study materials
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Plus One Chemistry: Most Important Questions and Answers by Anil Kumar K L
Preparing for the Class 11 Chemistry exam requires a thorough understanding of the subject and lots of practice. Having…

Preparing for the Class 11 Chemistry exam requires a thorough understanding of the subject and lots of practice. Having…
Are you a Higher Secondary First Year student, struggling to grasp the details of chemistry? Look no further! Sri.Anil…
As higher secondary first year(Plus One) students gear up for their upcoming chemistry examinations, it's imperativ…
Previous question papers are a great way to revise and prepare for Higher secondary exams. This way you can find out …
Are you preparing for the Higher Secondary first-year Improvement Exam? Look no further! CHEMTAK, the State Level Assoc…
Higher Secondary Exam is just around the corner! Stay serious and make sure you're putting in enough time for study…
Studying for exams is an essential part of being a student, which is why it may be worth organising your revision sched…
Preparing systematically for an exam is always best. Students should plan a schedule in order to cover the syllabus and…
Study Notes of Higher Secondary Class 11 & 12(Plus One/Plus Two) Chemistry prepared by Sri.Haizel G. Roy, Higher Se…
Class 11(Plus One) Chemistry Quick Revision Notes Higher Secondary Plus One Chemistry Quick Revision notes pr…
Higher Secondary Plus Two Chemistry notes prepared by Sri.Anil Kumar K.L, AP HSS, Adichanalloor, Kollam, Kannur & …
Right preparation paves way for perfection of the process. To smoothen the learning of each student, slides presentatio…
‘Prepare well to perform the best’ – with this aim, some exam tips in Chemistry for the Higher Secondary first year…
Here are few materials that can be used in your class to make the teaching effective. All are power point pre…