwards(Govt Order & User manual). Govt Order GO(P) No.104/2020/Fin dtd 05.08.2020
27-07-20Higher Secondary Second year SAY/Improvement Examination-Modified Govt Order GO(MS) No.131/2020/Gen.Edn dtd 27.07.2020.(No of subjects one can appear for SAY/Improvement)
18-06-20Functioning of Govt offices- revised guidelines-GO(P) No 117/2020 GAD dtd 18-06-2020
05-06-20Functioning of Educational offices- revised guidelines-circular dtd 05-06-2020
17-06-20GPAIS Time limt extended. GO dtd 17-06-2020
07-06-20Functioning of Govt offices- revised guidelines-GO(P) No 112/2020 Gen.Edn dtd 07-06-2020
01-06-20Lab Assistants Probation declaration and increment sanction-revised guidelines- GO(P) No 1782/2020 Gen.Edn dtd 01-06-2020
27-05-20Disbursal of Pensionary Benefits without delay to Employees Retired from Service.GO(P) No.67/2020/Fin dtd 27-05-2020
04-05-20Request for exemption from salary reduction in the case of those who contributed one month gross salary to CMDRF in the wake of Covid -19 pandemic-Instructions to be followed for exempting such employees in SPARK.Circular dtd 04-05-2020
01-05-20Six days salary cut for the next five months for Kerala govt employees-revised govt order. GO(P) No. 54/2020/fin dtd 01-05-2020(Revised GO)
30-04-20Six days salary cut for the next five months for Kerala govt employees-revised govt order. GO(P) No. 53/2020/fin dtd 30-04-2020
30-04-20special provision for the deferment of any payment in part, due and payable to any person, institution and any pay, in part, to any employee in the event of disaster and public health emergency in the State. Ordinance dtd 30-04-2020
28-04-20Six days salary cut for the next five months for Kerala govt employees-Deductions in salary-guidelines.GO(P) No.50/2020 Fin Dated 28-04-2020
23-04-20Six days salary cut for the next five months for Kerala govt employees. GO(P) No. 46/2020/fin dtd 23-04-2020
22-04-20Revision of the upper monitory limit for various categories of sanctioning NRA/Conversion of TA to NRA. GO(P) No. 45/2020/fin dtd 22-04-2020
20-04-20Adhoc arrangement for paperless bill for salary claim of 4/2020 by all departments. GO(P) no. 44/2020/Fin dtd 20-04-2020
01-04-20HSST Period distribution Clarification- G.O.(RT) No.1450/2020/Gen.Edn Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 01.04.2020
25-03-20Adhoc arrangement for paperless bill for salary claim of 03/2020 & List of email Ids of treasuries. G.O.(P) No.32/2020/Fin Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 25.03.2020
20-03-20Home Quarantine-Special Casual Leave for Govt Employees.GO(P) No.1247/2020/Gen.Edn dtd 20.03.2020
18-03-20Lab Assistants Appointment from 2013-GO(Ms) No.100/2020/Gen.Edn dtd 18.03.2020
11-03-20Children suffering from Type 1 Diabetics permitted to carry items to prevent them from facing physical difficulties due to fluctuation in glycemia levels. Circular dtd 11-03-2020
10-03-20DA Arrear merging-time limit extended.GO(P)No. 25/20-Fin dtd 10-03-2020
03-03-20Assigning duty of night watchman for question paper keeping-modified circular dtd 03-03-2020
02-03-20Grace mark to Little Kites Members-GO No. 1074/2020/Gen.Edn dtd 02-03-2020
22-02-20No Physical punishment allowed in schools- Guidelines.Circular dtd 22.02.2020  
18-02-20Aided HSST Appointment-By transfer appointment clarification. circular dtd 18.02.2020  
06-02-20Consolidated mark list for second year Higher Secondary Improvement Exam. GO(Ms) No. 28/2020/Gen.Edn Dated 06.02.2020
06-02-20New Model for Higher Secondary Certificate. GO(Ms) No. 28/2020/Gen.Edn Dated 06.02.2020
28-01-20GPAI Scheme -Renewal of the scheme -date extended. GO(P) No. 11/2020/Fin Dated 28.01.2020
25-01-20Medical Reimbursement-Instructions No. r(6)/911/2020/DGE dtd 25.01.2020
15-01-20Sharing of Computer(IT) Lab Facility in School Campus. Circular dtd 15-01-2020
13-01-20Kerala PSC- Selection of Exam centre & Invigilation duty.GO(p) No. 02/2020 dtd 13.01.2020
09-01-20Higher Secondary second year improvement exam-revised norms. GO(P) No. 3/2020/Gen.Edn dtd 09.01.20
31-12-19Plastic Ban in Schools.Guidelines dated 31-12-2019
30-12-19Conducting SSLC/HSE/VHSE exam-guidelines.GO(P) No. 5772/2019/Gen.Edn Dated 30-12-2019
13-12-19Undertaking agreeing to refund excess pay and allowances mistakenly paid to the employees.GO(P) No. 169/2019/fin Dated 13-12-2019
22-11-19Guest Salary in Higher Secondary Schools-Change in Head of Account. GO(P) No. 5038/2019/Gen.Edn Dated 22.11.2019
18-11-19Restrictions on publicity for economic help to students-guidelines
18-11-19GPAI Scheme -Renewal of the scheme for the year 2020. GO(P) No. 159/2019/ Fin Dated 18.11.2019
18-11-19GPAI Scheme -Renewal of the scheme for the year 2020. GO(P) No. 159/2019/ Fin Dated 18.11.2019
13-11-19State Life Insurance (SLI) & GIS Subscriptions & Premium Rates. Circular from DGE Dated 13.11.2019
12-11-19SSLC Exam Time-Time Change. GO(p) No.4804/2019/Gen.Edn dtd 12.11.2019
11-11-19PF Interest rate revised. GO(P) No.154/2019/Fin dtd 11-11-2019
06-11-19Special Casual leave to employees who undergo angioplasty sanctioned. GO(MS) No.153/2019/Fin dtd 06-11-2019
01-11-19Appointment by transfer happen to have the same scale of pay of the feeder category one advance increment will be granted to the incumbents. Circular dtd 01-11-2019
28-10-19Reckoning Aided school service for pension-clarification order issued.GO(MS) No.401/2019/Fin dtd 28-10-2019
21-10-19Guest salary for additional batch 2012-13 and 2013-14.GO(P) No.4315/2019/Gen.Edn dtd 21-10-2019
19-10-19Time bound higher grade. clarification GO(P) No.141/2019/fin dtd 19.10.2019
11-10-19Keeping separate student register for second languages. Circular & format by RDD , Kozhikkodu dtd 11-10-2019
09-10-19Use of Asbestos Sheets in School-directions.GO(MS) No.162/2019/GEDN dtd 09-10-2019
03-10-19Use of color powder in school mela-restrictions-circular dtd 03-10-2019
30-09-19Joining NPS-deadline by govt.GO(P)No 133/2019 fin dtd 30-09-2019
27-09-19Purchasing ICT Hardware-Guidelines.  GO(P)No.3847/2019 Gen.Edn dated 27-09-2019
04-09-19Kerala Education Rule(KER) Amendment GO(P)No.11/2019 Gen.Edn dated 04-09-2019
31-08-19Service before resignation-Grade calculation. J1/180/2019/Gen.Edn dtd 31.08.2019
30-08-19Prism-Pensioners Information System-submitting application-additional instructions-GO(P)No120/2019 Fin Dated 30-08-2019
26-08-19Onam 2019: Festival Allowance-Bonus GO(P) No.116/2019/Fin dtd 26.08.2019
26-08-19Onam 2019-Advance GO(P) No.115/2019/Fin dtd 26.08.2019
22-08-19Aided HSS Daily Wages appointment-clarification.GO(p) No.3371/2019 Gen Edn dtd 22-08-2019
22-08-19Salary of Gazetted Employees in Spark-Instructions-circular no.76/2019 Fin dtd 22-08-2019
14-08-19Leap year calculation for Pension. GO(P)No 102-2019-Fin dated 14-08-2019
14-08-19PF Interest rate from 2019 July to 2019 September.GO(p) No.101/2019/Fin dtd 14.08.2019
14-08-19PF Interest rate from 2019 July to 2019 September.GO(p) No.101/2019/Fin dtd 14.08.2019
25-07-19Relinquishment and Grade.circular dtd 25.07.2019
16-07-19Kool Online Class for Probation declaration.GO(Ms) No.89/2019/Gen-edn dtd 16.07.2019
15-07-19MEDISEP Benefit Package.GO(p) No.87/2019/Fin dtd 15.07.2019
12-07-19Higher Secondary Exam-Appointment of Deputy Chief. GO(MS) No.87/2019/Gen.Edn dtd 12.07.2019
09-07-19Government revised the remuneration of daily wage personnel(Guest). GO(P)No.81/2019/Fin Dated 09.07.2019
05-07-19Compassionate Appointment-Statement required. GO(Ms)No.8/2019/Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department Dated 05.07.2019
30-06-19Unified School Education-Kerala Education Rule(KER) amended- GO(P) No. 6/2019/G.Edn dtd 30-06-2019
28-06-19Aided School Manager-suspension of employees-Guidelines No.J1/164/19/Gen.Edn dtd 28.06.2019
25-06-19Special Casual leave and guest appointment.GO(MS) No. 71/2019/Gen.Edn dtd 25-06-2019
24-06-19Format for Non Payment Certificate.GO(P) No. 73/2019/fin dtd 24-06-2019
13-06-19Introduction of e-TSB account for employees.GO(P) No.67/2019/Fin Dated 13-06-2019
31-05-19General Provident Fund (Kerala) Rules - Withdrawal of Temporary Advance from the Fund - Revision of upper monetary limit for various categories of Sanctioning Officers - Orders issued.GO(P) No.64/2019/Fin Dated 31-05-2019
31-05-19General Education Department - Hon'ble Kerala High Court judgement -orders issued G.O(Rt)No.2045-G.Edn Dated 31-05-2019
31-05-19General Education Department -Right of children to free and compulsory education act- samithi report - approved -orders issued G.O(Ms)No.53-G.Edn Dated 31-05-2019
30-05-19Transfer and Posting of Principals of Government Higher Secondary Schools 2019. GO(Rt) No.2011/2019/Gen.Edn Dated 30-05-2019
27-05-19e-Pension Payment Order(e-PPO) system for pensioners. GO(p) No.61/2019/Fin. dtd 27.05.2019
