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Plus One/Plus Two Computer Science/Application PYQ by Roy Mohan
Are you gearing up for your Higher Secondary examinations in Computer Science or Computer Application? Are you looking …

Are you gearing up for your Higher Secondary examinations in Computer Science or Computer Application? Are you looking …
We are delighted to introduce a comprehensive collection of chapter-wise study notes for Computer Application. These no…
The first year Higher Secondary students are due to take their exams soon, and should be studying across all subjects i…
Study Notes,Presentation Slides and Mock Test Tool of Higher Secondary Plus One Computer Applications (Commerce)…
Computer Application has been included in the Commerce and Humanities stream in the Higher secondary course. The course…
The public examination question paper in Computer Application(Commerce) & Computer Science for the first year Highe…
Presentation Slides of Plus One and Plus Two Computer Applications(Commerce) ,prepared by T.C.A Gafoor, AKM HSS Kot…
With the introduction of Information and Communication Technology, the pedagogical process at the Higher Secon…
Here are few study materials based on SCERT Plus One Computer Science Text Book that can be used in your class …