13-05-19Payment of Dearness Allowance to State Government Employees - Revised rates effective from 01/01/2018 and 01/07/2018 - Payment of Arrears - Orders issued. - GO(P) No.57/2019/Fin Dated 13-05-2019
08-05-19New NSQF courses in the academic year 2019-20.GO(MS) no.1643/2019/Gen.Edn dtd 08-05-2019
06-05-19Bio-metric & punching attendance in govt offices.GO(MS) no.77/2019/Gen.Adm dtd 06-05-2019
04-05-19Pension Benefits-Guidelines.GO(P) no.55/2019/Fin dtd 04-05-2019
03-05-19GPF Interest rate from 2019 April 1.GO(P) no.51/2019/Fin dtd 03-05-2019
03-05-19Counting Aided Service for Pension.GO(P) no.50/2019/Fin dtd 03-05-2019
27-04-19Payment of DA-revised rates effective from 01-01-2018 and 01-07-2018 payment of arrears-modified orders.GO(p) no.48/2019/Fin dtd 27-04-2019
17-04-19 Loans and advances sanctioned to state government employees - recovery during April 2019 postponed.Govt Order GO(MS) No.159/2019/Fin dtd 17.04.2019
26-04-19GPF-Revision of Upper monetary limit for various categories of sanctioning officers. Circular No. Fin c3/146079/2019/GPF/HSE dtd 26.04.2019
04-04-19Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief - Revised to 20%. GO (P) No. 44/2019/Fin dated 04.04.2019
31-03-19Contributory Pension-Finanicial Assistance to family-Clarification-GO(P) No 41-2019-Fin Dated 31-03-2019
30-03-19Revision of the Upper Monetary Limit for various categories of Sanctioning Authorities for sanctioning NRA/Conversion of TA toNRA-GO(P) No 37/2019-Fin Dated 30-03-2019
19-03-19Life certificate submission by service pensioners living abroad-guidelines. GO(P) No.33/19/fin dtd 19.03.2019
08-03-19Cashless treatment scheme for polling officials on election duty.GO(Rt) No.106/2019/Elec dtd 08.03.2019
07-03-19Contributory Pension-Guidelines GO(P) No.25/2019/fin dtd 07.03.2019
02-03-19General transfer of Higher Secondary School Teachers-Revised Norms. GO(P) No.838/2019/Gen.Edn dtd 02.03.2019
28-02-19M A Khader Committee Report Part-1 (GO(Ms) No. 19/2019/Gen.Edn dtd 28.02.2019)
28-02-19Children suffering from Type 1 Diabetics permitted to carry items to prevent them from facing physical difficulties due to fluctuation in glycemia levels. GO(RT) No.799/2019/Gen.Edn dtd 28.02.2019
12-02-19Online submission of GPF applications-guidelines. GO(P) No. 9/2019/fin dtd 12.02.2019
08-02-19Mathematics Lab in Higher Secondary Schools G.O(Ms)No.522/2019/G.Edn dtd 08.02.2019
06-02-19Higher Secondary Education-Academic year,2015-16-Creation of Higher Secondary Teacher,Principal and Lab assistant in Aided HSS- sanctioned-orders issued G.O(Ms)No.14/2019/G.Edn dtd 06.02.2019
31-01-19General strike on 8th and 9th January 2019. Leave sanctioned. GO(P) No.1/2019/Gen.Adm dtd 31-01-2019
23-01-19MSc Bio Technology eligible for appearing SET exam. GO(RT) No. 286/2019/Gen.Edn dtd 23.01.2019
21-01-19General Education Department- Higher Secondary Education-aided -by transfer appointment -selection committee-amended -orders issued G.O(Rt)No.247-G.Edn dtd 21.01.2019
14-01-19Crediting the arrears of DA from 01.01.2005 to 01.01.2017 to the PF.Time limit extended up to 31.05.2019 G.O(P)No.2/2019 Fin dtd 14-01-2019
18-01-19GPAI Scheme -Time limit extended. GO(P) No.3/2019/ Fin Dated 18.01.2019
11-01-19PTA Executive Committee- Aided School Manager- Ex-officio member GO(MS) No.7/2019 Gen.edn dtd 11.01.2019ar dtd 24.11.2018
27-12-18Probation Period-Guidelines published.GO(P) No.17/2018 dtd 27.12.2018
20-12-18Implementation of PRISM portal for Pensioners. G.O.(P) No.119/2018/Fin.dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 20.12.2018
10-12-18GPF-Implementation of an integrated system for online submission of various GPF applications.GO(P) No. 189/2018/Fin dtd 10-12-2018
01-12-18KITE KOOL Online Learning Portal & Course for Teachers Probation declaration, GO(P) No.5068/2018.Gen.Edn dtd 01.12.2018
22-11-18Aided Higher Secondary School Post Creation-Junior-Senior post-clarification. GO(P) No.4870/2018.Gen.Edn dtd 22.11.2018
08-11-18Statement of movable and immovable properties to be filed on joining the government service. GO(P) No.16/2018/P&ARD 08.11.2018
05-11-18Leave without Allowance-time limit G.O(Ms)No.170/2018-Fin dtd 05-11-2018
26-10-18House Building Advance sanctioned to State Government Employees from 2009-10 onwards - Transfer of Principal portion of Housing Loan Portfolio to Punjab National Bank and Federal Bank Ltd-Operating Procedure for repayment to banks.GO(P) No 166 - 2018-Fin dated 26-10-2018
17-10-18Post Creation in Higher Secondary Teacher,Principal and Lab assistant in Govt HSS(2015-16) G.O(Ms)No.153-2018-G.Edn dtd 17.10.2018
10-10-18General Education - Higher Secondary Education - Lab Assistants - Service regularised - Orders issued. G.O.(Ms) No. 146-GEDN dtd 10.10.2018
06-10-18School Kalolsavam-Manual revised. GO(Ms) No. 144/2018/Gen.Edn dtd 06.10.2018
04-10-18Nil bill submission to treasuries by the Drawing and Disbursing Officers. - Permission granted - Orders issued. G.O. (P)Nö. 155/2018/Fin Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 04.10.2018.
03-10-18General transfer of Higher Secondary School Teachers - KAT Judgement-Govt Order GO(P) No. 138/2018 Gen.Edn dtd 03.10.2018
26-09-18Kerala Flood Relief-Contribute one month salary of Govt Employees to CMDRF-. PF NRA withdrawal- GO(P)No 151/2018/Fin dated 26.09.2018
16-09-18Pay Revision Arrear-Fourth Installment.GO(P) No.146/2018/Fin dtd 16-09-2018
11-09-18CM's Salary Challenge- One month salary to Distress Relief Fund. Guidelines.GO(P) No.144/2018/Fin dtd 11-09-2018
10-09-18Statuary Pension-Option submission.GO(P)No 142/2018/Fin dtd 10-09-2018
16-08-18Principal Promotion-Guidelines-revised. GO(Rt) No.3145/2018/Gen.Edn dtd 16-08-2018
08-08-18Authorizing Aided Higher Secondary/VHSE Principals to draw salary bills without counter signature GO(P)No.121/2018/Fin dated 08.08.2018: Govt Order
08-08-18Authorizing Aided Higher Secondary/VHSE Principals to draw salary bills without counter signature Guidelines
02-08-18General Education Department - Higher Secondary Education - Guest teachers - Amendment - IED Reservation-order issued - G.O.(Rt) No. 17-G.Edn dtd 02-08-2018
21-07-18Government revised the remuneration of daily wage personnel(Guest). GO(P)No.112/2018/Fin Dated 21.07.2018
12-07-18General Education Department- newly appointed teachers in govt,aided school-training -sanctioned -orders issued G.O(Rt)No.2614-G.Edn dtd 12.07.2018
26-06-18e-submission of pension papers -Education Department. G.O.(P) No.98/2018/Fin.dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 26.06.2018
07-06-18Dearness Allowance(DA) for employees will be 15%.GO(P) No 84/2018/Fin Dated 07/06/2018
04-06-18Higher Secondary Teacher-Eligibility for HSST Communicative English-Modified GO(Ms)No 78/G_Edn dtd 04/06/2018
04-06-18Higher Secondary Equivalency Exam-Kerala State Literacy Mission Authority-to mention eligible for higher studies -sanctioned-orders issued GO(Ms)No 79/G_Edn dtd 04/06/2018
01-06-18General Provident Fund Interest Rate from 1st April 2018 to 30th June. GO(P)No 78/2018/Fin dtd 01/06/2018
29-05-18Govt decided to grant upper age relaxation of five years to widows for appointment in govt service. G.O(P)No.10/2018/P&ARD 29-05-2018
29-05-18Higher secondary education- teachers and non teachers -Special casual leave to Representative of the People-Kerala Education Rule -included -orders issued G.O(Rt)No.1987-G.Edn dtd 29-05-2018
28-05-18Samagra Portal Implementation.Govt Order GO(Rt) No 1968/2018 Gen.Edn dtd 28-05-2018
25-05-18Govt Higher Secondary School Principal Transfer 2018-19(Transfer List).Govt Order GO(Rt) No 1937/2018 Gen.Edn dtd 25-05-2018
19-05-18Minimum strength of 50 students in a batch(2017-18)-Relaxation in existing Govt Order.G.O(Ms)No.65-G.Edn dtd 19.05.2018
19-05-18Higher Secondary Education- first year admission - marginal seat -enhanced -orders issued G.O(Ms)No.66-G.Edn dtd 19.05.2018
09-05-18National Skill Qualification Framework-NSQF. Govt Order G.O(Ms)No.56-G.Edn dtd 09.05.2018 : Govt Order
09-05-18National Skill Qualification Framework-NSQF. Govt Order G.O(Ms)No.56-G.Edn dtd 09.05.2018 Prospectus 2018
18-04-18 Loans and advances sanctioned to state government employees - recovery during April 2018 postponed.Govt Order GO(MS) No.145/2018/Fin dtd 18.04.2018 
18-04-18DPI allowed ASAP to conduct summer classes. GO(P) No.1492/2018/Gen.Edn dtd 18.04.2018
09-04-18Backward Classes Development - Creamy layer income limit-enhanced -orders issued G.O(Ms)No.03-BCDD dtd 09-04-2018
01-03-18MLA's Challenge Fund. Revised order -Asset Development Fund GO(P) No 30- 2018-Fin dated 01-03-2018
26-03-18Payment of third installment of Pay revision arrears-GO(P) No.50/2018/fin dtd 26.03.2018
24-03-18Final date for the Legacy Data Entry of SLI/GIS passbooks Vide Order No. G.O.(P) No. 97/2017 dated 28/07/2017 has been extended to 30th April 2018 Vide Order No. GO(P)No.49/2018/Fin 24-03-2018.
20-02-18Crediting the arrears of DA from 01.01.2005 to 01.01.2017 to the PF.Time limit extended up to 30.06.2017 G.O(P)No.23/2018 Fin dtd 20-02-2018
19-02-18Our Responsibility to Children (ORC) Nodal Teacher should be a member in PTA executive committee. GO (MS) No.17/ 2018/ Gen.Edn dtd 19.02.2018
09-02-18General transfer of higher secondary school teachers - criteria and guidelines -order amended -orders issued G.O(P)No.01-G.Edn dtd 09-02-2018
06-02-18Special Casual leave for Anti-Rabice treatment. Order Amended. GO(P) No. 15/2018 Fin dtd 06.02.2018
06-02-18General Education Department- Students Police cadet project- SPC in charge excempted from General Transfer. reg No.5624-SC3-2013-G.Edn dtd 06-02-2018
30-01-18Aided School Appointment -Selection committee and interview-Govt Order GO No. 2028119/T1/2017/Gen.Edn dtd 30.01.2018
17-01-18Final date for the Legacy Data Entry of SLI/GIS passbooks Vide Order No. G.O.(P) No. 97/2017 dated 28/07/2017 has been extended to 31st January 2018 Vide Order No. GO(P)No.10/2018/Fin 17/01/2018.
11-01-18Balasanthwanam project- criteria -amended -orders issued G.O(Rt)No.294/2018/Fin dated 11.01.2018
10-01-18Hi-Tech School Project-Agreement Paper G.O(Rt)No.165/2018 G.Edn dated 10-01-2018
09-01-18GPAI Scheme 2017-Time Limit Extended.GO(P) No.6/2018/Fin Dated 09-01-2018
06-01-18Hi-Tech School Project and ICT Hardware Equipment Specification Guidelines G.O(Rt)No.97/2018 G.Edn dated 06-01-2018
06-01-18Academic Master Plan- GO.No. 100/2018/Gen.Edn dtd 06.01.2018
05-01-18General Education Department- Higher Secondary education - SAY improvement examination - exam center -sanctioned-orders issued G.O(Rt)No.84-G.Edn dated 05-01-2018
01-01-18Government Calendar 2018
01-01-18Higher Secondary Principals Second Grade Promotion(15 years). GO(P) No 1-2018-(92)-Fin dated 01-01-2018
01-01-18Higher Secondary Principals Second Grade Promotion(15 years). GO(P) No 1-2018-(92)-Fin dated 01-01-2018 Circular & Form dtd 14.05.2018
21-12-17CM'S Ockhi Disaster Fund. Revised (Govt Order & Circular updates). GO(P) No CDN4/205/2017/GAD dated 21-12-2017
20-12-17National Pension System -Deduction of Aided School Teachers Clarification. Circular No.94/2017 dtd 20.12.2017
19-12-17Pay Revision 2014-Rules for Fixation of Pay modified. GO(P) No. 157/2017/88/Fin dated 19.12.2017
15-12-17Treatment that can be availed from approved private hospitals without reference from an authorised medical attendant. GO(Ms) No. 184/2017/H&FWD dtd 15.12.2017
14-12-17CM'S Okhi Disaster Fund. GO(P) No CDN4/205/2017/GAD dated 14-12-2017
01-12-17MLA-ADF Guidelines for Financial help to schools issued. GO(P) No 153-2017-Fin dated 01-12-2017
30-11-17Condonation of shortage of attendance for Higher Secondary Students. GO(P) No.578142/U3/2016/Gen.Edn dtd 30.11.2017
30-11-17Updating Passbooks of GIS Subscribers and SLI Policy holders in Viswas Portal-Date extended. GO(P) No..152/2017/Fin dtd 30.11.2017
30-11-17Holiday declared for all educational institutions on Dec 1,2017 in connection with Nabi Dinam. GO(P)No.4631/2017/Gen.Edn dtd 30.11.2017
27-11-17Reservation of rooms in Government Guest Houses in Kerala and Kerala House Kanyakumari.GO(Ms) No.354/17GAD dtd 27.11.17
18-11-17National Pension Scheme(NPS) Deduction for Aided School Employees. Guidelines. GO(P)No 149/2017/Fin dtd 18/11/2017
17-11-17General Provident Fund Interest Rate from 1st October 2017 to 31st December 2017.GO(P)No 148/2017/Fin dtd 17/11/2017
15-11-17Duty Leave for Booth Level Officers. Govt order GO(P) No. 7258/2017/PAD dtd 15.11.2017
08-11-17Compassionate allowance to the dependents of employees who died within service and was enrolled under National Pension System -GO(P) No 141/2017/Fin dated 08-11-2017
28-10-17Nomination of Govt.representative in selection committee-modified order GO(Rt) No.3999/2017/G.Edn dtd 28.10.2017
21-10-17GPAI Scheme -Renewal of the scheme for the year 2018. GO(P) No. 133/2017/ Fin Dated 21.10.2017
06-10-17Verification and sanction of reimbursement claims-ceiling limit enhanced. GO(MS) No 145/2017 H&FWD dtd 06.10.2017
06-10-17Pay Revision 2014-Payment of Second Installment of Arrears.GO(P) No.128/2017/Fin Dated 06.10.2017.
05-10-17Revised School Kalolsavam Manual 2017
27-09-17Granting earned leave surrender to Principal in Charge. GO(Rt)No. 3428/2017/Gedn Dated 27.09.2017
23-09-17Special Allowance for handling cash-Discontinued. GO(P)No.125/2017/Fin dated 23/09/2017
13-09-17General Administration department- Kerala Public Service Commission- fees structure of department test- fixed-orders issued G.O(Rt)No.5663-GAD dtd 13.09.2017
07-09-17Maternity Leave and Casual leave granted for Pre-Primary Teachers G.O(MS)No.110/2017/GAD dtd 07.09.2017
31-08-17Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace. Special Casual Leave GO(P) No 119-2017-Fin-mal dated 31-08-2017
29-08-17General-transfer-PH-percentage-guidelines-GO(MS) No 18/2017 dtd 29-08-2017
24-08-17Head of Departments can sanction LWA upto 180 days and appointing authorities can sanction upto 120 days. GO(P) No 112/2017 Fin dated 24-08-2017
24-08-17Daily Wages Employees-Early Disbursal of Onam Salary. GO No.6664/2017/Fin. dtd 24.08.2017
21-08-17Creation of Higher Secondary Teacher,Principal and Lab assistant post in Aided Higher Secondary batches/schools in the academic year 2014-15, 2015-16. G.O(Ms)No.106-2017-G.Edn dtd 21.08.2017
18-08-17MLA's Challenge Fund. Revised order -Asset Development Fund GO(P) No 109-2017-Fin dated 18-08-2017
09-08-17General Education Department- Alappuzha district- Perumbalam dweep school included in remote area list- approved-orders issued G.O(Ms)No.92-2017-G.Edn 09.08.2017
09-08-17Ban on private tuition by Higher Secondary School Teachers in Government and Aided Schools. GO(Ms) No. 132/2006/G.Edn dtd 27-04-2016. Circular dtd 09-08-2017
07-08-17ONAM 2017- Advance release of Salary & Allowances and Pension.GO(Rt) No 6256/2017/Fin Dated 07/08/2017
05-08-17Government Employees/Pensioners must submit ration card for receiving salary and pension.GO No B3/258/2017 GDD dated 05-08-2017
04-08-17Caste certificate will be valid for three years instead of six months. G.O.(MS).No.264/2017/RD Dt. 04-08-2017
29-07-17Grant of special casual leave to Govt servants elected to Library council - Order - G.O.(P)No.99/2017/Fin Dt. 29-07-2017
29-07-17Introduction of Pension Portal for all service pensioners in the State for pension related information.GO(P) No 100-2017-Fin dated 29-07-2017
28-07-17Computerisation of SLI and GIS -Viswas Portal.GO(P)No97-2017-Fin dated 28-07-2017
18-07-17Credit the first installment of Pay Revision arrears and interest before 16/08/2017.For details view Circular No 55/2017/Fin Dated 18/07/2017.
17-07-17Death while in Govt Service-Debt writing off.Amount raised to 5 lakh. GO(P)No 91/2017/Fin Dated 17/07/2017.
10-07-17Minimum strength of 50 students in a batch-Relaxation in existing Govt Order.Go(Ms)No.76/2017 Gen Edn dtd 10.07.2017
28-06-17Higher Secondary Education- Establishment- Transfer and Posting on the cadre of Principals of Government Higher Secondary Schools- Sanctioned-Orders issued. GO(Rt)No.2072-2017-G.Edn Dated, Thiruvananthapuram,28.06.2017.
24-06-17Higher Secondary Education-academic year,2014-15-creation of teacher-lab assistant-sanctioned-orders issued G.O(Ms)No.61-2017-G.Edn
20-06-17Ramzan 2017- Advance release of Salary & Allowances and Pension.GO(P)No.80/2017/Fin Dated 20/06 /2017.
17-06-17Creation of Teacher Post-criteria-amended(Minimum 7 Periods for Junior Post Creation)-Erratum -orders issued G.O(Ms)No.56-2017-G.Edn dtd 17.06.2017
16-06-17Introduction of web portal of Accountant General Office for uploading pay slip of Gazetted Officers,GPF Annual Statements/authorisation of all employees etc.GO(P)No 77/2017/Fin dtd 16-06-2017
08-06-17Creation of Teacher Post-criteria-amended(Minimum 7 Periods for Junior Post Creation)-orders issued G.O(Ms)No.47-2017-G.Edn dtd 08.06.2017
01-06-17School Transfer for Higher Secondary Second Year Students-Government Order and Guidelines
30-05-17Special Allowance to Differently abled employees enhanced. GO(MS) No.282/2017/Fin dtd 30.05.2017
23-05-17Appointments to the post of HSST and HSST (Jr) shall be made on the recommendation of selection committee. Circular dtd 23.05.2017
17-05-17Disbursement of Salary of state govt employees -including private sector bank. GO(P) No.66/2017/Fin dtd 17.05.2017
17-05-17Rectification of Junior Senior Pay Revision Anomaly-Circular dtd 35/2017/(54)/Fin dtd 17.05.2017
16-05-17Education Loan Repayment Support Scheme-Govt Order GO(P) No 65/2017 fin dtd 16-05-2017
15-05-17General Transfer Norms for Higher Secondary School Teachers amended. GO (P) No. 10/2017/Gen Edn dtd 15-05-2017
16-05-17Implementation of Education Loan Repayment Support Scheme.GO(P) No. 65/2017 fin dtd 16.05.2017
12-05-17Asset Development Fund-Permission to construct Toilet in Aided Schools.GO(P) No. 63/2017/Fin dtd 12.05.2017
12-05-17Asset Development Fund-Permission to construct Toilet in Aided Schools-Clarification GO(P)No.75/2017/Fin dtd 28-05-2017
04-05-17Election duty and Election Class eligible for Earned leave Surrender.Circular dtd 04.05.2017
03-05-17General Provident Fund(GPF)-Withdrawal from fund-Upper Monetary limit for various categories of sanctioning officers with specifications of their scales. G.O.(P)No. 58/2017/FIN Dated,Thiruvananthapuram,03.05.2017
28-04-17Government revised the remuneration of daily wage personnel(Guest salary). GO(P)No.56/2017/Fin Dated 28.04.2017
26-04-17Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief - Revised to 14%. GO (P) No. 55/2017/Fin dated 26.04.2017
24-04-17Health Insurance Scheme to Govt Employees and Pensioners. G.O (P) No. 54/2017/Fin Dated 24-04-2017
22-04-17Pay Revision 2014-Payment of first installment of Arrears in cash to certain group of employees. G.O(P)No.50-2017-Fin dtd 22.04.2017
22-04-17Disbursement of Salary of Non Gazetted Employees through Treasury Savings Bank account sanctioned  G.O(P)No.53-2017-Fin dtd 22.04.2017
21-04-17e-submission of pension papers-Detailed Guidelines and procedures.G.O.(P) No.49/2017/Fin.dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 21.04.2017
18-04-17First year admission for Higher Secondary Course-Marginal seat in plus one-enhanced-orders issued G.O(Ms)No.28-2017-G.Edn dtd 18.04.2017
10-04-17Teaching Malayalam as a compulsory language in all educational institutions in Kerala.Gazette  No. 8445/Leg.D2/2017/Law dtd 10-04-2017
09-04-17Pay Revision 2014- Payment of First installment of arrears - Revised GO(P)No.45/2017/Fin dtd 09-04-2017
03-04-17General Transfer Norms for Higher Secondary School Teachers. GO (P) No. 06/2017/Gen Edn dtd 03-04-2017
03-04-17NPS and PRAN- Employee contribution from Pay revision arrear. GO(P)No 43/2017/Fin dtd 03/04/2017
29-03-17Utilization of accumulated balance of special fee in the PD account. GO(Rt).No. 884/2017/Gen.Edn dtd 29-03-2017
22-03-17Interest on pay revision arrears GO(P) No.40/2017/fin dtd 22-03-2017
10-03-17Sanctioning Time Bound Grade to teachers / non teaching staff -Higher Grade-sanction-Delegation of power to Principal/principal in charge GO(rt)no.697/2017/Gen.Edn Dtd dtd 10.03.2017
25-02-17New General Transfer Norms of Govt Employees. G.O(P)No.3-2017-P&ARD dtd 25.02.2017
22-02-17Dearness Allowance -DA Arrears from 01.01.2005 to 01.01.2016 - Crediting to Provident Fund Accounts - Time Limit Extended - Orders issued .GO(P) No 22/2017/Fin dtd 22.02.2017
10-02-17Appointment of Teachers at the fag end of Academic year-Inclusion in the statuary pension scheme.GO(Rt)No.3602017Gedn dtd 10.02.2017
10-02-17Instructions-Medical reimbursement for the treatment of specialised procedure of Assisted reproduction Techniques like IVF,Embryo Transfer etc: GO(p) No. 8/2017/H&FW dtd 10.02.2017
09-02-17Pay Revision 2014 - Re-option for fixation under Rule 28A Part I Kerala Service Rules on promotion from lower scale of pay to higher scale of pay-anomaly. GO(P) No 19-2017-Fin dated 09-02-2017
31-01-17GPAI Scheme 2017-Time Limit Extended.GO(P) No.14/2017/Fin Dated 31.01.2017
23-01-17Condonation of Shortage of Attendance.GO No.578142/U3/2016/Gen.Edn dtd 23.01.2017
19-01-17Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief - Revised to 12%. GO (P) No. 6/2017/Fin dated 19.01.2017
24-12-16DPI directions on School Buildings. Circular Dated 24.12.2016
15-12-16Government revised the remuneration of Boat Master and Vocational Instructor (daily wages). GO(P)No.181/2016/Fin Dated 15.12.2016
03-12-16Permission for processing Manual Bill (Non Spark Bill). Circular 346775/SL.1/2016/Fin. dtd 03.12.2016
21-11-16Guidelines for procurement of ICT equipment for schools and institutions under General Education Department. Order No. NEP3/10192/2015 DPI dtd 21.11.2016
15-11-16Entering the details of movable and immovable properties in the service book. GO(P) No. 171/2016 Fin. dtd 15.11.2016
16-11-16Sanctioning Time Bound Grade to teachers / non teaching staff -Authorize Principal. Circular No.Ad.B.Spl.Cell/49402/16/HSE dtd 16.11.2016
16-11-16Period of PTA President-limited upto 3 years-orders issued G.O(Ms)No.190-2016-G.Edn dtd 16.11.2016
31-10-16Payment of Remuneration to the Higher Secondary Teachers appointed on daily wages(Guest) in the Higher secondary batches sanctioned in 2014-15 and 2015-16 academic year. GO(M.S) No. 185/2016 General Education dtd 31.10.2016
18-10-16Strike on 02-09-2016. Leave sanctioned. GO(P)No.28/2016/Gen.Adm Dated 18.10.2016
04-10-16State Life Insurance (SLI) - Premium Rates Revised-GO(P)No.149/16/Fin Dated 04.10.2016
30-09-16Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme (GPAIS)-Renewal of the Scheme for the year 2016-17. GO(P)No 144/16/Fin Dated 30.09.2016
23-09-16Maintenance of Acquittance roll and cash book in offices - Detailed instructions. GO(P) No 138/2016/Fin dtd 23.09.2016
20-09-16Higher Secondary Education- Establishment- Creation- upgradation of posts of Higher Secondary School Teachers and Lab Assistant in 12 Government Higher Secondary Schools. GO(Ms)No.158-16/Gen.Edn dtd 20.09.2016
09-09-16Travelling allowance-Revision of TA ceiling of State Government employees.G.O.(P)No.137/2016/Fin Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 09/09/2016
09-09-16 Reservation for physically challenged candidates for vacancies in Aided School under General Education Department.GO(P)No.155/16/GEdn dtd 09.09.2016
01-09-16Bonus/Special Festival Advance 2016. GO(P)No.130/2016/Fin Dated 01.09.2016
01-09-16Onam Advance 2016; Sanctioned. GO(P)No 129/2016/Fin Dated 01.09.2016
08-08-16Revised rate of subscription of Kerala State Employees Group Insurance Scheme with effect from 01/09/2016. GO(P)No.112/2016/Fin Dated 01/08 /2016
30-07-16 Finance- Pay Revision 2014-Child Care Allowance to the Government employees having mentally/physically challenged Children -Modified -Orders issued GO(P)No.110-16 30/07/2016
29-07-16Disbursement of salary and allowances of employees on daily wages(Guest) through SPARK.Govt Order GO(P) No. 109/2016 Fin. dtd 29.07.2016
27-07-16Disbursement of SLI/GIS and other insurance claims through SPARK .Govt Order GO(Rt) No. 6346/2016 Fin. dtd 27.07.2016
22-07-16School Parliament Elections 2016-17. Guidelines and Circular
14-07-16Deduction of LIC premia of employees of Aided Institutions through SPARK - Approved - Orders issued .GO(P) No 94-2016-Fin dated 14-07-2016
25-06-16SC/ST/OEC Students lumsum grant revised rates.GO(Ms) No.43/2016 SCSTD dtd 25.06.2016
16-06-16Single Window-20% marginal increase of seats for single window plus one admission 2016-17.GO(Ms) No.102/2016 Gen.Edn dtd 16.06.2016
09-06-16Holidays declared by the District Collector-Attendance of Teachers-Clarification Order GO(Ms) No.143/2007/Gen.Edn dtd 20-07-2007
27-05-16IFMS -Online submission of bills - Mandatory Digital Signature certificates to all Drawing and Disbursing Officers - Approved - Orders issued. G.O.(P) No.76/2016 Fin dtd 27.05.2016
05-05-16Earned Leave surrender-admissible for election duty No. 1836/EA2/2016/Election dtd 05.05.2016 
05-05-16Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief - Revised to 9%. GO (P) No. 61/ 2016/Fin dated 05.05.2016. 
05-05-16Dearness Allowance Arrears - Crediting to Provident Fund Accounts - Time Limit Extended - Orders issued .GO(P) No 62/2016/Fin dtd 05/05/2016 
22-04-16New Head of Account for Daily Wages Employees.GO(Rt) No.3771/2016/Fin dtd 22.04.2016
11-04-16Post Creation in Aided Higher Secondary Schools(2014-15 and 2015-16). Govt Order GO(MS) No.77/2016/Gen.Edn dtd 11.04.2016 
11-04-16Post Creation in Govt Higher Secondary Schools(2014-15 and 2015-16). Govt Order GO(MS) No.76/2016/Gen.Edn dtd 11.04.2016 
05-04-16Constitution of committee to determine the Educational need and Sanctioning of new Higher Secondary Schools and additional batches. Govt Order GO(MS) No.75/2016/Gen.Edn dtd 05.04.2016 
02-04-16 Loans and advances sanctioned to state government employees - recovery during April 2016 postponed.Govt Order GO(MS) No.136/15/Fin dtd 02.04.2016 
23-03-16 House Building Advance - Interest on House Building Advance for Income Tax exemption - Instructions issued.Circular 27/2016/fin dtd 23.03.2016.
18-03-16All matters relating to Provident Fund accounts of Aided employees such as enrollment, maintenance of accounts, issuing of credit cards, submission and processing of loan and closure applications etc are to be done only through GAINPF system with effect from 01.04.2016. Govt order GO(p) No.39/2016/Fin dtd 16.03.2016
18-03-16Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) - Online submission of employee related non salary claims - Approved -Orders issued.GO(P) No 40-2016-Fin dated 18-03-2016
26-02-16 Appointment of Deputy Chief in Gulf region and Lakshadweep- Orders issued.GO(Rt) No 797/2016/Gedn dtd 26.02.2016
26-02-16 Government revised the remuneration of daily wage personnel(Guest). GO(P)No.28/2016/Fin Dated 26.02.2016
19-02-16 Opening of Non-interest bearing Special Treasury Savings Bank Account in the designation of all Drawing and Disbursing Officers with respective treasuries - Sanctioned - Orders issued.GO(Ms) No 91/2016/Fin dtd 19.02.2016
17-02-16 Pay Revision 2014-Modification / Erratum - Orders issued GO(P) No 24/2016/(1)/Fin Dated 17.02.2016
11-02-16Complaint boxes(Drop Box) for school students.Govt Order GO(P) No.39/2016/GEdn dtd 11.02.2016 
07-02-16Kerala Service Rules - Enhancement of Special Casual Leave for Organ Transplantation-GO(P) No 21-2016-Fin dated 07-02-2016
05-02-16Stamp and Coupon Sales in schools.Directions by DPI dtd 05.02.2016
05-02-16Higher Secondary School Teachers(Daily Wages)- wages enhanced-Orders issued -G.O(Ms).No.37/2016/G.Edn dated,Thiruvananthapuram,05.02.2016
27-01-16Maternity Leave to female officers who join a new station on transfer before expiry of the sanctioned leave - Eligibility - Orders issued GOP No 14/2016/Fin dtd 27.01.2016
25-01-16Sargolsavam-Model Residential Schools and Prematric hostels-Grace Mark |Sanctioned for HSS Students-GO(MS)No.23/2016 Gen.Edn dtd 25.01,2016 
22-01-16Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme-Extension of time limit for deduction and remittance of premium for the year 2016-Sanctioned-Orders issued GO(p) No.12/2016 fin dtd 22.01.2016
21-01-16Empanelment of private hospitals for Medical Reimbursement- Orders issued. G.O.(P) No.10-2016-H&FWD dtd 21.01.2016
20-01-16​Tenth Pay Revision Report Govt Order -GO(P) No.07/2016/Fin Dated 20.01.2016
13-01-16​Leave salary claims of Gazetted Officers before authorisation from Accountant General - Authorising Drawing and Disbursing officers - Approved - orders issued - GO(P) No 03-2016-Fin dated 13-01-2016
11-01-16Grace Mark for Scouit and Guide Students in Higher Secondary. GO.(Ms) 11/2016/GEdn dt 11-01-2016
08-01-16Kerala Service Rules-Special Casual Leave to disabled and Physically challenged employees - Modified Circular issued - Circular No 1-2016-Fin dated 08-01-2016
06-01-16Strike on January 12, 2016-Guidelines.GO (P) No.5/2016/GAD dtd 06.01.2016
01-01-16Concessions offered to Candidates suffering from Specific Learning Disabilities (Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia).GO (MS) No.03/2016/Gen.Edn dtd 01.01.2016
17-12-15Scouts and Guides-Chief Ministers Shield Competition-Govt Order G.O No. 311/15/Gen.Edn dtd 17.12.2015
03-12-15Thai Ponkal -Declared Holiday on 15.01.2016 (TVM,KLM,PTA,IDK,PLKD,WND) G.O No. 8687/15/PAD dtd 03.02.2015
01-12-15General Education Department- Higher Secondary Edn- HSST Junior,By transfer post -Lab assistant/Ministerial staff post fixation-Sub Quota-by transfer post -appointment through kerala Public service commission -sanctioned-orders issued 296/2015/Gen.Edn dtd 01.12.2015
19-11-15GPAIS- Renewal of the Scheme for the year 2016. GO(P)No 526/2015/Fin Dated 19/11/2015
18-11-15Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief - Revised to 92%. GO (P) No. 525/ 2015/Fin dated 18.11.2015.
13-11-15Appointment in the post of Higher Secondary Teachers-Relaxation of marks for master degree GO(MS) No.288/15 Gen.Edn dtd 13.11.2015
26-10-15Higher Secondary Education-Modified General Transfer Norms for Higher Secondary School Teachers. GO(RT) No 5035/2015 Gen.Edn dtd 26.10.2015.
13-10-15Group Insurance Scheme-Time to enroll in the scheme revised.Order GO(RT) No.460/2015 fin dtd 13.10.2015
26-10-15HSST General Transfer guidelines Govt Order GO(RT) No 5035/2015 Gen.Edn dtd 26.10.2015
13-10-15Charge Allowance for Principal in Charge-Guidelines from DHSE. Circular ADB1/49239/HSE/2014 dtd 17.03.2015
06-10-15Medical Reimbursement-Regional Cancer Centre Claim -Full amount Claim-Guidelines. Circular No. 4412/G2/2015 dtd 06.10.2015
29-09-15Payment of Remuneration to the Guest Teachers appointed on daily wages(Guest) in the Govt higher secondary batches sanctioned in 2014-15 academic year onwards - Sanctioned Orders issued -Circular Dt. 29/09/2015.
25-09-15Maximum duty leave permissible to Higher Secondary School Teacher for a year is limited to 20 days).G.O No.4395/2015 gen edn dtd 25.09.2015
07-09-15Scale of pay of the Higher Secondary Principal revised. GO(MS) No. 390/2015(210)/Fin dtd 07.09.2015
25-08-15National level Strike-Dies non. Guidelines G.O (P). No.227 /2015/ GAD dtd 25.08.2015
24-08-15Additional batches_2011-2012- Aided HSS Appointment-Date exemption G.O(Ms) No.223/2015/G.Edn dtd 24.08.2015
17-08-15Scheme & Proposal GO for the Creation of LD Clerk,Menial and Librarian in HSS. Govt Order G.O (MS) No.220/2015/G.Edn dtd 17.08.2015
13-08-15Enhanced the Festival Allowance sanctioned to the Employees and Pensioners. GO(P) No.361/2015/Fin Dated 13/8/ 2015
12-08-15Early disbursement of Pay and Allowances for August 2015. GO(P)No 356/2015/Fin Dated 12/08/2015
07-08-15Adhoc Bonus and Special Festival Allowance.GO(P)No.337/2015/Fin Dated 07/08 /2015
07-08-15Onam Advance to Employees. GO(P)No 338/2015/Fin Dated 07/08/ 2015
07-08-15Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief - Revised to 86%. GO (P) No. 335 / 2015 / Fin dated 07/08/2015.
04-08-15Download Govt Higher Secondary School Principals' Transfer and Posting Order 2015. GO(RT).No 3245/15 Gen.Edn dtd 04.08.2015
28-07-15Additional batches_2011-2012- Anomalies in the post creation order_rectified- G.O(Ms) No.202 / 2015/ G.Edn dtd 28.07.2015
19-06-15Scale of pay of the HSST-Higher Grade revised. Circular No. 34470/P.R.C. A3/15/Fin dtd 19.06.2015
27-05-15Higher Secondary Education-Modified General Transfer Norms for Higher Secondary School Teachers. GO.(p)No.143/2015/G.Edn Dated ,Thiruvananthapuram, 27.05.2015
15-05-15G.O. No 1845/2015 General Education dtd 15.05.2015 (Maximum duty leave permissible to Higher Secondary School Teacher for a year is limited to 20 days)
15-05-15DA Arrears Crediting-Time Limit Extended.G.O (P) No.178/2015/Fin dtd 15.05.2015.
10-04-15Scale of pay of the HSST-Selection Grade revised. Circular No. 25968/P.R.C. A3/15/Fin dtd 10.04.2015
11-03-15Payment of Remuneration to the Higher Secondary Teachers appointed on daily wages(Guest) in the higher secondary batches sanctioned in 2011-12 academic year onwards - Sanctioned Orders issued - G.O.(Rt)No.956/2015/G.Edn Dt. 11/03/2015.
09-03-15Subject Combination for New School & Additional Batch 2014-15, 2015-16 Modified Circular. Circular No. ACDC3/16830/2013/HSE dtd 09.03.2015
06-03-15Percentage of Disability (40%) - GO(MS) No.65/2015/Gen.Edn dtd 06/03/2015
02-03-15General Administration Department- Attukal pongala festival- holiday reg. No.300/C.D.N.1/15/GAD Dated, Thiruvananthapuram,02.03.2015.
24-02-15National pension System for State Government employees and All India Service (Kerala Cadre) officers - Realization of regular contribution in respect of deputation staff - Guidelines-GO(P) No 96-2015-Fin dated 24-02-2015
06-02-15 General Education - Higher secondary education-transfer of higher secondary school teachers-guideline-amended-orders issued Go.(p)No.37/2015/G.Edn Dated ,Thiruvananthapuram,06.12.2015
07-02-15DA (Dearness Allowance) to state govt employees enhanced to 80%. GO(P)No 72-2015-Fin Dated 07-02-2015
23-01-15Government have empowered Village Officers to issue Non-Creamy Layer Certificate. G.O(P) No. 3/2015/BCDD dated 23.01.2015
20-01-15Special Casual Leave to Disabled and Physically handicapped employees-Clarification circular No. 13/2015 fin dtd 20.01.2015 
19-01-15Strike on 22/01/2015- Dies-non ordered. GO(P) No.22/2015 GAD dtd 19.01.2015
17-01-15General Administration Department-35 th National Games- Run kerala Run-Participation of govt employees-orders issued. No.3305/C.D.N.2/2015/GAD dated Thiruvananthapuram,17.01.2015.
31-12-14Principal Promotion List 2015 GO(rt) 5794/2014 dtd_31-12-2014
30-12-14Appointment of Higher Secondary School Teachers in the Aided Sector.Modified Order GO(MS) No.284/2014 Gen.Edn dtd 30.12.2014
23-12-14Baalasanthwanam-2014 for providing treatment assistance to the Cancer affected children.GO(P) No 575-2014-Fin dated 23-12-2014
22-12-14Restricted holiday for Nadar Community.GO(MS) No 354-2014-Gen.Adm dated 22-12-2014
19-12-14Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme for the year 2015. Extension of time limit for remittance.GO(P)No 566/2014/Fin Dated 19/12/2014
15-12-14Declaration of Probation of Lab Assistants in Higher Secondary Schools-Sanction Accorded. GO(RT) No.5567/2014 Gen.Edn dtd 15.12.14 
15-12-14Declaration of Probation of Lab Assistants in Higher Secondary Schools-Sanction Accorded. GO(RT) No.5567/2014 Gen.Edn dtd 15.12.14- Clarification Circular from DHSE dtd 26.01.2014
15-12-14Declaration of Probation of Lab Assistants in Higher Secondary Schools-Sanction Accorded. GO(RT) No.5567/2014 Gen.Edn dtd 15.12.14- Duties, Probation,Test Exemption of Test Etc:-
24-11-14New Higher Secondary Schools & Batch 2015-16 GO(P)No 247/2014/Gen.Edn Dated 24/11/2014
17-11-14Grace Mark for facilitator students in 35th National Games Kerala 2015 - Sanctioned - Orders issued - G.O.(MS)No.239/2014/G.Edn Dt. 17/11/2014
17-11-14Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme for the year 2015.For details view GO(P)No 507/2014/Fin Dated 17/11/2014
13-10-14National Pension System-Crediting of arrears of Pay and Dearness Allowance in respect of State govt employees to General Provident Fund-GO(P) No.440/2014 Fin. dtd 13.10.2014
23-09-14PTA Guidelines Modified . Govt Order GO(MS) No.196/2014 Gen_edn dtd 23.09.2014
22-09-14Modified General Transfer Norms for Higher Secondary Teachers. Govt Order GO(P) No.193/2014/Gen.Edn dtd 22.09.2014
20-09-14Functions of Local Self Government Authorities under Right to Education (RTE). GO(P) No. 192/2014/G.Edn dtd 20.09.2014
18-09-14DCA course conducted by Kerala State Open School. List of Schools selected for DCA Study Centres & Govt Order GO(MS) No.30/2014 P&ARD dtd 18.09.2014
16-09-14Revised Time schedule for Higher Secondary Schools(9AM to 4.45PM).Govt Order GO(Ms) No. 189/2014.Gen.Edn dtd 16.07.2014
10-09-14Service Regularization of Panchayath School Staff.Circular No. AdB/Gen/34427/HSE/2014 dtd 10.09.2014  | Govt Order GO(Ms) No. 132/2014.Gen.Edn dtd 17.07.2014| Panchayath school-Seniority List published on 23.12.2015
25-08-14Adhoc Bonus and Special Festival Allowance 2014. GO(P)No 367/2014/Fin Dated 25/08/2014
25-08-14Onam Advance to Employees-2014.GO(P) No.368/2014/Fin Dated 25/08 /2014
21-08-14List of Higher Secondary Schools recommended by the Director of DHSE & Proceedings published.Circular dtd 20.08.2014 & 21.08.2014
18-08-14Special Casual Leave to officers having children undergoing Chemotherapy, Dialysis, HIV GOP)No 341/2014 Fin dated 18-08-2014
11-08-14Recruitment of Teaching and Non teaching staff in Aided Schools - G.O.(P) No.154/2014/G. Edn Dt. 11/08/2014(KER Amendment)
08-08-14Subject Combination Sanctioned in New Schools and Batches. Circular ACDC3/16830/13/HSE dtd 08.08.14
07-08-14Kerala Governments Servants' Conduct(Amended) Rules. GO(P) No.27-2014 P&ARD Dtd_07-08-2014
31-07-14New Plus two Schools and Batches.GO(MS)No.143/2014 Gen.Edn dtd 31.07.14
23-07-14New common bill form for drawing non-salary claims - Renamedas from TR 59(C). G.O.(P) No. 306/2014 Fin Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 23.7.2014
23-07-14RAMZAN-Early Disbursement of Pay and Allowances.GO(P)No.305/2014/Fin Dated 23/07/2014
23-07-14New Plus Two School/Batch List 2014
21-07-14DA Arrears Crediting to Provident Fund. Time Limit Extended. GOP No. 303/2014 Fin dtd 21.07.2014
17-07-14Panchayth School Staff.Promotion,Grade ,Seniority and Transfer Guidelines. GO(Ms) No. 132/2014.Gen.Edn dtd 17.07.2014
14-07-14Single Window Marginal Seat Increase 2014-15. GO(Ms) No. 128/2014.Gen.Edn dtd 14.07.2014
04-07-14Duties & Responsibilities of the Government Nominee in the Selection of Aided Higher Secondary School Teacher. GO(MS) No.123/2014 Gen.Education dtd 04.07.2014
03-07-14Additional batches sanctioned in the academic year 2011-12. Anomalies in the post creation order. G.O(Ms) No.121/2014/G.Edn dtd 03.07.2014 and Annexure
24-06-14Five-day Working week (Saturday holiday)for Higher Secondary Schools.GO(MS) No.117/2014 Gen Edn dtd 24.06.2014
16-06-14Revision of DA to state govt employees (73%).GO(P) No.221/2014/Fin Dated 16/06 /2014.
10-06-14Appointment of HSSTs in Special Schools. Guidelines and Methods of Appointment. GO(MS)No 103/2014 Gen.Edn dtd 10-06-2014
30-05-14Kerala Education Calender 2014-15
30-05-14NPS - Revised procedure for submitting PRAN.Circular No 51/2014/Fin Dated 29/05 /2014
27-05-14National Pension System-Delay in registration of employees coming under NPS- Instructions issued-Reg. No.49/2014/ Fin. Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 27.05.2014.
23-05-14List of OBC communities which are eligible for educational concessions as is given to OEC.GO(Ms) No. 10/2014/BCDD dtd 23.05.2014
23-05-14House Building Advance: Online Registration-Instructions issued.Circular No 44/2014/Fin Dated 23/05/2014
03-05-14Guidelines for Higher Secondary School Transfer/Readmission(+1/+2).GO No.1826/09/Gen.Edn dtd 11.05.2009 and GO(rt) No.5947/12/Gen.Edn dtd 12/12/12
30-04-14KSR - Cancellation of un-availed portion of Leave Without Allowance - Instructions from Finance department - Circular No 39-2014-Fin dated 30-04-2014
28-04-14Limiting Grace Marks to HSS Students-Keeping in abeyance of Orders. Circular No.15730/U3/14/Gen.Edn dtd 19.03.2014
26-04-14New Common Bill Form TR 59A for drawing non salary claims from treasuries.GO(P)No 149/2014/Fin Dated 26/04/ 2014
26-04-14New Common Bill Form TR 59A for drawing non salary claims from treasuries.GO(P)No 149/2014/Fin Dated 26/04/ 2014- New Form TR 59C
16-04-14Loans and Advances - Recovery postponed.GO(Ms)No 144/2014/Fin Dated 16/04/2014
16-04-14Implementation of SPARK: Online submission of salary bills extended to whole of kerala.Circular No.36/2014 fin dtd 16.04.2014
04-03-14Extension of due date for filing TDS/TCS statements for FYs 2012-13 and 2013-14.Circular dtd 04/03/2014
03-03-14Transfer of Government employees-Special Consideration for dependents of Non-Resident Keralites. GO(MS) No. 08/2014 P&ARD dtd 03/03/2014
24-02-14National Pension System- GPF Rules made applicable .GO(P)No 81/2014/Fin Dated 24.02. 2014
21-02-14Salary of Self Drawing Officers- New TR 46 Bill form.GO(P) No.76/2014/Fin Dated 21.02.2014
07-02-14Higher Secondary Education - Restriction on Grace Marks - Orders issued- G.O.(Rt)No.650/14/G.Edn Dt. 07/02/2014
01-02-14Post Creation in 10 Aided HSS for the academic years 2011-12 and 2012-13.GO(MS) 26/2014_Gen. Edn dtd_01.02.14
21-01-14Employees belongs to SC/ST.Exemption from department test GO No.04/2014 PA&RD dtd 21.01.2014
15-01-14Sanctioning Scout and Guide Units in Higher Secondary Schools GO(MS) No 14/14_Gen.Edn dtd_15.01.2014
10-01-14Socio - Ecnomic - Caste Census/Survey - Clarification on Surrender Benefits. Circular 61872/DD3/2013 Local Admi. dtd 10.01.14
08-01-14Period of Maternity/Paternity leave as duty for all purposes including probation. GO(P) No 02/2014/P&ARD dtd 08.01.2014
08-01-14BEd : LWA granted to HSSTs for undergoing BEd courses :-Service benefits granted GO(MS)No.9/2014_Gen Edn_dtd_08.01.2014
24-12-13Availing Maternity Leave in Different Spells. Circular ADC2/61002/13/HSE dtd 24.12.13
23-12-13DA/DR rates revised(63%) with effect from 01/07/2013 GO(P) No 630-2013-Fin dated 23-12-2013
23-12-13Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief.General guidelines for the payment.GO(P) No 629-2013-Fin dated 23-12-2013
19-12-13Vacation Salary and Appointment approval-Clarification Circular
19-12-13Family Pension to Parents of deceased Government Employee- Liberalizing existing norm.GO(p) No. 621/2013 Fin dtd TVM 19.12.2013
11-12-13Modification of scale of pay of HSSTs. Clarification letter dtd 06-07-2013
11-12-13Early Disbursement of 25% of Pay & Allowances and Pension for December 2013. GO(P) No 602-13-Fin dated 11-12-2013
03-12-13Interest free medical advance to Govt Employees.GO(P) No 586-13-Fin Dated 03-12-2013
22-11-13Age Relaxation for Guest Teachers for the Appointments of Addnl.Batch in Aided HSS. GO No.299/13/GEdn dated 22.11.2013
13-11-13Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme 2014. GO(P) No 555/2013/Fin Dated 13/11/2013.
06-11-13DA Crediting to PF Account.Time Limit Extended GO(P) No 545-2013-Fin dated 06-11-2013
25-10-13Group Insurance Scheme-Enhancement of Rate of Interest - GO(P) No 533-13-Fin dated 25-10-2013
22-10-13Sum Assured Table and Surrender Value of SLI GO(P) No 530/2013 Fin Dated 22-10-13
22-10-13Leave without allowance (LWA)-Restrictions relaxed - GO(P) No 529-13-Fin Dated 22-10-13
27-09-13Maintenance Grant to Aided Schools - Revision in the rates - GOP No. 261/13/GEdn dtd 27.09.2013
26-09-13Onam Advance -Recovery Instructions. Circular No.E1/15445/13 Dated 26-09-2013 of the Director of Treasuries
25-09-13New RDD offices at Malappuram, Kannur and Kottayam GO(MS)No.257/2013/Gen.Edn Dated 25/09/2013
24-09-13Aided school managers as Public information officers.GO No.3905/2013 Gen Edn. dtd 24/09/2013
05-09-13Adhoc Bonus/ Special Festival Allowance to Government employees 2013. GO(P)No.430/2013/Fin Dated 05/09/2013, GO(P)No.431 /2013 /Fin Dated 05/09/2013 and GO(P)No.432/2013/Fin Dated 05/09 /2013
31-08-13Post Creation in Govt HSS.GO Ms . No.246/2013 Gen Edn. dtd 31/08/2013
30-08-13Early Disbursement of 50% of Pay and Allowances.GO(P) No 412-13-Fin dated 30-08-2013
16-08-13Service Regularization & PSC Verification of Gazetted Officers GO 23/2013 dtd 16/08/2013
07-08-13Declared Holiday on Account of Eid-ul-Fitr. GO (MS) No. 230/2013 Pub.Adm dtd 03-08-2013
05-08-13Post Creation in Govt HSS.GO Ms . No.226/2013 Gen Edn. dtd 05/08/2013
01-08-13Family Pension to the parents of deceased Govt. Employee consequent on remarriage_death of spouse_GO(P)No 374-2013-Fin Dated 01-08-2013
24-07-13Child Care Allowance to Government Employees having Mentally/Physically challenged children G.O(Ms)No. 360/2013/(171) Fin dtd 24-07-2013
19-07-13B.Ed course curriculum restructured- Instructions issued. G.O.(Ms) No. 520/2013/H.Edn. Thiruvananthapuram, 19-07-2013
15-07-13Aided Higher Secondary School Teaching Posts/ Lab Assistant Posts-Created / upgraded for the years 2011-12 and 2012-13. GO (MS) No.211/2013/G.Edn dtd 15/07/2013
02-07-13Enhancing the age limit for recruitment of teachers in Aided Schools:Clarification .GO(MS)No. 203/2013 G.edn dtd 02/07/13
22-06-13Leave Without Allowance - Rejoining at the fag end of an academic year - request for cancellation of unavailedportion.GO 22194/J3/13/G.edn dtd 22/06/13
21-06-13Holidays declared by the District Collectors- Attendance of Teachers - Clarification G.O. (Ms) No.143/2007/G.Edn. Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 20-7-2007
18-06-13Notification & Application for Starting New HSS & Addnl Batches in Kerala
30-05-13KEAM 2013 Prospectus. Amendment .GO(Ms) No.214/2013/Higher.Edn dtd 30/05/2013
28-05-13HSE Fee Rates Modified & Revised.GO(Ms) No.173/2013/Gl.Edn dtd 20/05/2013
24-05-13Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief to State Government Employees and Pensioners(8% Enhancement).GO(P) No 220/2013/Fin Dated 14/05 /2013
20-05-13Fees pertaining to the Academic branch of the Higher Secondary Education(HSS Fees).GO(Ms) No 173/2013/Gen.Edn Dated 20-05-2013
15-05-13Creation of 136 posts of Lab Asstnts.GO(MS)No 165/2013/Gen Edn Dated 15/05/2013
14-05-13Census Surrender kept in Abeyance .Order No. 42076/G3/2010/Gen . Edn dtd 14/05/13
28-04-13GPAI Scheme Renewal of the scheme for 2013 Modified - GO(P) No 176-2013-Fin dated 17-04-2013
28-04-13Provident Funds - Rate of interest for 2013-14.GO(P)No 189/2013/Fin Dated 26/04/2013
27-04-13Census Duty 2010: Surrender of Earned Leave:Directions from DPI Order no 142/2013 Gen.Edn dtd 20/04/13
25-04-13Validity of Income Certificate Issued From Village/Taluk Office GO(Ms)No.160/2013/ RD Dated 25/04/2013
18-04-13Loans and Advances; Recovery during April 2013 postponed. GO(Ms)No.177/2013/ Fin Dated 18/04/2013
11-04-13HSS Teachers Pay Revision Anomaly Rectified.GOP No.168/2013/(147)Fin dtd 11/4/2013
08-04-13SPARK -Time Limit for updation & Locking - Extended.Circular No.37/2013/Fin Dated 08/04/2013.
03-04-13Implementation of National(Contributory) Pension System for State employees appointed on or after 01 .04.7013,forwarding of Permanent Retirement Account Number Forms .G.O(P)No. 149/2013/Fin. Dated, TVM, 03/04/13
26-03-13 Treasury Fixed Deposits- Rate of Interest - Revised GO(P)No.143/2013/Fin Dated 25/03/2013
20-03-13 Service benefits to the 238 teachers of 35 AIP Schools as per KER & KSR.GOP No.93/2013 dtd 14.03.2013
15-03-13National level strike of employees and workers on 20.02.2013 and 21.02.2013- Absence of employees for want of public conveyance - Regularised.GOP No.68/2013 dtd 12.03.2013
12-03-13DA Arreears Crediting to PF.Time Limit Extended. GO(P)No 130-2013-Fin Dated 11-03-2013
06-03-13Completing Data Entry and Locking Fields in Spark.Circular No.27/2013 Fin dtd 5/3/2013
05-03-13Creation & Up-gradation of teaching post in Govt.HSS .GO(MS)No 83/2013 Gen.Edn Dated 05/03/2013
04-03-13Leave Surrender for census duty Circular dtd 19/2/13
28-02-13Sanctioning and Upgrading of Aided School Teaching Post and Lab Asst Post in Malabar Area. G.O (MS) No. 76/2013/Gedn Dtd 23-02-2013
18-02-13Threatened Strike by a section of Government Employees and Teachers on 20th and 21st February 2013 - Measures for dealing with G.O (P) No. 42/2013/GAD Dtd 18-02-2013
08-02-13Spark: Locking of data Circular No 15-2013-Fin Dated 02-02-2013
30-01-13Clerks of Aided School has been exempted from Department Test.G.O(MS)No.37/2013/GED.Thiruvananthapuram , Dated : 30.01.2013
30-01-13Irregular Fixation of Pay and Allowances -Verification & Refund-Guidelines.GOP No.12/2013/Fin Dated 30/01/2013.
25-01-13General Administration (SS) Department - General Strike by a section of State Government employees and teachers from 08-01-2013- Dies non- Recovery of Salary- Orders issued. G.O.(P) No.21/2013/GAD Dated, Thiruvananthapuram , 25.01.2013
24-01-13Initiating Disciplinary actions against a section of Government employees resoerted to strike- Orders issued G.O (P) No.17/13/GAD Thiruvananthapuram Dated: 19.01.2013
18-01-13Nabi Day Holiday Advanced to 24/01/13. G.O
17-01-13Implementation of National Pension System GO(P)No.20/2013/Fin Dated 07/01/ 2013.
10-01-13HSE Fee Rates Revised.GO(RT) No.5941/12/G.Edn dtd 12/12/2012
05-01-13Leave Travel Concession - Rules/Guidelines Issued GO(P)No 5/2013/Fin Dated 02/01/2013
01-01-13Employees and Teachers belonging to Nair Community are permitted to avail Restricted Holiday.GO
29-12-12Government employees and teachers in Kerala to wear Khadi-Handloom apparels on Wednesdays.G.O. (Ms) No. 155/2012/ID Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 27-12-2012
26-12-12Threatened strike by a section of Government Employees on 8th January 2013- Measures for dealing with - Orders issued G.O (P) No. 385/2012/GAD Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 26-12-2012
26-12-12Local holiday of Thai pongal festival advanced to 14-1-2013 G.O (Rt) No. 10689/12/GAD Thiruvananthapuram, 26-12-2012
21-12-12Income tax to be deducted from the arrear amount that to be merged with the PF account of the employees.Judgement
21-12-12Restricted Holiday.Guidelines Dated 21/12/2012
21-12-12Income tax to be deducted from the arrear amount that to be merged with the PF account of the employees.Judgement
20-12-12Voluntary blood donation-special casual leave enhanced-GO(P) No638/2012/Fin dated 20-12-2012
12-12-12Early disbursement of Pay and allowance of december 2012 in connection with Christmas.GO(P)No 678/2012/Fin Dated 12/12/2012
29-11-12JEE Candidates permitted to improve all subjects in HSE.GO dtd 26/11/2012
27-11-12SPARK-Limiting the authorizations to competent authorities -Directions
24-11-12National Eligibility cum Entrance Test[NEET-UG]for getting admissions to MBBS/BDS courses
20-11-12LWA before completion of probation.GO (p)No.471/2012/Fin dtd 23/08/2012
17-11-12D A to State Government Employees.GO(P)No.614/2012/Fin Dated 08/11/2012
17-11-12Student Concession Fare:GO
08-11-12Completing data entry and locking fields in SPARK.Directions.
08-11-12GPAIS Renewal 2012-13.GO(P) No 606-2012-Fin dated 03-11-2012
25-10-12Restricted holiday on 27-10-2012 in connection with Bakrid G.O (MS) No. 292/12/GAD Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 25-10-2012
19-10-12Bakrid Festival - Early disbursement of Pay and Allowances.GO(P) No.593/2012/Fin Dated 18/10/ 2012
16-10-12Revision of Pension and Other benefits.Modified GO(P)No.551/2012/Fin Dated 09/10/2012.
01-10-12Time-bound Higher Grade for Lab Assts(Higher Secondary).Letter No.ACD B6/1073/HSE/2012 dtd 20/09/2012
28-09-12Notional Fixation of Pay to Higher Secondary School Principals.GOP No. 522/2012/113/Fin. dtd 28/09/12
21-09-12Dies non on 21.08.2012 GO dtd 17/08/12
07-09-12Additional Batch in Govt Schools during 2012-13.GO(MS) No 272/12/Gen.Edn dtd 07/09/2012
23-08-12Grant of Leave without Allowance before completion of probation - GO(P) No.471-2012/fin Dated 23/08/2012
17-08-12Adhoc Bonus and Special Festival Allowance.GO(P) No.461/2012/Fin Dated 17/08/2012
17-08-12Onam Advance to Government Employees.GO(P) No.462/2012/Fin Dated 17/08/2012
10-08-12Early Disbursement of Pay& Allowance/ Pension in Connection with Ramzan and OnamGO(P) No.452/12/Fin dated 10.08.2012
09-08-12Contributory Pension Scheme.GO(P)No 441-2012-Fin Dated 08-08-2012
28-07-12D A Arrears to Provident Fund-Time Limit - Extended_GO(P)No 420-2012-Fin Dated 28-07-2012
25-07-12NSS Programme Officers Special Casual Leave Reduced to 3 Days.GO dtd 10/01/12
20-07-12Medical Reimbursement GO Dtd 11/07/2012
20-07-12Kerala General provident Fund Rules 2011 Notification dtd 07/02/2012(Revised Forms,Rules Etc:-)
03-07-12Public Service:Procedure for Police Verification GO(p) No 79/2009/Home dtd 05/06/2009
01-07-12PF Interest Rate Fixed for 2012-13.GO(p) No.359-2012-Fin dtd 29/06/2012
15-06-12Dearness Allowance Revised(7%).GO(P)No 323-2012-Fin dated 04/06/2012
14-06-12Higher Secondary Admission Register:GO dtd 31/03/2011
01-06-12Provident Fund:Enhancement of Retirement;Closure allowed GO(P)No 314/2012/Fin Dated 30/05/2012
31-05-12CBSE Grade Normalisation GO dtd 17/05/2010
26-05-12Higher Secondary Computer Science option-considered as equivalent to DCA or higher qualification for selection to the secretariat assistant, PSC etc:-
19-05-12Lumpsum Grant of SC/ST Students Enhanced.GO dtd 11/01/2012
28-04-12Aided School Teachers Deputation to SSA G.O dtd 28/04/12
28-04-12Aided School Teachers Deputation to RMSA GO dtd 07/06/12
17-04-12HSE- Academic Year 2012-13- Marginal increase of seats- Sanctioned Dated 04/04/2012
13-04-12Loans and Advances :Recovery during April 2012 Postponed.GO dtd 10/04/2012
27-03-12Enhancement of age of Retirement and Creation of Supernumerary posts.Order and Notification dtd 26/03/2012
26-03-12Rate of Interest on GPF for the Fin.Year 2011-12.GO dtd 24/03/12
27-02-12Govt imposes 'dies-non' on striking employees:GO
18-02-12Guest Teacher appointment in Newly Sanctioned Batches GO dtd.10/02/12
14-02-12SLI: Revision of Monthly Premium GO dtd 09/02/12
14-02-12Purchase of CAR/BIKE Non Refundable Advance From GPF.Basic Pay Limit Revised Order dtd 03/02/2012
22-01-12VHSE Principal Posting
21-12-11Clarifications on the fixation of pay in the revised scale of pay.GO dtd 15/12/11
16-12-11Granting Arrear Salary in the scale of pay of HSST at Guest Teachers upto 30-11-2001.allowed to be Withdrawn after 31st Dec 2011.GO dtd.12/03/2007
15-12-11Early disbursement of Pay and Allowances & Pension in connection with Christmas
17-11-11DA Order(7%) GO(P)No. 535/2011/Fin Dated 14/11/2011.
31-10-11Group Personnel Accident Insurance Rate Enhanced : Govt Order
31-10-11Aided School Post Creation:Govt. Order dtd 24/10/11
21-10-11PF Advance Sanction Rules Revised GO Dtd 18/10/2011
18-10-11Holidays in 2012
04-10-11Pay Revision 2009-Reoption Permitted
27-09-11Disbursement of Personal Entitlements of Employees through Banks
06-09-11Group Insurance Scheme : Rate of Subscription Revised
11-08-11Paternity Leave GuideLines & Order dtd 11/08/11
11-08-11Duties of a Lab Assistant
06-08-11Special Casual Leave for parents of Physically/ Mentally Challenged-Guidelines dtd 06/08/2011
06-08-11Special Casual Leave to undergo Chemotherapy_Radiation_Kidney Transplantation -Gazette Notification- G. O. (P) No. 508_2012_Fin Dated 22-09-2012 | Casual leave allowed to Cancer patients Enhanced GO(p) No. 447/2013/Fin. dtd 09/09/2013 | Special Casual Leave to officers having children undergoing Chemotherapy, Dialysis, HIV GO(P) No 341-2014-Fin dated 18-08-2014
05-08-11HSS Special Rules(Method of Appointment And Qualification of Teachers and Non-Teaching Staff)
03-08-11Higher secondary school post creation-GO(MS) No.167/11/Gen.Edn dtd 03-08-2011
29-07-11Govt.orders clarifying the minimum periods of teaching for sanctioning additional posts (HSST Jr.)to each subject.Dtd. 29/11/2002
01-12-10DA for Night Watchmen for Exam Duty dtd 20-07-2010
20-07-10Higher Secondary Batch creation-GO(MS) No.128/10/Gen.Edn dtd 20-07-2010
29-04-10Mobile phone banned in Schools-Guidelines. Circular No.49827/G3/09/Gen.Edn dtd 29-04-2010
10-11-08HITC Duties & Guidelines. Circular dtd 10-11-08
03-06-08Employees leaving the country for private purpose-Guidelines . Govt Order GO(P) No.233/08/Fin dtd 03.06.2008
14-08-07Guidelines for the Appointment of Guest Teachers in Higher Secondary Schools. Govt Order GO(P) No.154/07/G1.Edn dtd 14.08.2007
14-05-04School Ministerial Staff, Infrastructural facilities etc. will be shared by both the Principals and Headmasters. GO(MS) No.134/04/G.EDN. Dated 14.05.04
26-07-00Sanctioning of HSS in Thrissur. Govt Order GO(MS) No.248/2000/G1.Edn dtd 26.07.2000
13-05-98Opening of Higher Secondary Schools 1998-99.Govt Order GO(MS) No.162/1998/G1.Edn dtd 13.05.1998
01-02-67Leave for abortion and miscarriage. GO(P) 47/67 Fin dtd 01-02-1967
YearCircular/Manual Archive
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